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Last active October 24, 2016 06:05
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PukiWiki のページファイル名の変換と、Pukiwiki 記法から Markdown 記法へ変換する雑なスクリプト
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
new File('wiki.txt').eachLine { line ->
// link
line = line.replaceAll(/\[\[(.*):(https*:.*)\]\]/, '[$1]($2)')
if (line.startsWith('#geshi')) {
// code
sb << line.replaceFirst(/^#geshi\((.*)\)\s*\{\{$/, '```$1')
} else if (line.startsWith('}}')) {
sb << line.replace('}}', '```')
} else if (line.matches(/^\|.*\|h$/)) {
def header = line.substring(0, line.lastIndexOf('h'))
def columns = header.split(/\|/)
sb << header
sb << '\n'
sb << '|'
columns.length.times { sb << '----|' }
} else if (line.startsWith('#')) {
// ignore
} else if (line.startsWith('>')) {
sb << line
} else if (line.startsWith(' ')) {
sb << line.replaceFirst(/^\s/, ' ')
} else if (line.startsWith('*')) {
sb << line.replace('*', '#')
// add empty line after the header.
sb << '\n'
} else if (line.startsWith('-')) {
sb << line.replace('-', ' *').replaceAll(/^\s+/, '')
} else if (line.startsWith('+')) {
sb << line.replace('+', ' 1.').replaceAll(/^\s+/, '')
} else {
sb << line
sb << '\n'
new File('/path/to/').text = sb.toString()
if (!args) { System.err.println 'requires wiki directory path!'; System.exit 1 }
files = "ls ${args[0]}".execute().text.split(/\s/)
files.each { file ->
println "$file =>"
println "\t${URLDecoder.decode(file.replaceAll(/([0-9A-Z]{2})/) {"%${it[1]}"})}"
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