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Last active June 26, 2024 09:26
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  • Save yves-chevallier/9eb5e2efd843b17c1240db8ec84d83a0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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SVG to mxGraph experiment
MxGraph Primitives
<move x="0" y="0"/>
<line x="0" y="0"/>
<quad x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0"/>
<curve x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" x3="0" y3="0"/>
Updated with changed from
from xml.dom import minidom
import re
file = minidom.parse('elettrovalvola.svg')
svg = file.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0]
viewBox = svg.getAttribute('viewBox').split(' ')
width, height = float(viewBox[2]), float(viewBox[3])
def create_constraint(document, parent, x, y, perimeter=1):
""" Create a constraint """
constraint = document.createElement('constraint')
constraint.setAttribute('x', str(x))
constraint.setAttribute('y', str(y))
constraint.setAttribute('perimeter', str(perimeter))
def create_connections(document, parent, height, width, nx=3, ny=3):
connections = document.createElement('connections')
nx += 1
ny += 1
for x in [1/nx*n for n in range(1, nx)]:
create_constraint(document, connections, 0, x)
create_constraint(document, connections, 1, x)
create_constraint(document, connections, x, 0)
create_constraint(document, connections, x, 1)
def create_move(document, parent, x, y):
""" Move to a specified point """
move = document.createElement('move')
move.setAttribute('x', str(x))
move.setAttribute('y', str(y))
def create_line(document, parent, x, y):
""" Create a line from the current position. """
line = document.createElement('line')
line.setAttribute('x', str(x))
line.setAttribute('y', str(y))
def create_curve(document, parent, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3):
curve = document.createElement('curve')
curve.setAttribute('x1', str(x1))
curve.setAttribute('y1', str(y1))
curve.setAttribute('x2', str(x2))
curve.setAttribute('y2', str(y2))
curve.setAttribute('x3', str(x3))
curve.setAttribute('y3', str(y3))
def create_quad(document, parent, x, y, via_x, via_y):
""" Create a quadratic curve from the current position.
Attracts curve to the specified via point.
quad = document.createElement('quad')
quad.setAttribute('x', str(x))
quad.setAttribute('y', str(y))
quad.setAttribute('x1', str(via_x))
quad.setAttribute('y1', str(via_y))
def create_arc(document, parent, rx, ry, rotation, flag1, flag2, x, y):
arc = document.createElement('arc')
arc.setAttribute('rx', str(rx))
arc.setAttribute('ry', str(ry))
arc.setAttribute('rotation', str(rotation))
arc.setAttribute('flag1', str(flag1))
arc.setAttribute('flag2', str(flag2))
arc.setAttribute('x', str(x))
arc.setAttribute('y', str(y))
def process_rect(document, parent, rect):
rectangle = document.createElement('rect')
rectangle.setAttribute('x', rect.getAttribute('x'))
rectangle.setAttribute('y', rect.getAttribute('y'))
rectangle.setAttribute('width', rect.getAttribute('width'))
rectangle.setAttribute('height', rect.getAttribute('height'))
def process_polygon(document, parent, polygon):
""" Process a polygon """
points = polygon.getAttribute('points').split(' ')
points = zip(*(iter(points),) * 2)
path = document.createElement('path')
move = document.createElement('move')
p = next(points)
move.setAttribute('x', p[0])
move.setAttribute('y', p[1])
for (x, y) in points:
line = document.createElement('line')
line.setAttribute('x', x)
line.setAttribute('y', y)
def process_line(document, parent, line):
""" Process a line """
x1 = line.getAttribute('x1')
y1 = line.getAttribute('y1')
x2 = line.getAttribute('x2')
y2 = line.getAttribute('y2')
path = document.createElement('path')
move = document.createElement('move')
move.setAttribute('x', x1)
move.setAttribute('y', y1)
line = document.createElement('line')
line.setAttribute('x', x2)
line.setAttribute('y', y2)
def process_circle(document, parent, circle):
""" Process a circle """
cx = circle.getAttribute('cx')
cy = circle.getAttribute('cy')
r = circle.getAttribute('r')
ellipse = document.createElement('ellipse')
ellipse.setAttribute('h', r)
ellipse.setAttribute('w', r)
