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Last active May 20, 2024 18:11
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MATLAB transfer function information
%% Transfer function information
% This script takes either polynomial coefficients for the numerator and denominator
% OR zero and pole locations (factorized roots) + gain
% OR characteristic equation (undamped natural frequency and damping ratio)
% of a system with a second order complex pole
% of the transfer function of a system, and then returns:
% 1. A graph of system's impulse response.
% 2. A graph of the system's step response.
% 3. The pole-zero diagram of the system.
% 4. The factorized transfer function printed with LaTeX.
% 5. The transfer function printed with LaTeX.
% 6. The partial fraction decomposition of the transfer function printed
% with LaTeX.
% 7. The time-domain equation (impulse response) of the system printed with
% LaTeX.
% 8. Bode diagrams.
%% Configuration Parameters
mode = 2; % 0 = polynomial coefficients, 1 = factorized roots, 2 = complex conjugate pair
time_multiplier = 2; % Increase to make the impulse response show a longer timespan
digits(6); % maximum number of digits for the program to disply
% Polynomial coefficients (i.e. [1, 2, 0] will yield s^2 + 2s; [1 0 0 0] will yield s^3)
num = [10 -10 0]; % Enter coefficients for TF zeros here
den = [1 4 17/4]; % Enter coefficients for TF poles here
% Factorized roots (i.e. [1 0] will yield (s-1)s)
zeros = [1 0]'; % Enter roots of TF zeros
poles = [-2+0.5j -2-0.5j]'; % Enter roots of TF poles
gain = 10; % Enter DC gain
% Complex conjugate pair char. equation (omega^2/(s^2 + 2*zeta*omega*s + omega^2))
omega = 0.4;
zeta = 0.2;
%% Program
syms s
if mode == 0
zeros = roots(num);
poles = roots(den);
elseif mode == 1
[num, den] = zp2tf(zeros, poles, gain);
else % mode == 2
num = [omega^2];
den = [1 2*zeta*omega omega^2];
H = tf(num,den);
num_sym = poly2sym(num,s);
den_sym = poly2sym(den,s);
h = ilaplace(num_sym/den_sym);
factored_num = '';
for n=factor(num_sym,"FactorMode","complex")
factored_num = strcat(factored_num,'(',string(n),')');
factored_den = '';
for d=factor(den_sym,"FactorMode","complex")
factored_den = strcat(factored_den,'(',string(d),')');
factored = strcat('$H(s)=','\frac{', factored_num, '}{', factored_den, '}$');
hold on
impulse(H, t);
grid on
hold off
hold on
step(H, t);
grid on
hold off
hold on
grid on
hold off
hold on
title("Transfer Function")
text(-0.25, 0.75, factored , 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16)
text(-0.25, 0.5, ['= $' latex(num_sym/den_sym) '$ = $' latex(partfrac(num_sym/den_sym, s)) '$'], 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 22);
axis off;
hold off
hold on
title("Impulse Response")
text(-0.25, 0.5, ['h(t) = $' latex(h) '$'], 'Interpreter', 'latex', 'FontSize', 16);
axis off;
hold off
hold on
grid on
hold off
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