document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', async () => { |
const wrap = document.getElementById('wrap'); |
const chList = document.getElementById('chlist'); |
const chFrames = chList.children; |
const broadcastInfos = document.getElementsByClassName('broadcast-wrap'); |
const broadcastTitles = document.getElementsByClassName('broadcast-title'); |
const controlWraps = document.getElementsByClassName('control'); |
const controlWrap = document.getElementById('control'); |
const volumeButton = document.getElementById('volumebutton'); |
const showSw = document.getElementById('showsw'); |
const fullscreenButton = document.getElementById('fsbutton'); |
const controlInit = () => { |
let fadeTimer = 0,delayfadeTimer = 0,expandTimer = Array(broadcastTitles.length).fill(0); |
function fade() { |
clearTimeout(fadeTimer); |
clearTimeout(delayfadeTimer); |
wrap.classList.remove('hide'); |
[...broadcastInfos].forEach(broadcastInfo => { |
broadcastInfo.classList.remove('hide'); |
}); |
[...controlWraps].forEach(controlWrap => { |
controlWrap.classList.remove('hide'); |
}); |
controlWrap.classList.remove('hide'); |
fadeTimer = setTimeout(function() { |
wrap.classList.add('hide'); |
[...controlWraps].forEach(controlWrap => { |
controlWrap.classList.add('hide'); |
}); |
controlWrap.classList.add('hide'); |
if (showSw.checked) { |
return; |
} |
delayfadeTimer = setTimeout(function() { |
[...broadcastInfos].forEach(broadcastInfo => { |
broadcastInfo.classList.add('hide'); |
}); |
},3000); |
},3000); |
} |
let expandedIndex = null; |
function expand(index) { |
if (index != expandedIndex) { |
if(expandedIndex != null){ |
broadcastTitles[expandedIndex].classList.remove('expand'); |
} |
expandedIndex = index; |
} |
clearTimeout(expandTimer[index]); |
broadcastTitles[index].classList.add('expand'); |
expandTimer[index] = setTimeout(function() { |
broadcastTitles[index].classList.remove('expand'); |
},6000); |
} |
window.addEventListener('pointerdown',fade); |
window.addEventListener('pointermove',fade); |
window.addEventListener('scroll',fade); |
showSw.addEventListener('change',fade); |
[...chFrames].forEach((chFrame, index) => { |
chFrame.addEventListener('touchstart', () => expand(index)); |
chFrame.addEventListener('pointermove', () => expand(index)); |
chFrame.addEventListener('mouseleave',function() { |
broadcastTitles[index].classList.remove('expand'); |
}); |
}); |
window.addEventListener('keydown',function(e){//キーボード操作 |
const keyName = e.key; |
function chPick() { |
tuning(0); |
} |
fade(); |
switch(keyName){ |
case 'A': |
case 'a': |
volumeButton.click(); |
fade(); |
break; |
case 'F': |
case 'f': |
fullscreenButton.click(); |
fade(); |
break; |
case 'ArrowUp': |
if (!isNaN(listening) && listening !== null) { |
if (listening - 3 >= 0) { |
tuning(listening - 3); |
} |
} else { |
chPick(); |
} |
expand(listening); |
break; |
case 'ArrowLeft': |
if (!isNaN(listening) && listening !== null) { |
if (listening - 1 >= 0) { |
tuning(listening - 1); |
} |
} else { |
chPick(); |
} |
expand(listening); |
break; |
case 'ArrowRight': |
if (!isNaN(listening) && listening !== null) { |
if (listening + 1 < chFrames.length) { |
tuning(listening + 1); |
} |
} else { |
chPick(); |
} |
expand(listening); |
break; |
case 'ArrowDown': |
if (!isNaN(listening) && listening !== null) { |
if (listening + 3 < chFrames.length) { |
tuning(listening + 3); |
} |
} else { |
chPick(); |
} |
expand(listening); |
break; |
} |
}); |
volumeButton.addEventListener('click',function() { |
listening !== 'all' ? tuning('all') : tuning(null); |
}); |
window.addEventListener('scroll',function() { |
function getScrollBottom() { |
const body = window.document.body; |
const html = window.document.documentElement; |
const scrollTop = body.scrollTop || html.scrollTop; |
return html.scrollHeight - window.innerHeight - scrollTop; |
} |
if (getScrollBottom() <= 10) { |
//スクロールの位置が下10pxの範囲に来た場合 |
controlWrap.classList.add('slide'); |
} else { |
//それ以外のスクロールの位置の場合 |
controlWrap.classList.remove('slide'); |
} |
}); |
fade(); |
}; |
const channelsUpdate = async () => { |
channelsList = await fetch('/api/channels') |
.then(response => { |
if (response.status !== 200) { |
console.log('error or no content', response.status); |
} |
return response.json(); |
}).catch(e => { |
console.error('Failed to load', e); |
return null; |
}); |
}; |
const getGR = () => channelsList.GR; |
