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Last active August 26, 2021 05:47
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Tuba Search#algorithm
import numpy as np
dulChange = False
coordinates = np.array([[565.0, 575.0], [25.0, 185.0], [345.0, 750.0], [945.0, 685.0], [845.0, 655.0],
[880.0, 660.0], [25.0, 230.0], [525.0, 1000.0], [580.0, 1175.0], [650.0, 1130.0],
[1605.0, 620.0], [1220.0, 580.0], [1465.0, 200.0], [1530.0, 5.0], [845.0, 680.0],
[725.0, 370.0], [145.0, 665.0], [415.0, 635.0], [510.0, 875.0], [560.0, 365.0],
[300.0, 465.0], [520.0, 585.0], [480.0, 415.0], [835.0, 625.0], [975.0, 580.0],
[1215.0, 245.0], [1320.0, 315.0], [1250.0, 400.0], [660.0, 180.0], [410.0, 250.0],
[420.0, 555.0], [575.0, 665.0], [1150.0, 1160.0], [700.0, 580.0], [685.0, 595.0],
[685.0, 610.0], [770.0, 610.0], [795.0, 645.0], [720.0, 635.0], [760.0, 650.0],
[475.0, 960.0], [95.0, 260.0], [875.0, 920.0], [700.0, 500.0], [555.0, 815.0],
[830.0, 485.0], [1170.0, 65.0], [830.0, 610.0], [605.0, 625.0], [595.0, 360.0],
[1340.0, 725.0], [1740.0, 245.0]])
def getdistmat(coordinates):
num = coordinates.shape[0]
distmat = np.zeros((52, 52))
for i in range(num):
for j in range(i, num):
distmat[i][j] = distmat[j][i] = np.linalg.norm(coordinates[i] - coordinates[j])
return distmat
def initpara():
alpha = 0.99
t = (1, 100)
markovlen = 10000
return alpha, t, markovlen
num = coordinates.shape[0]
distmat = getdistmat(coordinates)
solutionnew = np.arange(num) # 0-51
valuenew = 9999999999999
solutioncurrent = solutionnew.copy()
valuecurrent = 9999999999999
solutionbest = solutionnew.copy()
valuebest = 9999999999999
alpha, t2, markovlen = initpara()
t = t2[1]
result = [] # 记录迭代过程中的最优解
while t > t2[0]:
for i in np.arange(markovlen):
# print t, i
# 下面的两交换和三角换是两种扰动方式,用于产生新解
if dulChange: # 两交换
# np.random.rand()产生[0, 1)区间的均匀随机数
while True: # 产生两个不同的随机数
loc1 = * (num - 1)))
loc2 = * (num - 1)))
if loc1 != loc2:
solutionnew[loc1], solutionnew[loc2] = solutionnew[loc2], solutionnew[loc1]
else: # 三交换
while True:
loc1 = * (num - 1)))
loc2 = * (num - 1)))
loc3 = * (num - 1)))
if ((loc1 != loc2) & (loc2 != loc3) & (loc1 != loc3)):
# 下面的三个判断语句使得loc1<loc2<loc3
if loc1 > loc2:
loc1, loc2 = loc2, loc1
if loc2 > loc3:
loc2, loc3 = loc3, loc2
if loc1 > loc2:
loc1, loc2 = loc2, loc1
# 下面的三行代码将[loc1,loc2)区间的数据插入到loc3之后
tmplist = solutionnew[loc1:loc2].copy()
solutionnew[loc1:loc3 - loc2 + 1 + loc1] = solutionnew[loc2:loc3 + 1].copy()
solutionnew[loc3 - loc2 + 1 + loc1:loc3 + 1] = tmplist.copy()
valuenew = 0
for i in range(num - 1):
valuenew += distmat[solutionnew[i]][solutionnew[i + 1]]
valuenew += distmat[solutionnew[0]][solutionnew[51]]
if valuenew < valuecurrent: # 接受该解
# 更新solutioncurrent 和solutionbest
valuecurrent = valuenew
solutioncurrent = solutionnew.copy()
if valuenew < valuebest:
valuebest = valuenew
solutionbest = solutionnew.copy()
else: # 按一定的概率接受该解
if np.random.rand() < np.exp(-(valuenew - valuecurrent) / t):
valuecurrent = valuenew
solutioncurrent = solutionnew.copy()
solutionnew = solutioncurrent.copy()
t = alpha * t
fopen = open('save1','w+')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
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