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Last active October 15, 2019 21:27
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#![doc = " Translation of hello example"]
use ::std::prelude::v1::*;
extern crate std as std;
use failure::{bail, format_err, Error};
use std::cell::Ref;
use std::fs::read;
use wasmtime_api::*;
extern crate wasmtime_bindings_macro;
use wasmtime_bindings_common::*;
pub extern "C" fn callback(vmctx: *mut VMContext) {
let _closure = || {
&["Calling back...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
&["> Hello World!\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
let _res = _closure();
mod callback_mod {
use super::*;
use ::wasmtime_bindings_common::codegen::{ir, isa};
use ::wasmtime_bindings_common::get_host_call_conv;
use ::wasmtime_bindings_common::{InstanceHandle, InstanceHandleExport, VMContext};
pub fn signature() -> ir::Signature {
let call_conv = ::wasmtime_bindings_common::get_host_call_conv();
let mut sig = ir::Signature::new(call_conv);
pub struct Wrapper {
vmctx: *mut VMContext,
export: InstanceHandleExport,
impl Wrapper {
pub fn new(mut instance: InstanceHandle, export: InstanceHandleExport) -> Self {
Wrapper {
vmctx: instance.vmctx_mut_ptr(),
pub fn call(&self) {
type F = extern "C" fn(vmctx: *mut VMContext);
let (_f, vmctx) = ::wasmtime_bindings_common::get_body(&self.export);
let _f: F = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(_f) };
let _res = _f(vmctx);
pub fn metadata() -> ::wasmtime_bindings_common::FnMetadata {
::wasmtime_bindings_common::FnMetadata {
name: "callback",
signature: signature(),
address: super::callback as extern "C" fn(vmctx: *mut VMContext) as *const _,
pub extern "C" fn hello(vmctx: *mut VMContext) {
let _closure = || {
"not yet implemented",
&("wasmtime-api/examples/", 21u32, 5u32),
let _res = _closure();
mod hello_mod {
use super::*;
use ::wasmtime_bindings_common::codegen::{ir, isa};
use ::wasmtime_bindings_common::get_host_call_conv;
use ::wasmtime_bindings_common::{InstanceHandle, InstanceHandleExport, VMContext};
pub fn signature() -> ir::Signature {
let call_conv = ::wasmtime_bindings_common::get_host_call_conv();
let mut sig = ir::Signature::new(call_conv);
pub struct Wrapper {
vmctx: *mut VMContext,
export: InstanceHandleExport,
impl Wrapper {
pub fn new(mut instance: InstanceHandle, export: InstanceHandleExport) -> Self {
Wrapper {
vmctx: instance.vmctx_mut_ptr(),
pub fn call(&self) {
type F = extern "C" fn(vmctx: *mut VMContext);
let (_f, vmctx) = ::wasmtime_bindings_common::get_body(&self.export);
let _f: F = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(_f) };
let _res = _f(vmctx);
pub fn metadata() -> ::wasmtime_bindings_common::FnMetadata {
::wasmtime_bindings_common::FnMetadata {
name: "hello",
signature: signature(),
address: super::hello as extern "C" fn(vmctx: *mut VMContext) as *const _,
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
&match () {
() => [],
let engine = HostRef::new(Engine::new(Config::default()));
let store = HostRef::new(Store::new(engine));
&["Loading binary...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
let binary = read("examples/hello.wasm")?;
&["Compiling module...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
let module = HostRef::new(Module::new(store.clone(), &binary).map_err(|_| {
&["> Error compiling module!"],
&match () {
() => [],
&["Creating callback...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
let hello_func = HostRef::new({
use callback_mod as m;
let f = m::metadata();
::wasmtime_api::Func::from_raw(store.clone(), f.address, f.signature)
&["Instantiating module...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
let imports = <[_]>::into_vec(box [hello_func.into()]);
let instance = HostRef::new(
Instance::new(store.clone(), module, imports.as_slice()).map_err(|_| {
&["> Error instantiating module!"],
&match () {
() => [],
&["Extracting export...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
let exports = Ref::map(instance.borrow(), |instance| instance.exports());
if exports.len() == 0 {
return Err(::failure::err_msg("> Error accessing exports!"));
let run_func = exports[0].func().ok_or_else(|| {
