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Created April 28, 2019 04:25
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Substrate TCR sample
/// runtime module implementing the ERC20 token interface
/// with added lock and unlock functions for staking in TCR runtime
/// implements a custom type `TokenBalance` for representing account balance
/// `TokenBalance` type is exactly the same as the `Balance` type in `balances` SRML module
use rstd::prelude::*;
use parity_codec::Codec;
use support::{dispatch::Result, StorageMap, Parameter, StorageValue, decl_storage, decl_module, decl_event, ensure};
use system::{self, ensure_signed};
use runtime_primitives::traits::{CheckedSub, CheckedAdd, Member, SimpleArithmetic, As};
// trait for this module
// contains type definitions
pub trait Trait: system::Trait {
type Event: From<Event<Self>> + Into<<Self as system::Trait>::Event>;
type TokenBalance: Parameter + Member + SimpleArithmetic + Codec + Default + Copy + As<usize> + As<u64>;
// public interface for this runtime module
decl_module! {
pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
// initialize the default event for this module
fn deposit_event<T>() = default;
// transfer tokens from one account to another
pub fn transfer(origin, to: T::AccountId, #[compact] value: T::TokenBalance) -> Result {
let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
Self::_transfer(sender, to, value)
// approve token transfer from one account to another
// once this is done, then transfer_from can be called with corresponding values
pub fn approve(origin, spender: T::AccountId, #[compact] value: T::TokenBalance) -> Result {
let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
// make sure the approver/owner owns this token
ensure!(<BalanceOf<T>>::exists(&sender), "Account does not own this token");
// get the current value of the allowance for this sender and spender combination
// if doesnt exist then default 0 will be returned
let allowance = Self::allowance((sender.clone(), spender.clone()));
// add the value to the current allowance
// using checked_add (safe math) to avoid overflow
let updated_allowance = allowance.checked_add(&value).ok_or("overflow in calculating allowance")?;
// insert the new allownace value of this sender and spender combination
<Allowance<T>>::insert((sender.clone(), spender.clone()), updated_allowance);
// raise the approval event
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Approval(sender, spender, value));
// if approved, transfer from an account to another account without needing owner's signature
pub fn transfer_from(_origin, from: T::AccountId, to: T::AccountId, #[compact] value: T::TokenBalance) -> Result {
ensure!(<Allowance<T>>::exists((from.clone(), to.clone())), "Allowance does not exist.");
let allowance = Self::allowance((from.clone(), to.clone()));
ensure!(allowance >= value, "Not enough allowance.");
// using checked_sub (safe math) to avoid overflow
let updated_allowance = allowance.checked_sub(&value).ok_or("overflow in calculating allowance")?;
// insert the new allownace value of this sender and spender combination
<Allowance<T>>::insert((from.clone(), to.clone()), updated_allowance);
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Approval(from.clone(), to.clone(), value));
Self::_transfer(from, to, value)
// storage for this runtime module
decl_storage! {
trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as Token {
// bool flag to allow init to be called only once
Init get(is_init): bool;
// total supply of the token
// set in the genesis config
// see ../src/ - line 105
TotalSupply get(total_supply) config(): T::TokenBalance;
// mapping of balances to accounts
BalanceOf get(balance_of): map T::AccountId => T::TokenBalance;
// mapping of allowances to accounts
Allowance get(allowance): map (T::AccountId, T::AccountId) => T::TokenBalance;
// stores the total deposit for a listing
// maps a listing hash with the total tokensface
// TCR specific; not part of standard ERC20 interface
LockedDeposits get(locked_deposits): map T::Hash => T::TokenBalance;
// events
pub enum Event<T> where AccountId = <T as system::Trait>::AccountId, TokenBalance = <T as self::Trait>::TokenBalance {
// event for transfer of tokens
// from, to, value
Transfer(AccountId, AccountId, TokenBalance),
// event when an approval is made
// owner, spender, value
Approval(AccountId, AccountId, TokenBalance),
/// All functions in the decl_module macro become part of the public interface of the module
/// If they are there, they are accessible via extrinsics calls whether they are public or not
/// However, in the impl module section (this, below) the functions can be public and private
/// Private functions are internal to this module e.g.: _transfer
/// Public functions can be called from other modules e.g.: lock and unlock (being called from the tcr module)
/// All functions in the impl module section are not part of public interface because they are not part of the Call enum
impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
// initialize the token
// transfers the total_supply amout to the caller
// the token becomes usable
// not part of ERC20 standard interface
// similar to the ERC20 smart contract constructor
pub fn init(sender: T::AccountId) -> Result {
ensure!(Self::is_init() == false, "Token already initialized.");
<BalanceOf<T>>::insert(sender, Self::total_supply());
// lock user deposits for curation actions
// TCR specific; not part of standard ERC20 interface
pub fn lock(from: T::AccountId, value: T::TokenBalance, listing_hash: T::Hash) -> Result {
ensure!(<BalanceOf<T>>::exists(from.clone()), "Account does not own this token");
let sender_balance = Self::balance_of(from.clone());
ensure!(sender_balance > value, "Not enough balance.");
let updated_from_balance = sender_balance.checked_sub(&value).ok_or("overflow in calculating balance")?;
let deposit = Self::locked_deposits(listing_hash);
let updated_deposit = deposit.checked_add(&value).ok_or("overflow in calculating deposit")?;
// deduct the deposit from balance
<BalanceOf<T>>::insert(from, updated_from_balance);
// add to deposits
<LockedDeposits<T>>::insert(listing_hash, updated_deposit);
// unlock user's deposit for reward claims and challenge wins
// TCR specific; not part of standard ERC20 interface
pub fn unlock(to: T::AccountId, value: T::TokenBalance, listing_hash: T::Hash) -> Result {
let to_balance = Self::balance_of(to.clone());
let updated_to_balance = to_balance.checked_add(&value).ok_or("overflow in calculating balance")?;
let deposit = Self::locked_deposits(listing_hash);
let updated_deposit = deposit.checked_sub(&value).ok_or("overflow in calculating deposit")?;
// add to user's balance
<BalanceOf<T>>::insert(to, updated_to_balance);
// decrease from locked deposits
<LockedDeposits<T>>::insert(listing_hash, updated_deposit);
// internal transfer function for ERC20 interface
fn _transfer(
from: T::AccountId,
to: T::AccountId,
value: T::TokenBalance,
) -> Result {
ensure!(<BalanceOf<T>>::exists(from.clone()), "Account does not own this token");
let sender_balance = Self::balance_of(from.clone());
ensure!(sender_balance >= value, "Not enough balance.");
let updated_from_balance = sender_balance.checked_sub(&value).ok_or("overflow in calculating balance")?;
let receiver_balance = Self::balance_of(to.clone());
let updated_to_balance = receiver_balance.checked_add(&value).ok_or("overflow in calculating balance")?;
// reduce sender's balance
<BalanceOf<T>>::insert(from.clone(), updated_from_balance);
// increase receiver's balance
<BalanceOf<T>>::insert(to.clone(), updated_to_balance);
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::Transfer(from, to, value));
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