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Created October 26, 2020 13:02
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docker-machine create command
$ docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 --help
Usage: docker-machine create [OPTIONS] [arg...]
Create a machine
Run 'docker-machine create --driver name --help' to include the create flags for that driver in the help text.
--amazonec2-access-key AWS Access Key [$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID]
--amazonec2-ami AWS machine image [$AWS_AMI]
--amazonec2-block-duration-minutes "0" AWS spot instance duration in minutes (60, 120, 180, 240, 300, or 360)
--amazonec2-device-name "/dev/sda1" AWS root device name [$AWS_DEVICE_NAME]
--amazonec2-endpoint Optional endpoint URL (hostname only or fully qualified URI) [$AWS_ENDPOINT]
--amazonec2-iam-instance-profile AWS IAM Instance Profile [$AWS_INSTANCE_PROFILE]
--amazonec2-insecure-transport Disable SSL when sending requests [$AWS_INSECURE_TRANSPORT]
--amazonec2-instance-type "t2.micro" AWS instance type [$AWS_INSTANCE_TYPE]
--amazonec2-keypair-name AWS keypair to use; requires --amazonec2-ssh-keypath [$AWS_KEYPAIR_NAME]
--amazonec2-monitoring Set this flag to enable CloudWatch monitoring
--amazonec2-open-port [--amazonec2-open-port option --amazonec2-open-port option] Make the specified port number accessible from the Internet
--amazonec2-private-address-only Only use a private IP address
--amazonec2-region "us-east-1" AWS region [$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION]
--amazonec2-request-spot-instance Set this flag to request spot instance
--amazonec2-retries "5" Set retry count for recoverable failures (use -1 to disable)
--amazonec2-root-size "16" AWS root disk size (in GB) [$AWS_ROOT_SIZE]
--amazonec2-secret-key AWS Secret Key [$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY]
--amazonec2-security-group [--amazonec2-security-group option --amazonec2-security-group option] AWS VPC security group [$AWS_SECURITY_GROUP]
--amazonec2-security-group-readonly Skip adding default rules to security groups [$AWS_SECURITY_GROUP_READONLY]
--amazonec2-session-token AWS Session Token [$AWS_SESSION_TOKEN]
--amazonec2-spot-price "0.50" AWS spot instance bid price (in dollar)
--amazonec2-ssh-keypath SSH Key for Instance [$AWS_SSH_KEYPATH]
--amazonec2-ssh-port "22" SSH port [$AWS_SSH_PORT]
--amazonec2-ssh-user "ubuntu" SSH username [$AWS_SSH_USER]
--amazonec2-subnet-id AWS VPC subnet id [$AWS_SUBNET_ID]
--amazonec2-tags AWS Tags (e.g. key1,value1,key2,value2) [$AWS_TAGS]
--amazonec2-use-ebs-optimized-instance Create an EBS optimized instance
--amazonec2-use-private-address Force the usage of private IP address
--amazonec2-userdata path to file with cloud-init user data [$AWS_USERDATA]
--amazonec2-volume-type "gp2" Amazon EBS volume type [$AWS_VOLUME_TYPE]
--amazonec2-vpc-id AWS VPC id [$AWS_VPC_ID]
--amazonec2-zone "a" AWS zone for instance (i.e. a,b,c,d,e) [$AWS_ZONE]
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