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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Gulp, browserify, reactify, coffee-reactify, notify and watchify for coffeescript
# Ref:
# *
# *
source = require 'vinyl-source-stream'
gulp = require 'gulp'
gutil = require 'gulp-util'
browserify = require 'browserify'
coffee_reactify = require 'coffee-reactify'
watchify = require 'watchify'
notify = require 'gulp-notify'
paths =
srcFiles: ['./src/']
build: './build/'
buildFile: 'bundle.js'
buildScript = (files, watch) ->
rebundle = ->
stream = bundler.bundle()
stream.on("error", notify.onError(
title: "Compile Error"
message: "<%= error.message %>"
)).pipe(source(paths.buildFile)).pipe gulp.dest(
props = watchify.args
props.entries = files
props.debug = true
bundler = (if watch then watchify(browserify(props)) else browserify(props))
bundler.transform coffee_reactify
bundler.on "update", ->
gutil.log "Rebundled..."
gutil.log paths.srcFiles
gulp.task "default", ->
buildScript paths.srcFiles, false
gulp.task "watch", ["default"], ->
buildScript paths.srcFiles, true
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