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Created July 10, 2022 11:22
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package com.tencent.imsdk.sns.base;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Build;
import com.tencent.imsdk.IMCallback;
import com.tencent.imsdk.IMConfig;
import com.tencent.imsdk.IMErrorMsg;
import com.tencent.imsdk.IMException;
import com.tencent.imsdk.IMModules;
import com.tencent.imsdk.IMResult;
import com.tencent.imsdk.stat.innerapi.IMInnerStat;
import com.tencent.imsdk.tool.etc.DeviceUuidFactory;
import com.tencent.imsdk.tool.etc.IMLogger;
import com.tencent.imsdk.tool.etc.MD5;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
public class GuestLogin extends IMLoginBase {
private static final String CHANNEL = "Guest";
private static final int CHANNEL_ID = 5;
private static final String INNER_STAT_EVENT_ID = "login_guestLogin";
private static final int SERVER_VALID_KEY_ERROR = -105;
private static final String VERSION = "1.11.2";
/* access modifiers changed from: private */
public final String SQLITE_CHANNEL_KEY = GuestLogin.class.getName();
/* access modifiers changed from: private */
public IMRetCode mIMRetCode;
/* access modifiers changed from: private */
public IMInnerStat mInnerStat;
/* access modifiers changed from: private */
public boolean strictLoginFlag = false;
private static final class GuestLoginHolder {
static final GuestLogin instance = ((GuestLogin) IMModules.getInstance().getModule(GuestLogin.class.getName()));
private GuestLoginHolder() {
public static GuestLogin getInstance() {
return GuestLoginHolder.instance;
public boolean initialize(Context context) {
if (this.mInnerStat == null) {
this.mInnerStat = new IMInnerStat(context, VERSION);
this.mInnerStat.reportEvent(INNER_STAT_EVENT_ID, true, "initialize", "function start ", "success", getStatOpenId(), this.mInnerStat.setProperty("version", VERSION).build());
if (this.mIMRetCode == null) {
this.mIMRetCode = new IMRetCode();
return true;
/* access modifiers changed from: protected */
public String getStatOpenId() {
IMLoginResult loginResult = getLoginResult();
if (loginResult == null || loginResult.openId == null) {
return "";
return loginResult.openId;
/* access modifiers changed from: protected */
public String getStatVersion() {
return VERSION;
public String getChannel() {
return CHANNEL;
public int getChannelId() {
return 5;
/* access modifiers changed from: private */
public String getResultErrorMessage(IMResult result) {
if (result == null) {
return "IMLoginResult is null";
return "[ retMsg = " + result.retMsg + ", imsdkRetMsg = " + result.imsdkRetMsg + ", thirdRetMsg = " + result.thirdRetMsg + "]";
public void quickLogin(IMCallback<IMLoginResult> callback) {
IMLoginResult result = IMLoginSqlLiteHelper.GetSavedLoginData(this.currentContext, this.SQLITE_CHANNEL_KEY);
this.mInnerStat.reportEvent(INNER_STAT_EVENT_ID, false, "quickLogin", "function start ", result != null ? "success" : "error", getStatOpenId(), this.mInnerStat.setProperty("IMLoginResult", result != null ? getResultErrorMessage(result) : Constants.NULL_VERSION_ID).build());
if (result == null) {
IMException exception = new IMException(1000, "saved login data is null");
this.mInnerStat.reportEvent(INNER_STAT_EVENT_ID, false, "quickLogin", "function end ", "no login guid data", getStatOpenId(), this.mInnerStat.setProperty("IMLoginResult", Constants.NULL_VERSION_ID).build());
IMRetCode iMRetCode = this.mIMRetCode;
IMRetCode iMRetCode2 = this.mIMRetCode;
IMRetCode iMRetCode3 = this.mIMRetCode;
callback.onError(iMRetCode.rebuild(exception, 1001, -1, (String) null, (String) null));
} else if (result.channelTokenExpire <= System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) {
this.mInnerStat.reportEvent(INNER_STAT_EVENT_ID, false, "quickLogin", "function end ", "saved login data expired", result.openId, this.mInnerStat.setProperty("IMLoginResult", getResultErrorMessage(result)).build());
IMException exception2 = new IMException(1000, "saved login data expired");
IMRetCode iMRetCode4 = this.mIMRetCode;
IMRetCode iMRetCode5 = this.mIMRetCode;
IMRetCode iMRetCode6 = this.mIMRetCode;
callback.onError(iMRetCode4.rebuild(exception2, 1002, -1, (String) null, (String) null));