&["> Error accessing exports!"],
&match () {
() => [],
&["Calling export...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
let f = {
use hello_mod as m;
let (i, e) = run_func.borrow().raw_parts();
m::Wrapper::new(i, e)
&["Shutting down...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
&match () {
() => [],
#![doc = " Translation of hello example"]
use ::std::prelude::v1::*;
extern crate std as std;
use failure::{format_err, Error};
use std::fs::read;
use wasmtime_api::*;
extern crate wasmtime_bindings_macro;
trait Callback {
fn callback(&self);
mod callback_mod {
use super::*;
use ::std::boxed::Box;
use ::std::cell::{Ref, RefCell, RefMut};
use ::wasmtime_bindings_common::{
AbiPrimitive, InstanceHandle, InstanceHandleExport, VMContext, WasmMem,
type Subject = dyn super::Callback;
pub struct State {
pub(super) subject: RefCell<Box<dyn super::Callback + 'static>>,
impl State {
fn from<'a>(vmctx: *mut VMContext) -> &'a mut Self {
unsafe { &mut *(&mut *vmctx).host_state().downcast_mut::<Self>().unwrap() }
fn get_self(vmctx: *mut VMContext) -> Ref<'static, Subject> {
use ::core::ops::Deref;
Ref::map(State::from(vmctx).subject.borrow(), |b| b.deref())
fn get_self_mut(vmctx: *mut VMContext) -> RefMut<'static, Subject> {
use ::core::ops::DerefMut;
RefMut::map(State::from(vmctx).subject.borrow_mut(), |b| b.deref_mut())
pub extern "C" fn callback(vmctx: *mut VMContext) {
let _self = get_self(vmctx);
let _res = _self.callback();
pub struct Wrapper {
callback: InstanceHandleExport,
vmctx: *mut VMContext,
impl Wrapper {
pub fn new(mut instance: InstanceHandle) -> Self {
Wrapper {
callback: instance.lookup("callback").unwrap(),
vmctx: instance.vmctx_mut_ptr(),
pub fn callback(&self) {
type F = extern "C" fn(vmctx: *mut VMContext);
let (_f, vmctx) = ::wasmtime_bindings_common::get_body(&self.callback);
let _f: F = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(_f) };
let _res = _f(vmctx);
pub mod signatures {
use super::*;
use ::wasmtime_bindings_common::codegen::{ir, isa};
pub fn callback() -> ir::Signature {
let call_conv = ::wasmtime_bindings_common::get_host_call_conv();
let mut sig = ir::Signature::new(call_conv);
pub fn metadata() -> Vec<::wasmtime_bindings_common::FnMetadata> {
<[_]>::into_vec(box [::wasmtime_bindings_common::FnMetadata {
name: "callback",
signature: signatures::callback(),
address: callback as extern "C" fn(vmctx: *mut VMContext) as *const _,
struct CallbackImpl;
impl Callback for CallbackImpl {
fn callback(&self) {
&["Calling back...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
&["> Hello World!\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
trait Hello {
fn run(&self);
mod hello_mod {
use super::*;
use ::std::boxed::Box;
use ::std::cell::{Ref, RefCell, RefMut};
use ::wasmtime_bindings_common::{
AbiPrimitive, InstanceHandle, InstanceHandleExport, VMContext, WasmMem,
type Subject = dyn super::Hello;
pub struct State {
pub(super) subject: RefCell<Box<dyn super::Hello + 'static>>,
impl State {
fn from<'a>(vmctx: *mut VMContext) -> &'a mut Self {
unsafe { &mut *(&mut *vmctx).host_state().downcast_mut::<Self>().unwrap() }
fn get_self(vmctx: *mut VMContext) -> Ref<'static, Subject> {
use ::core::ops::Deref;
Ref::map(State::from(vmctx).subject.borrow(), |b| b.deref())
fn get_self_mut(vmctx: *mut VMContext) -> RefMut<'static, Subject> {
use ::core::ops::DerefMut;
RefMut::map(State::from(vmctx).subject.borrow_mut(), |b| b.deref_mut())
pub extern "C" fn run(vmctx: *mut VMContext) {
let _self = get_self(vmctx);
let _res =;
pub struct Wrapper {
run: InstanceHandleExport,
vmctx: *mut VMContext,
impl Wrapper {
pub fn new(mut instance: InstanceHandle) -> Self {
Wrapper {
run: instance.lookup("run").unwrap(),
vmctx: instance.vmctx_mut_ptr(),
pub fn run(&self) {
type F = extern "C" fn(vmctx: *mut VMContext);
let (_f, vmctx) = ::wasmtime_bindings_common::get_body(&;
let _f: F = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(_f) };
let _res = _f(vmctx);
pub mod signatures {
use super::*;
use ::wasmtime_bindings_common::codegen::{ir, isa};
pub fn run() -> ir::Signature {
let call_conv = ::wasmtime_bindings_common::get_host_call_conv();
