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Last active July 18, 2018 13:39
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import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema'
let EtudiantSchema = new SimpleSchema({
apogee: !String,
cne: !String,
cin: !String,
nom: !String,
prenom: !String,
dateNaiss: !Date,
nationalité: !String,
inscrit: {
filiere: !String,
semestre: ![Number],
module: ![String]
note: {
resultat: [
annee: String,
ord: [
codeMod: String,
note: Number,
isVal: Boolean
Rat: [
codeMod: String,
note: Number,
isVal: Boolean
archive: {
L1: {
isVal: Boolean,
mention: String,
S1: {
isVal: Boolean,
mention: String,
moyenne: !Number,
note: [
codeMod: String,
note: String
S2: {
isVal: Boolean,
mention: String,
moyenne: !Number,
note: [
codeMod: String,
note: String
L2: {
isVal: Boolean,
mention: String,
moyenne: Number,
S3: {
isVal: Boolean,
mention: String,
moyenne: !Number,
note: [
codeMod: String,
note: Number
S4: {
isVal: Boolean,
mention: String,
moyenne: !Number,
note: [
codeMod: String,
note: Number
L3: {
isVal: Boolean,
mention: String,
moyenne: Number,
S5: {
isVal: Boolean,
mention: String,
moyenne: !Number,
note: [
codeMod: String,
note: Number
S6: {
isVal: Boolean,
mention: String,
moyenne: !Number,
note: [
codeMod: String,
note: Number
let UniversiteSchema = new SimpleSchema({
nom: !String,
anneeUniv: !String,
semestre: !Number,
session: !String,
filiere: !Object,
modules: !Object
let EmployerSchema = new SimpleSchema({
codeEmp: !String,
type: !String,
userName: !String,
password: !String,
nom: !String,
prenom: !String,
role: ![Object]
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