} else if (result.guid.length() <= 0 || result.guidTokenExpire >= System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) {
this.mInnerStat.reportEvent(INNER_STAT_EVENT_ID, false, "quickLogin", "function end ", "success", result.openId, this.mInnerStat.setProperty("IMLoginResult", getResultErrorMessage(result)).build());
} else {
this.mInnerStat.reportEvent(INNER_STAT_EVENT_ID, false, "quickLogin", "function end ", "login guid data expired", result.openId, this.mInnerStat.setProperty("IMLoginResult", getResultErrorMessage(result)).build());
IMException exception3 = new IMException(1000, "login guid data expired");
IMRetCode iMRetCode7 = this.mIMRetCode;
IMRetCode iMRetCode8 = this.mIMRetCode;
IMRetCode iMRetCode9 = this.mIMRetCode;
callback.onError(iMRetCode7.rebuild(exception3, 1002, -1, (String) null, (String) null));
public boolean isLogin() {
try {
IMLoginResult result = IMLoginSqlLiteHelper.GetSavedLoginData(this.currentContext, this.SQLITE_CHANNEL_KEY);
if (result == null || result.retCode != 1 || result.imsdkRetCode != 1 || result.guidTokenExpire <= System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 || result.channelTokenExpire <= System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) {
return false;
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
IMLogger.e("check login error : " + e.getMessage());
return false;
public void logout() {
this.mInnerStat.reportEvent(INNER_STAT_EVENT_ID, false, "logout", "imsdk logout start", "function start ", getStatOpenId(), this.mInnerStat.setProperty("IMLoginResult", getResultErrorMessage(this.loginResult)).build());
try {
if (this.loginResult == null) {
this.loginResult = getLoginResult();
} catch (Exception e) {
IMLogger.d("logout process error : " + e.getMessage());
this.mInnerStat.reportEvent(INNER_STAT_EVENT_ID, false, "logout", "imsdk logout error", "error", getStatOpenId(), this.mInnerStat.setProperty("IMLoginResult", getResultErrorMessage(this.loginResult)).build());
this.loginResult = null;
IMLoginSqlLiteHelper.CleanSavedLoginData(this.currentContext, this.SQLITE_CHANNEL_KEY);
IMLogger.d("Logout Success");
private String getUniqueDeviceID() {
String tempStr = Build.SERIAL + Build.HARDWARE + Build.DEVICE + Build.FINGERPRINT + Build.USER + Build.ID + Build.MANUFACTURER;
IMLogger.d("device info string : " + tempStr);
return MD5.getMD5(tempStr);
/* access modifiers changed from: private */
public void reportValidKeyErrorEvent(HashMap<String, String> params) {
if (!params.containsKey("iPlatform")) {
params.put("iPlatform", IMConfig.getPlatform());
if (!params.containsKey("sRefer")) {
params.put("sRefer", IMConfig.getInstallSource());
ArrayList<String> sorter = new ArrayList<>();
for (String key : params.keySet()) {
String valueString = "";
Iterator<String> it = sorter.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String key2 =;
valueString = valueString + params.get(key2);
IMLogger.d("key : " + key2 + ", value : " + params.get(key2));
String md5Key = IMConfig.getMD5Key();
String md5String = MD5.getMD5(valueString + md5Key);
this.mInnerStat.reportEvent(INNER_STAT_EVENT_ID, false, "loginWithPermission", "valid key error occur", "error", getStatOpenId(), this.mInnerStat.setProperty("valueKey", valueString).setProperty("md5key", md5Key != null ? md5Key : "").setProperty("validKey", md5String).setProperty("combineKey", valueString + " , " + md5Key + " , " + md5String).build());
public void loginWithPermission(List<String> permissionList, IMCallback<IMLoginResult> callback, boolean needGuid) {
for (int permissionIndex = 0; permissionIndex < permissionList.size(); permissionIndex++) {
this.mInnerStat.setProperty("permission" + permissionIndex, permissionList.get(permissionIndex));
this.mInnerStat.setProperty("needGuid", String.valueOf(needGuid));
this.mInnerStat.reportEvent(INNER_STAT_EVENT_ID, false, this.strictLoginFlag ? "strictLogin" : "loginWithPermission", "function start ", "success", getStatOpenId(),;
this.loginResult = null;
IMLoginSqlLiteHelper.CleanSavedLoginData(this.currentContext, this.SQLITE_CHANNEL_KEY);
HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("iGameId", String.valueOf(IMConfig.getGameId()));
DeviceUuidFactory uuidFactoryInstance = DeviceUuidFactory.getInstance(this.currentContext);
String tmpOldUUID = uuidFactoryInstance.getOldUUID();