let mut sig = ir::Signature::new(call_conv);
pub fn metadata() -> Vec<::wasmtime_bindings_common::FnMetadata> {
<[_]>::into_vec(box [::wasmtime_bindings_common::FnMetadata {
name: "run",
signature: signatures::run(),
address: run as extern "C" fn(vmctx: *mut VMContext) as *const _,
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
&match () {
() => [],
let engine = HostRef::new(Engine::new(Config::default()));
let store = HostRef::new(Store::new(engine));
&["Loading binary...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
let binary = read("examples/hello.wasm")?;
&["Compiling module...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
let module = HostRef::new(Module::new(store.clone(), &binary).map_err(|_| {
&["> Error compiling module!"],
&match () {
() => [],
&["Creating callback...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
let callback_mod = HostRef::new(
use callback_mod as m;
struct T;
impl ::wasmtime_api::HandleStateBuilder for T {
fn build_state(
imports: &[::wasmtime_api::Extern],
) -> Box<dyn std::any::Any> {
let imp = |_imports: &[::wasmtime_api::Extern]| CallbackImpl;
let state = m::State {
subject: ::std::cell::RefCell::new(::std::boxed::Box::new(imp(imports))),
let exports = m::metadata()
.map(|f| (String::from(, f.signature, f.address))
::wasmtime_api::Module::from_raw_parts(store.clone(), &exports, ::std::rc::Rc::new(T))
.map_err(|_| {
&["> Error compiling callback module!"],
&match () {
() => [],
let callback_instance = Instance::new(store.clone(), callback_mod, &[]).map_err(|_| {
&["> Error instantiating callback module!"],
&match () {
() => [],
let hello_func = &callback_instance.exports()[0];
&["Instantiating module...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
let imports = <[_]>::into_vec(box [hello_func.clone()]);
let instance = HostRef::new(
Instance::new(store.clone(), module, imports.as_slice()).map_err(|_| {
&["> Error instantiating module!"],
&match () {
() => [],
&["Extracting export...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
let hello = {
use hello_mod as m;
let handle = instance.borrow().handle().clone();
&["Calling export...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
&["Shutting down...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
&match () {
() => [],
#![doc = " Translation of hello example"]
use ::std::prelude::v1::*;
extern crate std as std;
use failure::{format_err, Error};
use std::fs::read;
use wasmtime_api::*;
extern crate wasmtime_bindings_macro;
struct Callback;
impl Callback {
fn callback(&self) {
&["Calling back...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
&["> Hello World!\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
mod callback_mod {
use super::*;
use ::std::boxed::Box;
use ::std::cell::{Ref, RefCell, RefMut};
use ::wasmtime_bindings_common::{
AbiPrimitive, InstanceHandle, InstanceHandleExport, VMContext, WasmMem,
type Subject = super::Callback;
pub struct State {
pub(super) subject: RefCell<Box<super::Callback>>,
impl State {
fn from<'a>(vmctx: *mut VMContext) -> &'a mut Self {
unsafe { &mut *(&mut *vmctx).host_state().downcast_mut::<Self>().unwrap() }
fn get_self(vmctx: *mut VMContext) -> Ref<'static, Subject> {
use ::core::ops::Deref;
Ref::map(State::from(vmctx).subject.borrow(), |b| b.deref())
fn get_self_mut(vmctx: *mut VMContext) -> RefMut<'static, Subject> {
use ::core::ops::DerefMut;
RefMut::map(State::from(vmctx).subject.borrow_mut(), |b| b.deref_mut())
pub extern "C" fn callback(vmctx: *mut VMContext) {
let _self = get_self(vmctx);
let _res = _self.callback();
pub struct Wrapper {
callback: InstanceHandleExport,
vmctx: *mut VMContext,
impl Wrapper {
pub fn new(mut instance: InstanceHandle) -> Self {
Wrapper {
callback: instance.lookup("callback").unwrap(),
vmctx: instance.vmctx_mut_ptr(),
pub fn callback(&self) {
type F = extern "C" fn(vmctx: *mut VMContext);
let (_f, vmctx) = ::wasmtime_bindings_common::get_body(&self.callback);
let _f: F = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(_f) };
let _res = _f(vmctx);
pub mod signatures {
use super::*;
use ::wasmtime_bindings_common::codegen::{ir, isa};
pub fn callback() -> ir::Signature {
