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yurukov / dianabad.geojson
Created January 15, 2024 22:26
Geojson formats for extruded buildings
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yurukov /
Last active February 11, 2023 13:35
Transforms EPSG8122 to WGS84, reduces the precision and simplifies the structure if size is too big

Requires proj4 and simplify-geojson. Receives coordinates in EPSG:8122 projection as regularly used in Bulgarian arcgeo government servers. Transforms to geojson format with reduced precision of less than a meter. Then if the size of the resulting file is bigger than 20k characters, it simplifies it to reduce load on processing later on.

yurukov / bash commands
Last active March 19, 2017 16:54
Данни за спирките и линиите на градския транспорт във Варна
wget -O stops.json ""
echo -n '{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":' > stops.geojson
sed 's_{"id"_\n{"type":"Feature","properties":{"id"_g;s_"text"_"name"_g;s_,"position":{"lat":_},"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[_g;s_,"lon":_,_g;s_}}_]}}_g' stops.json | sed 's_\[\([0-9.]\+\),\([0-9.]\+\)\]_[\2,\1]_g' >> stops.geojson
echo '}' >> stops.geojson
wget -O site
grep -o '/bg/Line/Routes/[^"]\+' site | sed 's_.*/__'| sort -un > linenumbers
for i in `cat linenumbers`; do echo -en $i"\t"; wget -q -O - "$i&direction=0" | grep -o '"id":[0-9]\+,"text"' | sed 's_"id":\|,"text"__g' | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's_,$__'; echo ""; done > lines.tsv
yurukov / bash commands
Last active April 7, 2022 12:24
Данни за спирките на градския транспорт в Пловдив
wget -O plovdiv.html ""
grep -o '"number"[^}]\+' plovdiv.html | sed 's_"number":__;s_"\?,"\(name\|lat\|lng\)":"\?_\t_g;s_'"'"'_"_g;s_\\\\__g' | sort -n > stops.tsv
grep 'zul.sel.Listcell' plovdiv.html | grep -v "label:'Линия" | sed "s_\['zul[^{]*{__" | tr '\n' '|' | sed 's_,\[\]\],|__g' | tr '|' '\n' | sed "s_'}label.*'}label:'_\t_;s_'}label:.*_\t_;s_label:'[0-9]*\|'},\[\]\]\]\].*\| __g" > lines.tsv
echo -e "id\tname\tlat\tlng\tlines" > plovdiv.tsv
paste stops.tsv lines.tsv | sed 's_\t\t_\t_;s_"_""_g' | awk -F "\t" '{print $1"\t\""$2"\"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5}' >> plovdiv.tsv
yurukov / bash commands
Last active March 7, 2018 13:04
Данни за спирките и линиите на градския транспорт в София
wget -O a1
wget -O a2
wget -O a3
grep -h -o 'for="line[0-9]\+">[^<]\+' a* | sed 's_.*line__;s_">_\t_' > lines
mkdir l
for i in `sed 's_\t.*__' lines|sort -n`; do wget -q -O "l/$i.json" "$i"; echo -n "."; done
for i in l/*; do echo -e `cat $i` | sed 's_{"geometry":_\n{"geometry":_g' > temp; mv temp $i; done
echo '{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [' > stops.geojson
grep -h geometry l/* | sed 's_}}]}_}},_' >> stops.geojson
sed -i '$ s_}},_}}]}_' stops.geojson
This is a small util for marking neighboring municipalities.
jquery, leaflet v101
When a municipality is marked as red, you need to click on all blue municialities
which are its neighbors. when that's done, you click on the red municipality itself
yurukov / scraper.js
Created April 5, 2016 14:05
Scraper for all pharmacies in Bulgaria
function download(filename, text) {
var element = document.createElement('a');
element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text));
element.setAttribute('download', filename); = 'none';
yurukov / map.geojson
Last active March 3, 2016 14:24
Водоснабдителните зони на София
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
yurukov / query.sql
Created February 23, 2016 20:10
Get the 24 h average level for PM10 in Sofia air quality data
SELECT a.timest,a.level, a.isinvalid, (select round(avg(a1.level)) from air_sofia a1 where a1.station=a.station and a1.param=0 and a1.isinvalid=0 and a1.timest>=a.timest - interval 12 hour and a1.timest<a.timest + interval 12 hour) level24,(select count(a2.level) from air_sofia a2 where a2.station=a.station and a2.param=0 and a2.isinvalid=0 and a2.timest>=a.timest - interval 12 hour and a2.timest<a.timest + interval 12 hour) validcount FROM air_sofia a where param=0 and station=1
yurukov / README
Last active February 8, 2016 11:20
Scraper for the dog registry in Plovdiv, Bulgaria
1. Open
2. Select 50 entries per page
3. Copy JS in console and run
4. Back up the downloaded data file
5. Extract all addresses:
awk -F '\t' '{print $4}' plddogs.tsv | grep -v address | sed 's_,\? \?\(ет\|ап\)\.\? \?[0-9]\+ \?__g;s_ \?№ \?_ _' |sort -u > addr
6. Geotag the addresses:
php geotag.php addr > addrg
7. Merge geotagged addresses with scaraped data and exclude columns:
for i in `sed 's_\t_|_g;s_ _\__g' plddogs.tsv | grep -v address`;