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Last active November 30, 2022 12:04
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Rename files based on their created date
Dropbox Style Filename
import os, datetime
# Working directory
directory = './'
# extensions for files that we want rename
extensions = (['.jpg', '.jpeg']);
# Get a list of files in the directory
filelist = os.listdir( directory )
# New file dictionary
newfilesDictionary = {}
# count the number of files that are renamed
count = 0
for file in filelist:
# split the file into filename and extension
filename, extension = os.path.splitext(file)
# if the extension is a valid extension
if ( extension in extensions ):
# Get the create time of the file
create_time = os.path.getctime( file )
# get the readable timestamp format
format_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( create_time )
# convert time into string
format_time_string = format_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S") # e.g. 2015-01-01 09.00.00.jpg
# Contruct the new name of the file
newfile = format_time_string + extension;
# If there is other files created at the same timestamp
if ( newfile in newfilesDictionary.keys() ):
index = newfilesDictionary[newfile] + 1;
newfilesDictionary[newfile] = index;
newfile = format_time_string + '-' + str(index) + extension; # e.g. 2015-01-01 09.00.00-1.jpg
newfilesDictionary[newfile] = 0;
# rename the file
os.rename( file, newfile );
# count the number of files that are renamed
count = count + 1
# printing log
print( file.rjust(35) + ' => ' + newfile.ljust(35) )
print( 'All done. ' + str(count) + ' files are renamed. ')
# Change all pictures filenames from Google Nexus 5 to dropbox style in a directory
# An example of source file name:
# IMG_20141224_204028 (1).jpg
# Destination file name:
# 2014-12-24 20.40.28 (1).jpg
# Developed in Python 3
import os, datetime
import re # For regular expression
# Working directory
directory = './'
# Get a list of files in the directory
filelist = os.listdir( directory )
# count the number of files that are renamed
count = 0
# regular string pattern
pattern = re.compile('IMG_\d{8,8}_\d{6,6}[ (0-9)]*.jpg')
for file in filelist:
newFile = 'Not Renamed'
# if file name matches the defined pattern
if ( pattern.match( file ) ):
str_year = file[4:8]
str_month = file[8:10]
str_day = file[10:12]
str_hour = file[13:15]
str_minute = file[15:17]
str_second = file[17:19]
# Contruct the new name
newFile = str_year + '-' + str_month + '-' + str_day + ' ';
newFile += str_hour + '.' + str_minute + '.' + str_second;
newFile += file[19:]
# rename the file
os.rename( file, newFile );
count = count + 1
# printing log
print( file.rjust(35) + ' => ' + newFile )
print( 'All done. ' + str(count) + ' files are renamed. ')
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Sorry to hear that 💔

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