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Last active December 15, 2017 02:45
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const { createStore, bindActionCreators } = Redux
const reducer = (state = {紅:0, 綠:0, 藍:0}, action) => {
switch (action.type){
case '紅': return {...state, 紅:action.值}
case '綠': return {...state, 綠:action.值}
case '藍': return {...state, 藍:action.值}
default: return state
// 依照reducer建立store
const store = createStore(reducer)
// 以下①②③都是執行action的方法
// 讓store執行action
const actions = {
紅: () => ({type:'紅', 值:0.5})
store.dispatch(actions.紅()) // ①
// 讓store.dispatch成參數
const mapDispatchToProps1 = (dispatch) => {
return {
綠: () => dispatch({type:'綠', 值:0.5})
mapDispatchToProps1(store.dispatch).綠() //②
// 讓dispatch批量自動填入
const mapDispatchToProps2 = (dispatch) => {
return bindActionCreators({
藍: () => ({type:'藍', 值:0.5})
mapDispatchToProps2(store.dispatch).藍() //③
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