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Created June 26, 2018 17:43
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Git branches
yann➜/tmp» cd test-git [19:39:38]
yann➜/tmp/test-git» ls [19:39:40]
yann➜/tmp/test-git» git init [19:39:40]
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/test-git/.git/
yann➜/tmp/test-git(master)» mkdir a [19:39:42]
yann➜/tmp/test-git(master)» touch a/b [19:39:44]
yann➜/tmp/test-git(master✗)» git add a/b [19:39:47]
yann➜/tmp/test-git(master✗)» git commit -a -m 'a/b is in master' [19:39:54]
[master (root-commit) f2e2b93] a/b is in master
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 a/b
yann➜/tmp/test-git(master)» git checkout -b mybranch [19:40:00]
Switched to a new branch 'mybranch'
yann➜/tmp/test-git(mybranch)» r m-fr a/b [19:40:09]
fc: event not found: m-fr
yann➜/tmp/test-git(mybranch)» rm -fr a/b [19:40:12]
yann➜/tmp/test-git(mybranch✗)» git commit -a -m 'a/b is not in mybranch' [19:40:14]
[mybranch 759e5e6] a/b is not in mybranch
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 a/b
yann➜/tmp/test-git(mybranch)» git checkout master [19:40:24]
Switched to branch 'master'
yann➜/tmp/test-git(master)» ls [19:40:29]
yann➜/tmp/test-git(master)» ls a [19:40:29]
yann➜/tmp/test-git(master)» git checkout mybranch [19:40:35]
Switched to branch 'mybranch'
yann➜/tmp/test-git(mybranch)» ls [19:42:09]
yann➜/tmp/test-git(mybranch)» [19:42:10]
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