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Last active July 19, 2017 06:53
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" myscript.vim : Example script to show how a script is structured.
" Version : 1.0.5
" Maintainer : Kim Schulz<>
" Last modified : 01/01/2007
" License : This script is released under the Vim License.
" check if script is already loaded
if exists("loaded_myscript")
finish "stop loading the script
let loaded_myscript=1
let s:global_cpo = &cpo "store compatible-mode in local variable
set cpo&vim " go into nocompatible-mode
" ######## CONFIGURATION ########
" variable myscript_path
if !exists("myscript_path")
let s:vimhomepath = split(&runtimepath,',')
let s:myscript_path = s:vimhomepath[0]."/plugin/myscript.vim"
let s:myscript_path = myscript_path
unlet myscript_path
" variable myscript_indent
if !exists("myscript_indent")
let s:myscript_indent = 4
let s:myscript_indent = myscript_indent
unlet myscript_indent
" ######## MAPPINGS #########
if !hasmapto('<Plug>MyscriptMyfunctionA')
map <unique> <Leader>a <Plug>MyscriptMyfunctionA
" ######## FUNCTIONS #########
" this is our local function with a mapping
function s:MyfunctionA()
echo "This is the script-scope function MyfunctionA speaking"
" this is a global function which can be called by anyone
function MyglobalfunctionB()
echo "Hello from the global-scope function myglobalfunctionB"
" this is another global function which can be called by anyone
function MyglobalfunctionC()
echo "Hello from MyglobalfuncionC() now calling locally:"
call <SID>MyfunctionA()
" return to the users own compatible-mode setting
:let &cpo = s:global_cpo
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