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Last active July 7, 2023 10:58
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Dash Rebuild. M1 Decomposition
const table = new glue.CfnTable(this, 'AllDaysTable', {
databaseName: database.databaseName,
catalogId: cdk.Aws.ACCOUNT_ID,
tableInput: {
name: 'all_days',
partitionKeys: [],
storageDescriptor: {
columns: [
{ name: 'schoolYear', type: 'string' }
{ name: 'session', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'dayOf', type: 'date' },
{ name: 'weekOf', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'weekNum', type: 'integer' },
{ name: 'isWeekday', type: 'boolean' },
{ name: 'isHoliday', type: 'boolean' },
{ name: 'percentThroughSession', type: 'float' },
{ name: 'isMondayOrAfter', type: 'boolean' },
{ name: 'isFridayOrBefore', type: 'boolean' },
{ name: 'calculatedColumn', type: 'boolean' },
{ name: 'isLincExcluded', type: 'boolean' }
location: `s3://alpha-backend-stage-progressrecordstore-1jpwvu35msl4q/all_days`,
serdeInfo: {
serializationLibrary: '',
parameters: {
'orc.column.index.access': 'false',
'orc.compress': 'SNAPPY'
inputFormat: '',
outputFormat: ''
parameters: {}
flowchart TD
    1["User Migration Lambda.\nUserfront adapters"]
    2["User Migration Lambda.\nCognito adapters"]
    3["User Migration Lambda.\nMain"]
    4["Login Screen"]
    5["Dash API.\nAthena Adapter"]
    6["GET /student\nendpoint"]
    7["GET /time-and-activity\nendpoint"]
    8["GET /antipattern endpoint"]
    9["All Days data sync.\nSheet and S3 adapters"]
    10["All Days data sync.\nMain lambda"]
    11["GET /all-days/day\nendpoint"]
    12["GET /all-days/week\nendpoint"]
    13["API Performance Tests"]
    14["My Daily Activity\nScreen"]
    15["My Weekly Activity\nScreen"]
    16["My Monthly Activity\nScreen"]
    17["M2 Prep"]
    18["Test Results"]
    19["Demo prep"]

    1 --> 3
    2 --> 3
    3 --> 4
    5 --> 6 --> 13
    5 --> 7 --> 13
    5 --> 8 --> 13
    9 --> 10
    10 --> 11 --> 13
    10 --> 12 --> 13
    13 --> 14
    13 --> 15
    13 --> 16
    4 --> 18
    14 --> 18
    15 --> 18
    16 --> 18
    18 --> 19
    13 --> 17 --> 19
export interface GetAntiPatternInput {
startDate: string
endDate: string
students: string[]
export type GetAntiPatternOutput = DashApiResponse<AntiPatternItem>
export type DashApiResponse<T> = {
response: {
data: {
json: T[]
export interface AntiPatternItem {
id: string
student_id: string
date: string
student_name: string
subject: string
app: string
summary: string
antipattern: string
fix: any
trigger: any
links: string
icon: string
const athena = new AthenaClient({ region: process.env.AWS_REGION });
export const main = async (proxyEvent: APIGatewayProxyEventV2): Promise<APIGatewayProxyResultV2> {
const config: AthenaQueryConfig = {
catalog: 'AwsDataCatalog',
database: 'alpha_stage',
table: 'student',
resultOutput: 's3://athena-query-results-alphamanualcoachbot/Unsaved',
waitingStrategy: {
factor: 1.1,
startMs: 100,
}; // TODO This is hardcoded example. Call await getConfig() instead.
const input: StartQueryExecutionCommandInput = {
QueryString: 'select * from student',
QueryExecutionContext: {
Database: config.database,
Catalog: config.catalog,
ResultConfiguration: {
OutputLocation: config.resultOutput,
const athenaOut: Array<any> = await getResults(athena, config, input);
const out = mapAthenaOut(athenaOut) // TODO Implement mapAthenaOut to comply with Legacy Dash API Output
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSOn.stringify(out)
export interface GetSessionWeekDaysInput {
session: number
week: number
export interface SessionWeekDayItem {
day_of: string
is_holiday: boolean
is_weekday: boolean
percent_through_session: number
school_year: string
session: number
week_num: number
export type GetSessionWeekDaysOutput = DashApiResponse<SessionWeekDayItem>
export type DashApiResponse<T> = {
response: {
data: {
json: T[]
export interface GetStudentsInput {
schoolYear?: string
campusId?: string
studentIds?: string[]
alphaLevel?: number[]
export interface StudentItem {
name: string
id: string
student_id: string
alpha_level: string
export type GeStudentsOutput = DashApiResponse<StudentItem>
export type DashApiResponse<T> = {
response: {
data: {
json: T[]
export interface GetTimeAndActivityInput {
startDate: string
endDate: string
students: string[]
schoolYear: string
export type GetTimeAndActivityOutput = DashApiResponse<TimeAndActivityItem>
export type DashApiResponse<T> = {
response: {
data: {
json: T[]
export interface TimeAndActivityItem {
date: string
school_year: string
session: number
week_num: number
student: string
campus_and_student_id: string
level: number
subject: string
app: string
course: string
correct_questions_per_hour: number
perc_questions_correct: number
minutes_working: number
data_source: any
learning_2x_threshold: number
correct: number
total: number
has_antipattern: boolean
time_source: string
should_antipatterns_count_col: boolean
is_above_mins_threshold: boolean
is_above_accuracy_threshold: boolean
is_above_qcph_threshold: boolean
has_impacting_antipattern: boolean
count_2x_checks: number
is_2x_session: boolean
possible_2x_sessions: number
possible_2x_checks: number
id: string
should_qcph_count: boolean
combo_multiplier: number
export interface GetWeeksInput {
endDate: string
export interface WeekItem {
week_num: number
session: number
export type GetWeeksOutput = DashApiResponse<WeekItem>
export type DashApiResponse<T> = {
response: {
data: {
json: T[]

