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Created April 3, 2021 19:04
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Advanced Looping using `miniaudio` library
#include <miniaudio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
ma_uint32 first_frame; // frame to start looping
ma_uint32 last_frame; // frame to end looping (exclusive)
ma_uint32 num_frames; // number of frames to loop
void data_callback(ma_device* pDevice, void* pOutput, const void* pInput, ma_uint32 frameCount)
ma_decoder* pDecoder = (ma_decoder*)pDevice->pUserData;
if (pDecoder == NULL) {
ma_uint32 bpf = ma_get_bytes_per_frame(pDevice->playback.format, pDevice->playback.channels);
ma_uint64 frameCursor;
ma_decoder_get_cursor_in_pcm_frames(pDecoder, &frameCursor);
if (frameCursor < first_frame) {
// The cursor is before first_frame
// Should never happen, but just in case, seek to first_frame.
// If you comment this out,
// the audio will play normally until reaching first_frame,
// and only then start looping.
ma_decoder_seek_to_pcm_frame(pDecoder, first_frame);
frameCursor = first_frame;
} else if (frameCursor > last_frame) {
// The cursor is after last_frame
// Should never happen, but just in case, seek to last_frame.
// If you comment this out,
// the audio will stop looping if you ever seek past last_frame.
ma_decoder_seek_to_pcm_frame(pDecoder, last_frame);
frameCursor = last_frame;
} else if (frameCursor + frameCount > last_frame) {
// Read frames until the cursor hits last_frame,
// then keep looping back to first_frame until we filled the buffer.
ma_uint64 offset = 0; // frame offset to write to
ma_uint32 numFramesToRead = last_frame - frameCursor; // number of frames to read
// We will first read enough frames to reach last_frame, and seek back to first_frame.
// After that, we will keep reading num_frames (or less) and seek back, until we filled up the output buffer.
while (frameCount > 0) { // keep looping until we filled the buffer...
ma_uint64 numFramesRead = ma_decoder_read_pcm_frames(pDecoder, ma_offset_ptr(pOutput, bpf * offset), numFramesToRead);
if (numFramesRead < numFramesToRead) {
// last_frame is past the end of our decoded audio data, adjust values
last_frame = frameCursor + numFramesRead;
num_frames = last_frame - first_frame;
frameCount -= numFramesRead;
if (frameCount < 0) break; // Our buffer is full, and we are not yet done with our current loop, so we shouldn't seek back yet.
offset += numFramesToRead;
numFramesToRead = frameCount; // try to read as many frames as necessairy...
if (numFramesToRead > num_frames) numFramesToRead = num_frames; // ...but read at most num_frames
ma_decoder_seek_to_pcm_frame(pDecoder, first_frame); // seek back to the start.
} else {
// The normal case
ma_decoder_read_pcm_frames(pDecoder, pOutput, frameCount);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
ma_result result;
ma_decoder decoder;
ma_device_config deviceConfig;
ma_device device;
if (argc < 2) {
printf("No input file.\n");
return -1;
result = ma_decoder_init_file(argv[1], NULL, &decoder);
if (result != MA_SUCCESS) {
return -2;
deviceConfig = ma_device_config_init(ma_device_type_playback);
deviceConfig.playback.format = decoder.outputFormat;
deviceConfig.playback.channels = decoder.outputChannels;
deviceConfig.sampleRate = decoder.outputSampleRate;
deviceConfig.dataCallback = data_callback;
deviceConfig.pUserData = &decoder;
if (ma_device_init(NULL, &deviceConfig, &device) != MA_SUCCESS) {
printf("Failed to open playback device.\n");
return -3;
// loop the first five seconds of audio
first_frame = ma_calculate_buffer_size_in_frames_from_milliseconds(0 * 1000, decoder.internalSampleRate);
num_frames = ma_calculate_buffer_size_in_frames_from_milliseconds(5 * 1000, decoder.internalSampleRate);
last_frame = first_frame + num_frames;
if (ma_decoder_seek_to_pcm_frame(&decoder, first_frame) != MA_SUCCESS) {
printf("Failed to seek to start of loop.\n");
return -4;
if (ma_device_start(&device) != MA_SUCCESS) {
printf("Failed to start playback device.\n");
return -5;
printf("Press Enter to quit...");
return 0;
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