if (tmpOldUUID == null) {
params.put("sGuestId_old", getUniqueDeviceID());
} else {
params.put("sGuestId_old", tmpOldUUID);
params.put("sGuestId", uuidFactoryInstance.getDeviceUuid());
params.put("iChannel", String.valueOf(getChannelId()));
params.put("sExtra", uuidFactoryInstance.getDeviceExtra());
String loginUrl = GUID_LOGIN_URL;
boolean tempStrictLoginFlag = this.strictLoginFlag;
if (this.strictLoginFlag) {
this.strictLoginFlag = false;
this.mInnerStat.reportEvent(INNER_STAT_EVENT_ID, false, this.strictLoginFlag ? "strictLogin" : "loginWithPermission", "begin http request", "success", getStatOpenId(), this.mInnerStat.setProperty("RequestUrl", loginUrl).setProperty("RequestParams", params.toString()).build());
final HashMap<String, String> hashMap = params;
final IMCallback<IMLoginResult> iMCallback = callback;
final boolean z = tempStrictLoginFlag;
final DeviceUuidFactory deviceUuidFactory = uuidFactoryInstance;
httpClient.get(loginUrl, params, new IMCallback<String>() {
public void onSuccess(final String result) {
((Activity) GuestLogin.this.currentContext).runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
GuestLogin.this.mInnerStat.reportEvent(GuestLogin.INNER_STAT_EVENT_ID, false, GuestLogin.this.strictLoginFlag ? "strictLogin" : "loginWithPermission", "http request into success callback", "success", GuestLogin.this.getStatOpenId(), GuestLogin.this.mInnerStat.setProperty("LoginResultRaw", result).build(), true);
IMLoginResult imLoginResult = new IMLoginResult(new JSONObject(result));
if (imLoginResult.retCode == -105) {
if (imLoginResult.retCode == 1) {
imLoginResult.channelUserId = Build.SERIAL;
imLoginResult.channelToken = imLoginResult.guidToken;
imLoginResult.channelTokenExpire = imLoginResult.guidTokenExpire;
imLoginResult.channelPermissions = new ArrayList(); = GuestLogin.this.getChannel();
imLoginResult.channelId = GuestLogin.this.getChannelId();
IMLogger.d("guest login result = " + imLoginResult.toJSONString());
IMLoginSqlLiteHelper.SaveLoginData(GuestLogin.this.currentContext, imLoginResult, GuestLogin.this.SQLITE_CHANNEL_KEY);
if (deviceUuidFactory.getPrefsDeviceId() == null) {
GuestLogin.this.loginResult = imLoginResult;
if (iMCallback != null) {
GuestLogin.this.mInnerStat.reportEvent(GuestLogin.INNER_STAT_EVENT_ID, false, GuestLogin.this.strictLoginFlag ? "strictLogin" : "loginWithPermission", "http request after success callback", "success", imLoginResult.openId, GuestLogin.this.mInnerStat.setProperty("IMLoginResult", GuestLogin.this.getResultErrorMessage(imLoginResult)).build());
} else if (iMCallback == null) {
} else {
if (!z || imLoginResult.retCode != -258) {
IMException ex = new IMException(5, imLoginResult.retMsg);
IMCallback iMCallback = iMCallback;
IMRetCode access$300 = GuestLogin.this.mIMRetCode;
IMRetCode unused = GuestLogin.this.mIMRetCode;
iMCallback.onError(access$300.rebuild(ex, 5, imLoginResult.retCode, imLoginResult.retMsg, (String) null));
IMException ex2 = new IMException(1006, imLoginResult.retMsg);
IMCallback iMCallback2 = iMCallback;
IMRetCode access$3002 = GuestLogin.this.mIMRetCode;
IMRetCode unused2 = GuestLogin.this.mIMRetCode;
iMCallback2.onError(access$3002.rebuild(ex2, 5, imLoginResult.retCode, imLoginResult.retMsg, (String) null));
} catch (JSONException e) {
GuestLogin.this.mInnerStat.reportEvent(GuestLogin.INNER_STAT_EVENT_ID, false, GuestLogin.this.strictLoginFlag ? "strictLogin" : "loginWithPermission", "http request parse error", "error", GuestLogin.this.getStatOpenId(), GuestLogin.this.mInnerStat.setProperty("LoginException", e.getMessage()).build());
if (iMCallback != null) {
IMException ex3 = new IMException(5, "parse server return data error");
IMCallback iMCallback3 = iMCallback;
IMRetCode access$3003 = GuestLogin.this.mIMRetCode;
IMRetCode unused3 = GuestLogin.this.mIMRetCode;
IMRetCode unused4 = GuestLogin.this.mIMRetCode;
iMCallback3.onError(access$3003.rebuild(ex3, 5, -1, e.getMessage(), (String) null));
} catch (Exception e2) {
e = e2;
if (e == null) {
e = new Exception(Constants.NULL_VERSION_ID);
GuestLogin.this.mInnerStat.reportEvent(GuestLogin.INNER_STAT_EVENT_ID, false, GuestLogin.this.strictLoginFlag ? "strictLogin" : "loginWithPermission", "http request unknown error", "function end ", GuestLogin.this.getStatOpenId(), GuestLogin.this.mInnerStat.setProperty("LoginException", e.getMessage()).build());
