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Created November 2, 2011 05:28
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MixiSDK problem
// Mixi.m
- (void)clear {
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [self userDefaults];
[defaults removeObjectForKey:@"clientId"];
[defaults removeObjectForKey:@"expiresIn"];
[defaults removeObjectForKey:@"state"];
[defaults removeObjectForKey:@"accessTokenExpiryDate"];
// yyjim: is this need to do synchronize after removeObjectForKey?
// [defaults synchronize]
[self storeAccessToken:nil refreshToken:nil];
// "clear" is only call in logout in this Mixi.m
- (void)logout {
[self clear];
self.accessToken = nil;
self.refreshToken = nil;
self.expiresIn = nil;
self.state = nil;
self.accessTokenExpiryDate = nil;
self.mixiViewController = nil;
// MixiWebViewController.m
- (void)dealloc
[super dealloc]; // crash here, this method should call in the end
self.url = nil;
self.delegate = nil;
// [super dealloc];
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