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Last active December 25, 2015 11:18
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  • Save yyaremenko/6967325 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save yyaremenko/6967325 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Attempts to parse given meta tag's content from given html;
* deals with 'standard' and Open Graph meta tags.
* Order of meta tag attributes could be swapped around e.g. can either be
* name="..." content="..."
* or
* content="..." name="..."
* so we try to get meta tag content in 'swapped' way
* if we don't get in 'straight'
* @param string $html
* - html, which contains meta tags
* @param string $tagName
* - name of meta tag, e.g. 'description'
* @return null
function getMetaTag($html, $tagName) {
$matches = array();
preg_match('/<meta.*?(name|property)=("|\')(og:)?' . $tagName . '("|\').*?content=("|\')(.*?)("|\')/i', $html, $matches);
if(isset($matches[6])) {
return trim($matches[6]);
preg_match('/<meta.*?content=("|\')(.*?)("|\').*?(name|property)=("|\')(og:)?' . $tagName . '("|\')/i', $html, $matches);
if(isset($matches[2])) {
return trim($matches[2]);
return null;
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