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Created April 11, 2015 17:05
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relational topic model (I added prediction function)
import numpy as np
# import utils
from scipy.special import gammaln, psi
# from formatted_logger import formatted_logger
eps = 1e-20
# log = formatted_logger('RTM', 'info')
class rtm:
""" implementation of relational topic model by Chang and Blei (2009)
I implemented the exponential link probability function in here
def __init__(self, num_topic, num_doc, num_voca, doc_ids, doc_cnt, doc_links, rho):
self.D = num_doc
self.K = num_topic
self.V = num_voca
self.alpha = .1
self.gamma = np.random.gamma(100., 1./100, [self.D, self.K])
self.beta = np.random.dirichlet([5]*self.V, self.K) = 0
self.eta = np.random.normal(0.,1, self.K)
self.phi = list()
self.pi = np.zeros([self.D, self.K])
for di in xrange(self.D):
unique_word = len(doc_ids[di])
cnt = doc_cnt[di]
self.phi.append(np.random.dirichlet([10]*self.K, unique_word).T) # list of KxW
self.pi[di,:] = np.sum(cnt*self.phi[di],1)/np.sum(cnt*self.phi[di])
self.doc_ids = doc_ids
self.doc_cnt = doc_cnt
self.doc_links = doc_links
self.rho = rho #regularization parameter
#'Initialize RTM: num_voca:%d, num_topic:%d, num_doc:%d' % (self.V,self.K,self.D))
def posterior_inference(self, max_iter, tol=10**-2):
elbo_old = -10**10
for iter in xrange(max_iter):
elbo = self.compute_elbo()
#'%d iter: ELBO = %.3f' % (iter, elbo))
if np.fabs(elbo - elbo_old) < tol:
elbo_old = elbo
def compute_elbo(self):
""" compute evidence lower bound for trained model
elbo = 0
e_log_theta = psi(self.gamma) - psi(np.sum(self.gamma, 1))[:,np.newaxis] # D x K
log_beta = np.log(self.beta+eps)
for di in xrange(self.D):
words = self.doc_ids[di]
cnt = self.doc_cnt[di]
elbo += np.sum(cnt * (self.phi[di] * log_beta[:,words])) # E_q[log p(w_{d,n}|\beta,z_{d,n})]
elbo += np.sum((self.alpha - 1.)*e_log_theta[di,:]) # E_q[log p(\theta_d | alpha)]
elbo += np.sum(self.phi[di].T * e_log_theta[di,:]) # E_q[log p(z_{d,n}|\theta_d)]
elbo += -gammaln(np.sum(self.gamma[di,:])) + np.sum(gammaln(self.gamma[di,:])) \
- np.sum((self.gamma[di,:] - 1.)*(e_log_theta[di,:])) # - E_q[log q(theta|gamma)]
elbo += - np.sum(cnt * self.phi[di] * np.log(self.phi[di])) # - E_q[log q(z|phi)]
for adi in self.doc_links[di]:
elbo +=, self.pi[di]*self.pi[adi]) + # E_q[log p(y_{d1,d2}|z_{d1},z_{d2},\eta,\nu)]
return elbo
def variation_update(self):
#update phi, gamma
e_log_theta = psi(self.gamma) - psi(np.sum(self.gamma, 1))[:,np.newaxis]
new_beta = np.zeros([self.K, self.V])
for di in xrange(self.D):
words = self.doc_ids[di]
cnt = self.doc_cnt[di]
doc_len = np.sum(cnt)
new_phi = np.log(self.beta[:,words]+eps) + e_log_theta[di,:][:,np.newaxis]
gradient = np.zeros(self.K)
for adi in self.doc_links[di]:
gradient += self.eta * self.pi[adi,:] / doc_len
new_phi += gradient[:,np.newaxis]
new_phi = np.exp(new_phi)
new_phi = new_phi/np.sum(new_phi,0)
self.phi[di] = new_phi
self.pi[di,:] = np.sum(cnt * self.phi[di],1)/np.sum(cnt * self.phi[di])
self.gamma[di,:] = np.sum(cnt * self.phi[di], 1) + self.alpha
new_beta[:, words] += (cnt * self.phi[di])
self.beta = new_beta / np.sum(new_beta, 1)[:,np.newaxis]
def parameter_estimation(self):
#update eta, nu
pi_sum = np.zeros(self.K)
num_links = 0.