Getting Started Guide

Use yarn for everything!

Never do amplify push when you are in staging environment!

Use amplify status to check what is your environment.

After repo OR main branch checkout: ALWAYS


yarn install

When you are working on the function: ALWAYS

In the function folder go to lib folder and run yarn install there.
One more time: lib folder.
It's important because if you run yarn install in the function folder, you won't get your dependencies and yarn won't complain.


cd amplify/backend/function/DashAuthPreAuthentication/lib
yarn install

Amplify CLI

AWS Amplify Documentation

Install Amplify CLI and configure it

Follow the Guide here
The alphadashaws app is in 750697792272 (Alpha Dev account)

Create Your Environment from staging environment

See this video


What inputs I have to provide to Amplify when I check out the environment?

		? Select the authentication method you want to use: AWS profile
		For more information on AWS Profiles, see:

		? Please choose the profile you want to use dev-alpha-amplify
		Amplify AppID found: d18zn6pvl31zp7. Amplify App name is: alphadashaws
		Backend environment staging found in Amplify Console app: alphadashaws
		? Choose your default editor: IntelliJ IDEA
		√ Choose the type of app that you're building · javascript
		Please tell us about your project
		? What javascript framework are you using react
		? Source Directory Path:  src
		? Distribution Directory Path: _static
		? Build Command:  yarn build
		? Start Command: yarn start
		? Do you plan on modifying this backend? Yes
		√ Successfully pulled backend environment staging from the cloud.

What do we commit from amplify generated files?

We commit everything that is not ignored

When creating a lambda function it asks if we want to access other resources. Naturally I would answer yes, but I don't see my resource in the Amplify resources.

It means this resource is external for Amplify stack.
Use custom-policies.json to add permissions to such resources.
See last few minutes of this video about how to do that

So our lambdas will be in JavaScript not TS right?

No. They will be Typescript. See this video to learn how to set up it.

How to see the response of the legacy Dash API?

UPD 06-Jul-23!!! How to set up Typescript Lambda function?

See this video

How do I test and debug my functions locally?

I can share my strategy that uses jest to make real calls to AWS services in Dev account. See this video

export const trpc = {
mergedTimeAndActivity: {
get: {
useQuery: (input: TimeAndActivityInput) => {
// TODO implement
antipatterns: {
get: {
useQuery: (input: GetAntipatternInput) => {
// TODO implement
allDays: {
get: {
useQuery: (input: AllDaysGetInput) => {
// TODO implement
getAllWeeks: {
useQuery: (input: AllWeeksGetInput) => {
// TODO implement
masterRoster: {
getStudents: {
useQuery: (input: GetStudentsInput) => {
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