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Last active July 6, 2022 08:28
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(function :Int maxFromList [ :Array<Int> list]
// Looks like variables declared inside `let` are all final. ?? Humn...
// Ooooh, you need a `&mut` to indicate mutability. ie. by default all
// variables are immutable.
(let [&mut :Int maxNumber 0]
//lovely almost pythonic syntax
(doFor number list
(set maxNumber (max maxNumber number))
(assert (= 5 (maxFromList [1 3 4 5 5])))
// Specifying types for params
// Interesting note: `maxx` is implicitly converted into a `String`.
//? Is it good for the compiler to do that? problly...but then? shouldn't it at least give a warning?
// (function :String maxNumber [ :Int a :Int b]
// (let [maxx (max a b)]
// maxx
// ))
// (print "$(maxNumber 3 4)")
//Alternatively to maxNumber. Why is this assertion failing tho?
//? Returning an int. why?
// (function :String maxNumber [ :Int a :Int b]
// (let [maxx (max a b)]
// (.toString maxx)
// maxx
// ))
// (assert (= "5" (maxNumber 4 5)))
//Accessing stuff form an array.
//?Quick question: Seems like list and array might be diff things in lisp. is that so?
// (print "$(nth [1 2 3 4] 3)")
//?Why aren't these working? MakeQuickNth...
// (print "$(nth [1 2 3] first)")
// (function arrayAccess [:Array<Int> array]
// (print "$(nth array first)")
// )
// ! A bit interesting that accessing out of bound returns the last element instead
//! of indicating an error or at least some sort of warning.
// This is a comparator for our boxes. It sorts boxes by their units per box in descending order.
// We can probably use a lambad function instead of this...
(function :Int sortboxTypes [ :Array<Int> a1 :Array<Int> a2]
(let [unitsA (nth a1 1) unitsB (nth a2 1)]
// There's probablly a more succint way of writing this.
(if (= unitsA unitsB)
(return 0))
(if (> unitsA unitsB)
(return -1)
(if (< unitsA unitsB)
(return 1))
(print "$(sortboxTypes [1 3][2 3])")
(assert (= 0 (sortboxTypes [1 3][2 3])))
(print "$(sort [[1 2] [2 3] [4 5 9]] sortboxTypes )")
(assert (= 0 (sortboxTypes [2, 3][2, 3])))
//? Question: Why can't we specify that boxTypes and trucksize will be mutable.
// I mean, Why can't write sth like this:
//`function :Int maximumUnits [ &mut :Array<Array<Int>> boxTypes &mut :Int truckSize]`
// When I write that, I get a syntax error.
(function :Int maximumUnits [ :Array<Array<Int>> boxTypes :Int truckSize]
(let [boxTypes (sort boxTypes sortboxTypes)
&mut maxUnits 0]
(print "$(.toString boxTypes)")
(doFor arr boxTypes
(let [currentNumberOfBoxes (nth arr 0)
unitsPerBox (nth arr 1)]
(let [diff (- truckSize currentNumberOfBoxes)
totalAvailableUnits (* currentNumberOfBoxes unitsPerBox)]
(if (= diff 0)
(return (+ maxUnits totalAvailableUnits)))
(if (< diff 0)
(return (+ maxUnits (* truckSize unitsPerBox))))
(set maxUnits (+ maxUnits totalAvailableUnits))
(set truckSize (- truckSize currentNumberOfBoxes))
(assert (= 91 (maximumUnits [[5 10] [2 5] [4 7] [3 9]] 10)))
(assert (= 8 (maximumUnits [[1 3] [2 2] [3 1]] 4)))
(function :Int maps []
// A bit of a weird error when you leave space inside map declarations.
// I'm not sure if it's intentional but seems a bit annoying.
(let [myMap (new Map<Array<Int>,Int>)
// cell (new Cell<>)
(dictSet myMap [1 0] 0)
(dictSet myMap [1 1] 1)
(dictSet myMap [1 2] 2)
// (set cell.row 1)
// (set cell.col 2)
(print myMap)
(print "accessing...$(dictGet myMap [1 1])")
(return (dictGet myMap [1 1]))
(print " here's maps: $(maps)")
(assert (= 0 (maps)))
// Have no idea why this is not working. I defined Cell inside Main.hx
// (let [cell (Cell)]
// (set cell.row 1)
// (set cell.col 2)
// (print cell)
// )
//... Still no where close to being completed this one.
(function :Void solveSudoku [ :Array<Array<String>>]
(let [n 9
emptyCells (new Array<Array<Int>>)
// Should change these to some sort of sets if they exist.
rows (new Map<Int,Array<Int>)
cols (new Map<Int,Array<Int>)//problly use a class to define cell. or maybe list can be hashed given that they're immutable?.
grids (new Map<Array<Int>, Array<Int>)
getSubGrid (lambda [row col]([(/ row 3) (/ col 3)]))
(doFor row (range 0 n)
(doFor col (range 0 n)
// we should problly write: nth (nth board row) col
(if (!= (nth (nth board row) col) ".")
(if (rows.exists row)
(let [numArray (dictGet rows row)
//(add numArray (nth (nth board row) col)))
(function solve[ :Int index]
(if (= index m)
(return true))
(let [row (nth emptyCells index)]
(doFor num (range 1 (+ n 1))
(.toString num)
(if (nth rows row).exists num
(continue ))
(if (nth cols col).exists num
(continue ))
(if (nth grids (getSubGrid row col))
(continue )
(set (nth (nth board row) col num))
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