for di in xrange(self.D):
for adi in self.doc_links[di]:
pi_sum += self.pi[di,:]*self.pi[adi,:]
num_links += 1
num_links /= 2. # divide by 2 for bidirectional edge
pi_sum /= 2.
pi_alpha = np.zeros(self.K) + self.alpha/(self.alpha*self.K)*self.alpha/(self.alpha*self.K) = np.log(num_links-np.sum(pi_sum)) - np.log(self.rho*(self.K-1)/self.K + num_links - np.sum(pi_sum))
self.eta = np.log(pi_sum) - np.log(pi_sum + self.rho * pi_alpha) -
def save_model(self, output_directory, vocab=None):
import os
if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
np.savetxt(output_directory+'/eta.txt', self.eta, delimiter='\t')
np.savetxt(output_directory+'/beta.txt', self.beta, delimiter='\t')
with open(output_directory+'/nu.txt', 'w') as f:
if vocab != None:
utils.write_top_words(self.beta, vocab, output_directory+'/top_words.csv')
def predict_edges(self, doc_ids, doc_cnt, max_iter=100, tol=10**-2):
D_te = len(doc_ids)
gamma_te = np.random.gamma(100., 1./100, [D_te, self.K])
phi_te = list()
for di in range(D_te):
unique_word = len(doc_ids[di])
phi_te.append(np.random.dirichlet([10]*self.K, unique_word).T)
elbo_old = -10**20
for it in range(max_iter):
e_log_theta = psi(gamma_te) - psi(np.sum(gamma_te, 1))[:,np.newaxis]
for di in range(D_te):
words = doc_ids[di]
cnt = doc_cnt[di]
new_phi = np.log(self.beta[:,words]+eps) + e_log_theta[di,:][:,np.newaxis]
new_phi = np.exp(new_phi)
phi_te[di] = new_phi/np.sum(new_phi,0)
gamma_te[di,:] = np.sum(cnt * phi_te[di], 1) + self.alpha
elbo = self._test_elbo_without_edges(doc_ids, doc_cnt, D_te, e_log_theta, phi_te, gamma_te)
if np.fabs(elbo - elbo_old) < tol:
elbo_old = elbo
e_z_te = list()
for di in range(D_te):
total_word = sum(doc_cnt[di])
unique_word = len(doc_ids[di])
I = np.diagflat(doc_cnt[di])
e_z_te.append(np.sum([di], I), axis=1))
edge_prob_matrix = np.zeros((D_te, D_te))
for di in range(D_te):
for dj in range(di, D_te):
edge_prob_matrix[di, dj] = np.exp(np.inner(self.eta, e_z_te[di] * e_z_te[dj]) +
edge_prob_matrix[dj, di] = np.exp(np.inner(self.eta, e_z_te[di] * e_z_te[dj]) +
return gamma_te, phi_te, edge_prob_matrix
def _test_elbo_without_edges(self, doc_ids, doc_cnt, D_te, e_log_theta, phi_te, gamma_te):
elbo = 0
log_beta = np.log(self.beta+eps)
for di in xrange(D_te):
words = doc_ids[di]
cnt = doc_cnt[di]
elbo += np.sum(cnt * (phi_te[di] * log_beta[:,words])) # E_q[log p(w_{d,n}|\beta,z_{d,n})]
elbo += np.sum((self.alpha - 1.)*e_log_theta[di,:]) # E_q[log p(\theta_d | alpha)]
elbo += np.sum(phi_te[di].T * e_log_theta[di,:]) # E_q[log p(z_{d,n}|\theta_d)]
elbo += -gammaln(np.sum(gamma_te[di,:])) + np.sum(gammaln(gamma_te[di,:])) \
- np.sum((gamma_te[di,:] - 1.)*(e_log_theta[di,:])) # - E_q[log q(theta|gamma)]
elbo += - np.sum(cnt * phi_te[di] * np.log(phi_te[di])) # - E_q[log q(z|phi)]
return elbo
rho = 1
num_topic = 2
num_voca = 6
num_doc = 2
doc_ids = [[0,1,4],[2,3,5]]
doc_cnt = [[2,2,3],[1,3,1]]
doc_links = [[1],[0]] #bidirectional link
model = rtm(num_topic, num_doc, num_voca, doc_ids, doc_cnt, doc_links, rho)
a, b, c = model.predict_edges(doc_ids, doc_cnt)
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