const getDisplayGR = () => getGR().filter(channel => channel.is_display === true); |
let channelsList; |
await channelsUpdate(); |
const getFormattedTime = str => new Date(str).toLocaleTimeString([], { hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit' }); |
const tuning = ch => { |
switch (ch) { |
case null: |
chList.classList.remove('choiced'); |
[...chFrames].forEach(chFrame => { |
chFrame.classList.remove('listening'); |
const video = chFrame.querySelector('video'); |
video.muted = true; |
}); |
volumeButton.innerHTML = '<i class="material-icons">volume_off</i>'; |
volumeButton.title = '全ch聴く'; |
break; |
case 'all': |
chList.classList.remove('choiced'); |
[...chFrames].forEach(chFrame => { |
chFrame.classList.add('listening'); |
const video = chFrame.querySelector('video'); |
video.muted = false; |
}); |
volumeButton.innerHTML = '<i class="material-icons">volume_up</i>'; |
volumeButton.title = 'ミュートする'; |
break; |
default: |
chList.classList.add('choiced'); |
[...chFrames].forEach((chFrame, index) => { |
const video = chFrame.querySelector('video'); |
if (index === ch) { |
chFrame.classList.add('listening'); |
video.muted = false; |
} else { |
chFrame.classList.remove('listening'); |
video.muted = true; |
} |
}); |
volumeButton.innerHTML = '<i class="material-icons">volume_up</i>'; |
volumeButton.title = '全ch聴く'; |
break; |
} |
listening = ch; |
}; |
let listening = null; |
let p = Promise.resolve(); |
getDisplayGR().forEach((ch, index) => { |
const html = |
`<div class="chframe"> |
<video playsinline controlsList="noremoteplayback"></video> |
<div class="broadcast-wrap"> |
<div class="broadcast-channel-box"> |
<span class="broadcast-channel">${ch.remocon_id}</span> |
<img class="broadcast-logo" src="/api/channels/${ch.id}/logo" alt="${ch.name}"> |
</div> |
<div class="broadcast-title"> |
<span class="broadcast-title-id">${ch.program_present.title}</span> |
<div class="broadcast-time"> |
<span class="broadcast-start">${getFormattedTime(ch.program_present.start_time)}</span> |
<span class="broadcast-to">~</span> |
<span class="broadcast-end">${getFormattedTime(ch.program_present.end_time)}</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="control"> |
<button type="button" class="reload" title="再読み込み"><i class="material-icons">refresh</i></button> |
</div> |
</div> |
`; |
chList.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html); |
const chFrame = chList.lastElementChild; |
const video = chFrame.querySelector('video'); |
const reloadButton = chFrame.querySelector('.reload'); |
chFrame.addEventListener('click',function() { |
if (listening === index) { |
tuning(null); |
} else { |
tuning(index); |
} |
}); |
p = p.then(() => { |
return new Promise(resolve => { |
if (mpegts.getFeatureList().mseLivePlayback) { |
const streamPath = `/api/streams/live/${ch.display_channel_id}/360p/mpegts`; |
const player = mpegts.createPlayer({ |
type: 'mse', // could also be mpegts, m2ts, flv |
isLive: true, |
url: streamPath |
}); |
player.attachMediaElement(video); |
reloadButton.addEventListener('click', e => { |
e.stopPropagation(); |
player.unload(); |
player.load(); |
player.play(); |
}); |
setTimeout(resolve, 500); |
player.load(); |
player.play() |
.then(function () { |
tuning('all'); |
}) |
.catch(function () { |
player.muted = true; |
player.play(); |
}); |
} |
}); |
}); |
}); |
controlInit(); |
await p; |
setInterval(async () => { |
await channelsUpdate(); |
getDisplayGR().forEach((ch, index) => { |
const broadcastTitle = broadcastTitles[index]; |
const programMetaElems = { |
title: broadcastTitle.querySelector('.broadcast-title-id'), |
startTime: broadcastTitle.querySelector('.broadcast-start'), |
endTime: broadcastTitle.querySelector('.broadcast-end'), |
}; |
const diffFrom = Object.values(programMetaElems).map(elem => elem.textContent); |
const diffTo = [ |
ch.program_present.title, |
getFormattedTime(ch.program_present.start_time), |
getFormattedTime(ch.program_present.end_time) |
]; |
const changed = diffFrom.toString() !== diffTo.toString(); |
if (changed) { |
const html = |
`<span class="broadcast-title-id">${ch.program_present.title}</span> |
<div class="broadcast-time"> |
<span class="broadcast-start">${getFormattedTime(ch.program_present.start_time)}</span> |
<span class="broadcast-to">~</span> |
<span class="broadcast-end">${getFormattedTime(ch.program_present.end_time)}</span> |
</div> |
</div>`; |
broadcastTitle.innerHTML = html; |
} |
}); |
}, 30 * 1000); |
}); |