let call_conv = ::wasmtime_bindings_common::get_host_call_conv();
let mut sig = ir::Signature::new(call_conv);
pub fn metadata() -> Vec<::wasmtime_bindings_common::FnMetadata> {
<[_]>::into_vec(box [::wasmtime_bindings_common::FnMetadata {
name: "callback",
signature: signatures::callback(),
address: callback as extern "C" fn(vmctx: *mut VMContext) as *const _,
trait Hello {
fn run(&self);
mod hello_mod {
use super::*;
use ::std::boxed::Box;
use ::std::cell::{Ref, RefCell, RefMut};
use ::wasmtime_bindings_common::{
AbiPrimitive, InstanceHandle, InstanceHandleExport, VMContext, WasmMem,
type Subject = dyn super::Hello;
pub struct State {
pub(super) subject: RefCell<Box<dyn super::Hello + 'static>>,
impl State {
fn from<'a>(vmctx: *mut VMContext) -> &'a mut Self {
unsafe { &mut *(&mut *vmctx).host_state().downcast_mut::<Self>().unwrap() }
fn get_self(vmctx: *mut VMContext) -> Ref<'static, Subject> {
use ::core::ops::Deref;
Ref::map(State::from(vmctx).subject.borrow(), |b| b.deref())
fn get_self_mut(vmctx: *mut VMContext) -> RefMut<'static, Subject> {
use ::core::ops::DerefMut;
RefMut::map(State::from(vmctx).subject.borrow_mut(), |b| b.deref_mut())
pub extern "C" fn run(vmctx: *mut VMContext) {
let _self = get_self(vmctx);
let _res =;
pub struct Wrapper {
run: InstanceHandleExport,
vmctx: *mut VMContext,
impl Wrapper {
pub fn new(mut instance: InstanceHandle) -> Self {
Wrapper {
run: instance.lookup("run").unwrap(),
vmctx: instance.vmctx_mut_ptr(),
pub fn run(&self) {
type F = extern "C" fn(vmctx: *mut VMContext);
let (_f, vmctx) = ::wasmtime_bindings_common::get_body(&;
let _f: F = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(_f) };
let _res = _f(vmctx);
pub mod signatures {
use super::*;
use ::wasmtime_bindings_common::codegen::{ir, isa};
pub fn run() -> ir::Signature {
let call_conv = ::wasmtime_bindings_common::get_host_call_conv();
let mut sig = ir::Signature::new(call_conv);
pub fn metadata() -> Vec<::wasmtime_bindings_common::FnMetadata> {
<[_]>::into_vec(box [::wasmtime_bindings_common::FnMetadata {
name: "run",
signature: signatures::run(),
address: run as extern "C" fn(vmctx: *mut VMContext) as *const _,
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
&match () {
() => [],
let engine = HostRef::new(Engine::new(Config::default()));
let store = HostRef::new(Store::new(engine));
&["Loading binary...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
let binary = read("examples/hello.wasm")?;
&["Compiling module...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
let module = HostRef::new(Module::new(store.clone(), &binary).map_err(|_| {
&["> Error compiling module!"],
&match () {
() => [],
&["Creating callback...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
let callback_mod = HostRef::new(
use callback_mod as m;
struct T;
impl ::wasmtime_api::HandleStateBuilder for T {
fn build_state(
imports: &[::wasmtime_api::Extern],
) -> Box<dyn std::any::Any> {
let imp = |_imports: &[::wasmtime_api::Extern]| Callback;
let state = m::State {
subject: ::std::cell::RefCell::new(::std::boxed::Box::new(imp(imports))),
let exports = m::metadata()
.map(|f| (String::from(, f.signature, f.address))
::wasmtime_api::Module::from_raw_parts(store.clone(), &exports, ::std::rc::Rc::new(T))
.map_err(|_| {
&["> Error compiling callback module!"],
&match () {
() => [],
let callback_instance = Instance::new(store.clone(), callback_mod, &[]).map_err(|_| {
&["> Error instantiating callback module!"],
&match () {
() => [],
let hello_func = &callback_instance.exports()[0];
&["Instantiating module...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
let imports = <[_]>::into_vec(box [hello_func.clone()]);
let instance = HostRef::new(
Instance::new(store.clone(), module, imports.as_slice()).map_err(|_| {
&["> Error instantiating module!"],
&match () {
() => [],
&["Extracting export...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
let hello = {
use hello_mod as m;
let handle = instance.borrow().handle().clone();
&["Calling export...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
&["Shutting down...\n"],
&match () {
() => [],
&match () {
() => [],
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