IMException returnException = new IMException(4, e.getMessage());
if (iMCallback != null) {
IMCallback iMCallback4 = iMCallback;
IMRetCode access$3004 = GuestLogin.this.mIMRetCode;
IMRetCode unused5 = GuestLogin.this.mIMRetCode;
IMRetCode unused6 = GuestLogin.this.mIMRetCode;
iMCallback4.onError(access$3004.rebuild(returnException, 5, -1, e.getMessage(), (String) null));
public void onCancel() {
if (iMCallback != null) {
((Activity) GuestLogin.this.currentContext).runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public void onError(final IMException exception) {
GuestLogin.this.mInnerStat.reportEvent(GuestLogin.INNER_STAT_EVENT_ID, false, GuestLogin.this.strictLoginFlag ? "strictLogin" : "loginWithPermission", "http request onError()", "success", GuestLogin.this.getStatOpenId(), GuestLogin.this.mInnerStat.setProperty("IMLoginResult", exception.getMessage()).build());
((Activity) GuestLogin.this.currentContext).runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (iMCallback != null) {
IMException ex = new IMException(4, exception.getMessage());
IMCallback iMCallback = iMCallback;
IMRetCode access$300 = GuestLogin.this.mIMRetCode;
IMRetCode unused = GuestLogin.this.mIMRetCode;
IMRetCode unused2 = GuestLogin.this.mIMRetCode;
iMCallback.onError(access$300.rebuild(ex, 4, -1, exception.getMessage(), (String) null));
public void strictLogin(List<String> permissionList, IMCallback<IMLoginResult> callback, boolean needGuid) {
this.strictLoginFlag = true;
loginWithPermission(permissionList, callback, needGuid);
public IMLoginResult getLoginResult() {
if (this.loginResult == null && isLogin()) {
this.loginResult = IMLoginSqlLiteHelper.GetSavedLoginData(this.currentContext, this.SQLITE_CHANNEL_KEY);
return this.loginResult;
public void setLoginResult(IMLoginResult result) {
this.loginResult = result;
IMLoginSqlLiteHelper.SaveLoginData(this.currentContext, this.loginResult, this.SQLITE_CHANNEL_KEY);
public void bindChannel(IMLoginResult sourceLoginResult, IMCallback<IMLoginResult> callback) {
callback.onError(new IMException(7, "cannot bind to guest"));
public static class IMRetCode {
public static final int CANCEL = 2;
public static final int INVALID = -1;
public static final int LOGIN_CACHE_EXPIRE = 1002;
public static final int LOGIN_NEED_USER_DATA = 1005;
public static final int LOGIN_NOCACHE = 1001;
public static final int LOGIN_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 1000;
public static final int NEED_LOGIN = 10;
public static final int NETWORK = 4;
public static final int SERVER = 5;
public static final int SUCCESS = 1;
public static final int SYSTEM = 3;
public static final int THIRD = 9999;
public static final int UNKOWN = 0;
public IMException rebuild(IMException exception, int imsdkCode, int thirdCode, String thirdMsg, String extra) {
exception.imsdkRetCode = imsdkCode;
exception.imsdkRetMsg = IMErrorMsg.getMessageByCode(imsdkCode);
exception.thirdRetCode = thirdCode;
if (thirdMsg != null && thirdMsg.length() > 0) {
exception.thirdRetMsg = thirdMsg;
if (extra != null && extra.length() > 0) {
exception.retExtraJson = extra;
return exception;
public IMResult rebuild(IMResult result, int imsdkCode, int thirdCode, String thirdMsg, String extra) {
result.imsdkRetCode = imsdkCode;
result.imsdkRetMsg = IMErrorMsg.getMessageByCode(imsdkCode);
result.thirdRetCode = thirdCode;
if (thirdMsg != null && thirdMsg.length() > 0) {
result.thirdRetMsg = thirdMsg;
if (extra != null && extra.length() > 0) {
result.retExtraJson = extra;
return result;
public IMLoginResult rebuildForSuccess(IMLoginResult result) {
result.imsdkRetCode = 1;
result.imsdkRetMsg = IMErrorMsg.getMessageByCode(result.imsdkRetCode);
return result;
public IMLoginResult rebuild(IMLoginResult result, int imsdkCode, int thirdCode, String thirdMsg, String extra) {
result.imsdkRetCode = imsdkCode;
result.imsdkRetMsg = IMErrorMsg.getMessageByCode(imsdkCode);
result.thirdRetCode = thirdCode;
if (thirdMsg != null && thirdMsg.length() > 0) {
result.thirdRetMsg = thirdMsg;
if (extra != null && extra.length() > 0) {
result.retExtraJson = extra;
return result;
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