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Created April 3, 2022 07:49
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New Flashswap code for BSC
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity >=0.6.6 <0.8.0;
import './UniswapV2Library.sol';
import './interfaces/IERC20.sol';
import './interfaces/IUniswapV2Pair.sol';
import './interfaces/IUniswapV2Factory.sol';
import './interfaces/IUniswapV2Router02.sol';
// @author Daniel Espendiller - -
// e00: out of block
// e01: no profit
// e10: Requested pair is not available
// e11: token0 / token1 does not exist
// e12: src/target router empty
// e13: pancakeCall not enough tokens for buyback
// e14: pancakeCall msg.sender transfer failed
// e15: pancakeCall owner transfer failed
// e16:
contract Flashswap {
address public owner;
constructor() {
owner = msg.sender;
function startArbitrage(
uint _maxBlockNumber,
address _tokenPay, // source currency when we will get; example BNB
address _tokenSwap, // swapped currency with the source currency; example BUSD
uint _amountTokenPay, // example: BNB => 10 * 1e18
address _sourceRouter,
address _targetRouter,
address _sourceFactory
) external {
require(block.number <= _maxBlockNumber, 'e00');
// recheck for stopping and gas usage
(int profit, uint _tokenBorrowAmount) = check(_tokenPay, _tokenSwap, _amountTokenPay, _sourceRouter, _targetRouter);
// profit needs to be greater than 0, otherwise revert a transaction
require(profit > 0, 'e01');
address pairAddress = IUniswapV2Factory(_sourceFactory).getPair(_tokenPay, _tokenSwap);
require(pairAddress != address(0), 'e10');
// scope for token{0,1}, avoids stack too deep errors
address token0 = IUniswapV2Pair(pairAddress).token0();
address token1 = IUniswapV2Pair(pairAddress).token1();
require(token0 != address(0) && token1 != address(0), 'e11');
// _tokenPay can be zero because they should be sent from within a callback function
// that the pair triggers on the to address, to address is address(this) in thie contract
_tokenSwap == token0 ? _tokenBorrowAmount : 0,
_tokenSwap == token1 ? _tokenBorrowAmount : 0,
abi.encode(_sourceRouter, _targetRouter)
function check(
address _tokenPay, // source currency when we will get; example BNB
address _tokenSwap, // swapped currency with the source currency; example BUSD
uint _amountTokenPay, // example: BNB => 10 * 1e18
address _sourceRouter,
address _targetRouter
) public view returns(int, uint) {
address[] memory path1 = new address[](2);
address[] memory path2 = new address[](2);
// path1 represents the forwarding exchange from source currency to swapped currency
path1[0] = path2[1] = _tokenPay;
// path2 represents the backward exchange from swapeed currency to source currency
path1[1] = path2[0] = _tokenSwap;
uint amountOut = IUniswapV2Router02(_sourceRouter).getAmountsOut(_amountTokenPay, path1)[1];
uint amountRepay = IUniswapV2Router02(_targetRouter).getAmountsOut(amountOut, path2)[1];
return (
int(amountRepay - _amountTokenPay), // our profit or loss; example output: BNB
amountOut // the amount we get from our input "_amountTokenPay"; example: BUSD amount
function execute(
address _sender,
uint _amount0,
uint _amount1,
bytes calldata _data
) internal {
// obtain an amount of token that you exchanged, for example BUSD
uint amountToken = _amount0 == 0 ? _amount1 : _amount0;
IUniswapV2Pair iUniswapV2Pair = IUniswapV2Pair(msg.sender);
address token0 = iUniswapV2Pair.token0();
address token1 = iUniswapV2Pair.token1();
// require(token0 != address(0) && token1 != address(0), 'e16');
// if _amount0 is zero sell token1 for token0
// else sell token0 for token1 as a result
address[] memory path1 = new address[](2);
address[] memory path2 = new address[](2);
address forward = _amount0 == 0 ? token1 : token0;
address backward = _amount0 == 0 ? token0 : token1;
// path1 represents the forwarding exchange from source currency to swapped currency
// path1[0] = path2[1] = _amount0 == 0 ? token1 : token0;
path1[0] = path2[1] = forward;
// path2 represents the backward exchange from swapeed currency to source currency
// path1[1] = path2[0] = _amount0 == 0 ? token0 : token1;
path1[1] = path2[0] = backward;
(address sourceRouter, address targetRouter) = abi.decode(_data, (address, address));
require(sourceRouter != address(0) && targetRouter != address(0), 'e12');
// IERC20 token that we will sell for otherToken, for example BUSD
// IERC20 token = IERC20(_amount0 == 0 ? token1 : token0);
IERC20 token = IERC20(forward);
token.approve(targetRouter, amountToken);
// calculate the amount of token how much input token should be reimbursed, BNB -> BUSD
uint amountRequired = IUniswapV2Router02(sourceRouter).getAmountsIn(amountToken, path2)[0];
// swap token and obtain equivalent otherToken amountRequired as a result, BUSD -> BNB
uint amountReceived = IUniswapV2Router02(targetRouter).swapExactTokensForTokens(
amountRequired, // we already now what we need at least for payback; get less is a fail; slippage can be done via - ((amountRequired * 19) / 981) + 1,
block.timestamp + 60
// fail if we didn't get enough tokens
require(amountReceived > amountRequired, 'e13');
// IERC20 otherToken = IERC20(_amount0 == 0 ? token0 : token1);
IERC20 otherToken = IERC20(backward);
// callback should send the funds to the pair address back
otherToken.transfer(msg.sender, amountRequired); // send back borrow
// transfer the profit to the contract owner
otherToken.transfer(owner, amountReceived - amountRequired);
// c&p
// pancake, pancakeV2, apeswap, kebab
function pancakeCall(address _sender, uint256 _amount0, uint256 _amount1, bytes calldata _data) external {
execute(_sender, _amount0, _amount1, _data);
function waultSwapCall(address _sender, uint256 _amount0, uint256 _amount1, bytes calldata _data) external {
execute(_sender, _amount0, _amount1, _data);
function uniswapV2Call(address _sender, uint256 _amount0, uint256 _amount1, bytes calldata _data) external {
execute(_sender, _amount0, _amount1, _data);
// mdex
function swapV2Call(address _sender, uint256 _amount0, uint256 _amount1, bytes calldata _data) external {
execute(_sender, _amount0, _amount1, _data);
// pantherswap
function pantherCall(address _sender, uint256 _amount0, uint256 _amount1, bytes calldata _data) external {
execute(_sender, _amount0, _amount1, _data);
// jetswap
function jetswapCall(address _sender, uint256 _amount0, uint256 _amount1, bytes calldata _data) external {
execute(_sender, _amount0, _amount1, _data);
// cafeswap
function cafeCall(address _sender, uint256 _amount0, uint256 _amount1, bytes calldata _data) external {
execute(_sender, _amount0, _amount1, _data);
// @TODO: pending release
function BiswapCall(address _sender, uint256 _amount0, uint256 _amount1, bytes calldata _data) external {
execute(_sender, _amount0, _amount1, _data);
// @TODO: pending release
function wardenCall(address _sender, uint256 _amount0, uint256 _amount1, bytes calldata _data) external {
execute(_sender, _amount0, _amount1, _data);
receive() external payable {}
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