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Created April 19, 2015 06:27
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The original code was taken from: Reformat Tcl code indentatioin
proc reformat {tclcode {pad 4}} {
set lines [split $tclcode \n]
set out ""
set continued no
set oddquotes 0
set line [lindex $lines 0]
set indent [expr {([string length $line]-[string length [string trimleft $line \ \t]])/$pad}]
set pad [string repeat " " $pad]
foreach orig $lines {
set newline [string trim $orig \ \t]
set line [string repeat $pad $indent]$newline
if {[string index $line end] eq "\\"} {
if {!$continued} {
incr indent 2
set continued yes
} elseif {$continued} {
incr indent -2
set continued no
if { ! [regexp {^[ \t]*\#} $line] } {
# oddquotes contains : 0 when quotes are balanced
# and 1 when they are not
set oddquotes [expr {([count $line \"] + $oddquotes) % 2}]
if {! $oddquotes} {
set nbbraces [count $line \{]
incr nbbraces -[count $line \}]
set brace [string equal [string index $newline end] \{]
set unbrace [string equal [string index $newline 0] \}]
if {$nbbraces!=0 || $brace || $unbrace} {
incr indent $nbbraces ;# [GWM] 010409 multiple close braces
if {$indent<0} {
error "unbalanced braces"
puts $unbrace
puts $pad
puts $nbbraces
set np [expr {$unbrace? [string length $pad]:-$nbbraces*[string length $pad]}]
set line [string range $line $np end]
} else {
# unbalanced quotes, preserve original indentation
set line $orig
append out $line\n
return $out
proc eol {} {
switch -- $::tcl_platform(platform) {
windows {return \r\n}
unix {return \n}
macintosh {return \r}
default {error "no such platform: $::tc_platform(platform)"}
proc count {string char} {
set count 0
while {[set idx [string first $char $string]]>=0} {
set backslashes 0
set nidx $idx
while {[string equal [string index $string [incr nidx -1]] \\]} {
incr backslashes
if {$backslashes % 2 == 0} {
incr count
set string [string range $string [incr idx] end]
return $count
set usage "reformat.tcl ?-indent number? filename"
if {[llength $argv]!=0} {
if {[lindex $argv 0] eq "-indent"} {
set indent [lindex $argv 1]
set argv [lrange $argv 2 end]
} else {
set indent 4
if {[llength $argv]>1} {
error $usage
set f [open $argv r]
set data [read $f]
close $f
set filename "$argv.tmp"
set f [open $filename w]
puts -nonewline $f [reformat [string map [list [eol] \n] $data] $indent]
close $f
file copy -force $filename $argv
file delete -force $filename
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I don't remember well but according to the help, this is the example usage.

tclsh reformat.tcl example.tcl

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