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Last active December 19, 2015 07:19
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A list of SCSS mixins & functions I use a lot
// Shake horizontally
// Use:
// @include animation(shake-x 1s);
@include keyframes(shake-x) {
0%, 100% {
@include translateX(0);
10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 90% {
@include translateX(-10px);
20%, 40%, 60%, 80% {
@include translateX(10px);
// Gray shorthand
// @param value (0..255)
// @param transparency (0..1)
// example:
// body { color: gray(50); } => rgba(50,50,50, 1)
// body { background-color: gray(150, 0.5); } => rgba(150,150,150, 0.5)
@function gray($value, $transparency: 1) {
@return rgba($value, $value, $value, $transparency);
// Spiderman is a mixin to position absolute an element in another
// element top to bottom, left to right
// @param $offset Offset from the edge
@mixin spiderman($offset: 0) {
bottom: $offset;
left: $offset;
position: absolute;
right: $offset;
top: $offset;
// Style input placeholder text
// Example:
// input {
// @include placeholder {
// color: yellow;
// };
// }
@mixin placeholder {
@each $prefix in ":-webkit-input", "moz", ":-moz", "-ms-input" {
&:#{$prefix}-placeholder {
// Use REM units for fonts
// Fallback for older browsers to pixel value
// Be sure to set the font-size on <html> to 62.5% for easy calculations
// So 1.6rem equals 16px
// @param $size-value Defaults to 1.6
// More info about REM:
@mixin font-size($size-value: 1.6) {
font-size: ($size-value * 10) + px;
font-size: $size-value + rem;
// Target only Mozilla browsers
// More info:
@mixin moz-only {
@-moz-document url-prefix() {
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