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Created April 3, 2021 01:05
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Flash Swaps callback
function pancakeCall(address sender, uint amount0, uint amount1, bytes calldata data) {
address token0 = IUniswapV2Pair(msg.sender).token0(); // fetch the address of token0
address token1 = IUniswapV2Pair(msg.sender).token1(); // fetch the address of token1
assert(msg.sender == IUniswapV2Factory(factoryV2).getPair(token0, token1)); // ensure that msg.sender is a V2 pair
// rest of the function goes here!
// transfer tokens to reimburse the required amount for swap
IERC20(token1).transfer(msg.sender, amountRequired);
// transfer tokens to an address who receives an arbitrage profit
IERC20(token1).transfer(owner, amountReceived.sub(amountRequired));
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