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Created November 16, 2018 03:15
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Recording video with AVAssetWriter
import UIKit
import AVFoundation
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
switch AVCaptureDevice.authorizationStatus(for: .video) {
case .notDetermined:
AVCaptureDevice.requestAccess(for: .video) { granted in
if granted {
case .restricted:
case .denied:
case .authorized:
private var _captureSession: AVCaptureSession?
private var _videoOutput: AVCaptureVideoDataOutput?
private var _assetWriter: AVAssetWriter?
private var _assetWriterInput: AVAssetWriterInput?
private var _adpater: AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor?
private var _filename = ""
private var _time: Double = 0
private func _setupCaptureSession() {
let session = AVCaptureSession()
session.sessionPreset = .hd1920x1080
let device = AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInWideAngleCamera, for: .video, position: .unspecified),
let input = try? AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: device),
session.canAddInput(input) else { return }
let output = AVCaptureVideoDataOutput()
guard session.canAddOutput(output) else { return }
output.setSampleBufferDelegate(self, queue: DispatchQueue(label: ""))
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let previewView = _PreviewView()
previewView.videoPreviewLayer.session = session
previewView.frame = self.view.bounds
previewView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]
self.view.insertSubview(previewView, at: 0)
_videoOutput = output
_captureSession = session
private enum _CaptureState {
case idle, start, capturing, end
private var _captureState = _CaptureState.idle
@IBAction func capture(_ sender: Any) {
switch _captureState {
case .idle:
_captureState = .start
case .capturing:
_captureState = .end
extension ViewController: AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate {
func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
let timestamp = CMSampleBufferGetPresentationTimeStamp(sampleBuffer).seconds
switch _captureState {
case .start:
// Set up recorder
_filename = UUID().uuidString
let videoPath = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!.appendingPathComponent("\(_filename).mov")
let writer = try! AVAssetWriter(outputURL: videoPath, fileType: .mov)
let settings = _videoOutput!.recommendedVideoSettingsForAssetWriter(writingTo: .mov)
let input = AVAssetWriterInput(mediaType: .video, outputSettings: settings) // [AVVideoCodecKey: AVVideoCodecType.h264, AVVideoWidthKey: 1920, AVVideoHeightKey: 1080])
input.mediaTimeScale = CMTimeScale(bitPattern: 600)
input.expectsMediaDataInRealTime = true
input.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: .pi/2)
let adapter = AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor(assetWriterInput: input, sourcePixelBufferAttributes: nil)
if writer.canAdd(input) {
writer.startSession(atSourceTime: .zero)
_assetWriter = writer
_assetWriterInput = input
_adpater = adapter
_captureState = .capturing
_time = timestamp
case .capturing:
if _assetWriterInput?.isReadyForMoreMediaData == true {
let time = CMTime(seconds: timestamp - _time, preferredTimescale: CMTimeScale(600))
_adpater?.append(CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer)!, withPresentationTime: time)
case .end:
guard _assetWriterInput?.isReadyForMoreMediaData == true, _assetWriter!.status != .failed else { break }
let url = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first!.appendingPathComponent("\(_filename).mov")
_assetWriter?.finishWriting { [weak self] in
self?._captureState = .idle
self?._assetWriter = nil
self?._assetWriterInput = nil
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let activity = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: [url], applicationActivities: nil)
self?.present(activity, animated: true, completion: nil)
private class _PreviewView: UIView {
override class var layerClass: AnyClass {
return AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer.self
var videoPreviewLayer: AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer {
return layer as! AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer
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I want to add two AVAssetWriterInput for two different video, to record both video on same screen. Like one video on top and another below the above. Is there any possibility to record in this way using AVAssetWriter?
Please help.

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sukidhar commented Dec 2, 2021

yes, it is possible to do so, you will have to play around with CALayer in video composting and add all the audio tracks u want to export with. make sure to specify no audio if no tracks are involved. I am kinda busy right now else I would have attached a sample code for you. u can add multiple ca layers on the base video layer and they will all be baked into a single video.

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I am using AVKits VideoPlayer and passing in the url to display the video, however, the video is just black. Any Ideas why. Thank you so much for the help!!!!

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sukidhar commented Dec 6, 2021

check few things,

If it’s network URL, ensure its playing on a browser (corrupted video encoding can be a reason too)

If it’s local URL, ensure the extension is correct

If both are correct, check your view hierarchy, and fix your constraints or resizing masks just in case.

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Thank you for the speedy reply!!! It turns out it was just an issue with the video settings. Thanks again!

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GitHub-Ram commented Apr 9, 2022 via email

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this code is getting 6 to 7 frames per second I want 30 fps i.e captureOutput(_:didOutput:from:) should get called 30 times in second is there any way

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i guess the device has issues with frame rate or you might have configured some preset which is too heavy to process many frames at once. The delegate is called directly from AVCameraSession.

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Hey - thanks for sharing that code.
The initialization of this takes ages for me, it introduces up to 5 seconds of delay on an iPhone 11 Pro (in debug mode). In release it's a bit faster, but still far from what the default Movie output can achieve.
Any tips?

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datpt11 commented Jun 26, 2024

same issue @mrousavy are you have solution ?

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