ellipse.setAttribute('x', cx)
ellipse.setAttribute('y', cy)
def is_number(s):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def process_path(document, parent, path):
""" Process a path """
d = path.getAttribute('d')
path = document.createElement('path')
# matches = [ for u in re.finditer(r"[a-zA-Z,]|-?(?:\d+\.\d+e-?\d+|\d+\.\d+|\.\d+|\d+)(?!=\d)", d) if != ',']
matches = [ for u in re.finditer(r"[a-zA-Z,]|-?(?:\d+\.\d+(?:e-?\d+)?|\.\d+(?:e-?\d+)?|\d+(?:e-?\d+)?)(?!=\d)", d) if != ',']
x0, y0 = 0, 0
xs, ys = 0, 0
while matches:
if re.match(r"[Mm]", matches[0]):
command = matches.pop(0)
relative = command.islower()
while matches and is_number(matches[0]):
x = float(matches.pop(0)) + (x0 if relative else 0)
y = float(matches.pop(0)) + (y0 if relative else 0)
create_move(document, path, x, y)
x0 = x
y0 = y
xs = x0
ys = y0
elif re.match(r"[Cc]", matches[0]):
command = matches.pop(0)
relative = command.islower()
while matches and is_number(matches[0]):
x1 = float(matches.pop(0)) + (x0 if relative else 0)
y1 = float(matches.pop(0)) + (y0 if relative else 0)
x2 = float(matches.pop(0)) + (x0 if relative else 0)
y2 = float(matches.pop(0)) + (y0 if relative else 0)
x = float(matches.pop(0)) + (x0 if relative else 0)
y = float(matches.pop(0)) + (y0 if relative else 0)
create_curve(document, path, x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y)
x0 = x
y0 = y
elif re.match(r"[Ss]", matches[0]):
command = matches.pop(0)
relative = command.islower()
while matches and is_number(matches[0]):
x2 = float(matches.pop(0)) + (x0 if relative else 0)
y2 = float(matches.pop(0)) + (y0 if relative else 0)
x = float(matches.pop(0)) + (x0 if relative else 0)
y = float(matches.pop(0)) + (y0 if relative else 0)
create_curve(document, path, x2, y2, x2, y2, x, y)
x0 = x
y0 = y
elif re.match(r"[Ll]", matches[0]):
command = matches.pop(0)
relative = command.islower()
x = float(matches.pop(0)) + (x0 if relative else 0)
y = float(matches.pop(0)) + (y0 if relative else 0)
create_line(document, path, x, y)
x0 = x
y0 = y
elif re.match(r"[Hh]", matches[0]):
command = matches.pop(0)
relative = command.islower()
x = float(matches.pop(0)) + (x0 if relative else 0)
create_line(document, path, x, y0)
x0 = x
elif re.match(r"[Vv]", matches[0]):
command = matches.pop(0)
relative = command.islower()
y = float(matches.pop(0)) + (y0 if relative else 0)
create_line(document, path, x0, y)
y0 = y
elif re.match(r"[Zz]", matches[0]):
command = matches.pop(0)
create_line(document, path, xs, ys)
x0 = xs
y0 = ys
print("Error", matches.pop(0))
def process_group(document, parent, group):
""" Process a group """
for child in group.childNodes:
if child.nodeType != child.ELEMENT_NODE:
if child.tagName == 'g':
process_group(document, parent, child)
elif child.tagName == 'polygon':
process_polygon(document, parent, child)
elif child.tagName == 'line':
process_line(document, parent, child)
elif child.tagName == 'rect':
process_rect(document, parent, child)
elif child.tagName == 'circle':
process_circle(document, parent, child)
elif child.tagName == 'path':
process_path(document, parent, child)
document = minidom.Document()
shape = document.createElement('shape')
shape.setAttribute('aspect', 'variable') ## or fixed
shape.setAttribute('h', viewBox[2])
shape.setAttribute('w', viewBox[3])
shape.setAttribute('strokewidth', "inherit")
parent = document.appendChild(shape)
create_connections(document, parent, height, width)
background = document.createElement('background')
rect = document.createElement('rect')
rect.setAttribute('x', viewBox[0])
rect.setAttribute('y', viewBox[1])
rect.setAttribute('w', viewBox[2])
rect.setAttribute('h', viewBox[3])
foreground = document.createElement('foreground')
process_group(document, foreground, svg)
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dabenny commented Mar 19, 2024

Dear @yves-chevallier ,
I try to update your experiment here:
I just add some path command
I fix the relative instruction and the exponential notation

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Nice :)

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Corresponding stackoverflow question here

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