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trying to CLOS-wrap CLX
#| -*- mode:lisp -*-
CLOS wrapper for CLX
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(require :quicklisp)
(quicklisp:quickload '("clx" "uiop")))
(defpackage #:clx-clos
(:documentation "")
(:shadowing-import-from #:xlib #:create-image)
(:use #:common-lisp #:xlib #:uiop)
(:nicknames #:closx)
;; (:export #:demo)
(in-package #:closx)
;;; SBCL treats constant redefinition as error
;; (defmacro defconst (name value &optional doc)
;; `(defconstant ,name (if (boundp ',name)
;; (symbol-value ',name)
;; ,value)
;; ,@(when doc (list doc))))
;(declaim (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (debug 0)))
(defun get-current-display-number ()
(let ((env-display (uiop:getenv "DISPLAY")))
(if (and (stringp env-display)
(> (length env-display) 1)
(find #\: env-display))
(subseq env-display
(1+ (position #\: env-display))
(let ((dot-screen (position #\. env-display)))
(when dot-screen dot-screen))))
(defclass closx-screen ()
((display :type display)
(screen :type screen)
(screen-width :type (unsigned-byte 16))
(screen-height :type (unsigned-byte 16))
(root-window :type window)
(black-pixel :type pixel
:accessor root-black
:initform #x000000)
(white-pixel :type pixel
:accessor root-white
:initform #xFFFFFF)
;;; windows is a list-tree of subwindows of root window
(windows :type list ;; FIXIT: should be list of window
:initform '())
(font :type font)))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((closx-screen closx-screen)
&key (host "") display-number)
(with-slots (display screen screen-width screen-height root-window
black-pixel white-pixel windows font)
(setf display (open-display host :display (when (not display-number)
screen (display-default-screen display)
black-pixel (screen-black-pixel screen)
white-pixel (screen-white-pixel screen)
screen-width (screen-width screen)
screen-height (screen-height screen)
root-window (screen-root screen)
font (open-font display "-dec-terminal-medium-r-normal--14-140-75-75-c-80-iso8859-1"))))
(defmethod close-screen ((closx-screen closx-screen))
(close-font (slot-value closx-screen 'font)))
(defclass closx-window ()
((closx-screen :type closx-screen
:initarg :screen)
(window :type window)
(parent-window :type window
:initarg :parent-window)
(window-width :type (unsigned-byte 16)
:initarg :window-width
:initform 128)
(window-height :type (unsigned-byte 16)
:initarg :window-height
:initform 128)
(window-x :type (unsigned-byte 16)
:initarg :x-position
:initform 1)
(window-y :type (unsigned-byte 16)
:initarg :y-position
:initform 1)
(colormap :type colormap)
(gcontext :type gcontext)))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((closx-window closx-window) &key)
(with-slots (closx-screen window window-width window-height window-x window-y parent-window colormap gcontext)
(when (not (boundp 'closx-screen))
(setf closx-screen (make-instance 'closx-screen)))
(with-slots (screen screen-width screen-height root-window black-pixel white-pixel display font)
(when (not (boundp 'parent-window))
(setf parent-window root-window))
(setf window-width
(typecase window-width
(null screen-width) ; REMINDER: order means
(integer window-width)
(ratio (round (* screen-width window-width)))
(symbol (case window-width
((or full fullscreen max) screen-width)
(half (truncate screen-width 2))
(phi (truncate screen-width 1.618034f0))))
(t (error (format nil "Unsupported type of width: ~(~A~)"
(type-of window-width))))))
(setf window-height
(typecase window-height
(null screen-height) ; REMINDER: order means
(integer window-height)
(ratio (round (* screen-height window-height)))
(symbol (case window-height
((or full fullscreen max) screen-height)
(half (truncate screen-height 2))
(golden (truncate screen-height 1.618034f0))))
(t (error (format nil "Unsupported type of height: ~(~A~)"
(type-of window-height))))))
(setf window-x 1 ;; (truncate (- screen-width window-width) 2)
(setf window-y 1;; (truncate (- screen-height window-height) 2)
;; (when (not (boundp 'colormap)
;; (setf colormap (create-colormap depth24 main-window))
(setf window
(create-window :parent parent-window
:x window-x
:y window-y
:width window-width
:height window-height
:border-width 0
:event-mask (make-event-mask :exposure
:background white-pixel
:colormap (screen-default-colormap screen)
; :border white-pixel
:bit-gravity :center
;:override-redirect :on
(set-wm-properties window
:name ""
:icon-name ""
:resource-name ""
:resource-class ""
:user-specified-position-p t
:user-specified-size-p t
:x window-x
:y window-y
:width window-width :height window-height
:min-width window-width :min-height window-height
:max-width window-width :max-height window-height
:input :on
:initial-state :normal)
(setf gcontext (create-gcontext :drawable window ;; drawable is window or pixmap
:background black-pixel
:foreground white-pixel
:font font))
(when (not (window-colormap-installed-p window))
(install-colormap (window-colormap window)))
;; (map-window window)
;; (display-finish-output display)
(defmethod close-window ((closx-window closx-window))
(with-slots (gcontext window display closx-screen) closx-window
(free-gcontext gcontext)
(unmap-window window) ; excessive: since destroy-window does it
(destroy-subwindows window) ; excessive: since destroy-window does it
(destroy-window window)
(close-screen closx-screen)))
(defmacro with-x ((window-symbol) &body body)
(let ((,window-symbol (make-instance 'closx-window)))
(close-window ,window-symbol)))
;; (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance x-client)
;; &key (host "" host-p)
;; (display 0 display-p))
;; (with-slots (host display screens)
;; instance
;; (when host-p (setf (slot-value instance 'host) host))
;; (when (not display-p)
;; (setf (slot-value instance 'display)
;; (if (not (or host-p display-p))
;; (open-default-display) ; todo: check it
;; (open-display host :display display))))
;; ;; (setf (slot-value instance 'screens
;; ;; (list (make-instance 'closx-screen :display display))))
;; ))
;; (defmethod add-screen ((instance x-client) screen)
;; (push screen (slot-value instance 'screens)))
;; (defmethod close-client ((instance x-client))
;; (close-display (slot-value instance 'display)))
;; (defmacro with-x ())
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