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Created December 27, 2011 18:13
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* The global place to Tellurium configuration
* @author Jian Fang (
* Date: Aug 2, 2008
//embedded selenium server configuration
embeddedserver {
//port number
port = "4444"
//whether to use multiple windows
useMultiWindows = false
//whether to trust all SSL certs, i.e., option "-trustAllSSLCertificates"
trustAllSSLCertificates = true
//whether to run the embedded selenium server. If false, you need to manually set up a selenium server
runInternally = true
//By default, Selenium proxies every browser request; set this flag to make the browser use proxy only for URLs containing '/selenium-server'
avoidProxy = false
//stops re-initialization and spawning of the browser between tests
browserSessionReuse = false
//enabling this option will cause all user cookies to be archived before launching IE, and restored after IE is closed.
ensureCleanSession = false
//debug mode, with more trace information and diagnostics on the console
debugMode = false
//interactive mode
interactive = false
//an integer number of seconds before we should give up
timeoutInSeconds = 30
//profile location
// profile = "/home/jiafan1/.mozilla/firefox/820j3ca9.default"
profile = "C:\\Users\\ikeda_yusuke\\AppData\\Local\\Mozilla\\Firefox\\Profiles\\trj363mt.firefox3"
//user-extension.js file
userExtension = ""
//event handler
//whether we should check if the UI element is presented
checkElement = false
//wether we add additional events like "mouse over"
extraEvent = true
//data accessor
//whether we should check if the UI element is presented
checkElement = true
//the bundling tier
maxMacroCmd = 5
useMacroCommand = false
//the configuration for the connector that connects the selenium client to the selenium server
//selenium server host
//please change the host if you run the Selenium server remotely
serverHost = "localhost"
//server port number the client needs to connect
port = "4444"
//base URL
baseUrl = "http://localhost:8080"
//Browser setting, valid options are
// *firefox [absolute path]
// *iexplore [absolute path]
// *chrome
// *iehta
browser = "*firefox C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox 3\\firefox.exe"
//user's class to hold custom selenium methods associated with user-extensions.js
//should in full class name, for instance, "org.telluriumsource.test.MyCommand"
customClass = ""
//browser options such as
// options = "captureNetworkTraffic=true, addCustomRequestHeader=true"
options = ""
//specify which data reader you like the data provider to use
//the valid options include "PipeFileReader", "CVSFileReader" at this point
reader = "PipeFileReader"
//this section allows users to define the internationalization required
//if this section is removed, we take the default locale
//from the system
//enter only one locale at a time, and use this only if you want to explicitly
//set the locale, preferable way is to comment out this section
//locale = "fr_FR"
locale = "en_US"
//whether to trace the execution timing
trace = false
//at current stage, the result report is only for tellurium data driven testing
//we may add the result report for regular tellurium test case
//specify what result reporter used for the test result
//valid options include "SimpleResultReporter", "XMLResultReporter", and "StreamXMLResultReporter"
reporter = "XMLResultReporter"
//the output of the result
//valid options include "Console", "File" at this point
//if the option is "File", you need to specify the file name, other wise it will use the default
//file name "TestResults.output"
output = "Console"
//test result output file name
filename = "TestResult.output"
//whether Tellurium captures the screenshot when exception occurs.
//Note that the exception is the one thrown by Selenium Server
//we do not care the test logic errors here
captureScreenshot = false
//we may have a series of screenshots, specify the file name pattern here
//Here the ? will be replaced by the timestamp and you might also want to put
//file path in the file name pattern
filenamePattern = "Screenshot?.png"
//user can specify custom UI objects here by define the builder for each UI object
//the custom UI object builder must extend UiObjectBuilder class
//and implement the following method:
// public build(Map map, Closure c)
//For container type UI object, the builder is a bit more complicated, please
//take the TableBuilder or ListBuilder as an example
// Icon="org.telluriumsource.ui.builder.IconBuilder"
//define your widget modules here, for example Dojo or ExtJs
// included="dojo, extjs"
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