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Created April 17, 2016 16:05
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abstract class EventStreamEntity
* @var Event[]
protected $events = [];
* @return Event[]
public function collectUncommitedEvents() { }
class Employee extends EventStreamEntity
public function createOffer(OfferId $offerId, CustomerId $customerId)
$offer = Offer::PendingOffer();
$this->events[] = new OfferWasCreated($offerId, $customerId);
return $offer;
class OfferId
class Offer extends EventStreamEntity
const STATE_PENDING = 1;
private $state;
* @var Customer|null
private $owner;
* @var Employee
private $employee;
public function __construct(Employee $employee)
$this->state = self::STATE_PENDING;
$this->employee = $employee;
public function notifyEmployee()
// change state, do something else?
* @return EmployeeId
public function responsible()
return $this->employee->getIdentity();
public function sendToCustomer(Customer $customer)
$this->state = self::STATE_CUSTOMER_EVALUATION;
$this->owner = $customer;
$this->events[] = new OfferWasSentToCustomer($this->getIdentity(), $customer->getIdentity());
public function isOwnedBy(CustomerId $id)
return $this->owner instanceof Customer && $this->owner->matchIdentity($id);
public function agree()
$this->state = self::STATE_CUSTOMER_AGREE;
public function isAgreed()
return $this->state === self::STATE_CUSTOMER_AGREE;
public static function PendingOffer(Employee $responsible)
return new self($responsible);
public static function SentOffer(Employee $responsible, Customer $customer)
$offer = self::PendingOffer($responsible);
return $offer;
class CustomerId
class Customer extends EventStreamEntity
private $id;
public function getIdentity()
return new CustomerId($this->id);
public function agreeToOffer(OfferId $offerId)
$offer = $this->getOffer($offerId);
if ($offer->isOwnedBy($this->getIdentity())) {
// exception
if ($offer->isAgreed()) { // could be avoided with StatePattern
// exception
$this->events[] = new CustomerAgreedToOffer($this->getIdentity(), $offerId);
* @param OfferId $id
* @return Offer
* @throws EntityNotFOundException
private function getOffer(OfferId $id)
class CustomerAgreedToOffer
public $customerId;
public $offerId;
class CreateOfferHandler
public function handle($command)
* @var Employee $employee
$employee = $this->employeeRepository->findByIdentity($command->employeeId);
$offer = $employee->createOffer($this->identityGenerator->generateOfferId(), $command->customerId);
class OfferWasCreated // event
public $offerId;
public $customerId;
public function __construct()
class SendOfferToCustomer // event listener
* I put this process in an event, since the send to customer seemed to be happening only when order was created
* Also adding an event enables you to plug any other listeners to this event
public function onOfferWasCreated(OfferWasCreated $event)
* @var $offer Offer
$offer = $this->offerRepository->findOfferByIdentity($event->offerId);
// Customer talks to Employee. Employee logs in, creates an offer, sends it to Customer
// in OfferController
function () { // create offer action
$handler = new CreateOfferHandler(); // or message bus, depends on your implementation
$handler->handle(new CreateOfferCommand()); // using form and all symfony ways
class AgreeToOfferHandler // command handler
public function handle($command)
* @var $customer Customer
$customer = $this->customerRepository->findCustomer($command->customerId);
class OfferAgreedNotifier
public function onCustomerAgreedToOffer(CustomerAgreedToOffer $event)
* @var $offer Offer
$offer = $this->offerRepository->findOffer($event->offerId);
$this->notifier->notifyEmployee($offer->responsible()); // ??? Email or other?
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