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Created August 6, 2012 17:45
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Save yvmarques/3277046 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Use requirements.txt to install all requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then start simple the small server with the fellowing command
To try the web service you can use curl
curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -X POST -d "text=Hello+world.+Has+the+sun+risen+on+you+today%3F" http://localhost:8001/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Small webservice based on wsgiservice that try to detect the natural language of one text
from wsgiservice import *
from guess_language import guessLanguage
class Index(Resource):
NOT_FOUND = (KeyError,)
def POST(self):
Get text from the post form and then try to determine de language
with guess-language library
text = None
if self.request.POST['text'] is not None:
text = self.request.POST['text']
language = 'UNKNOWN' # Default value by guessLanguage
if text is not None:
language = guessLanguage(text)
return dict(language=language)
app = get_app(globals())
if __name__ == '__main__':
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
print "Running on port 8001"
make_server('', 8001, app).serve_forever()
-e git://
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