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Last active February 6, 2020 00:36
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An example of a fault tolerant API call from C# to an Angular front-end in Angular 8
//Angular Service (calling C#) and handling responses
//retrieves a list of Card, or an empty object and throws an error message
//in console if the result isnt a list of Card objects
getAllCards(): Observable<Card[]> {
return this.http.get<Card[]>('/api/GetAllCards', {})
getAllCards(): Observable<Card[]> {
return<Card[]>('/api/GetAllCards', {}) //note .get changed to .post
.pipe(catchError(this.handleError<Card[]>('getAllCards',Card[]))); //note the Card[] param passed
//handleError method in the Ang Service
private handleError<T>(operation = 'operation', result?: T) {
return (error: any): Observable<T> => {
let res = "Service error: " + `${operation} failed\n`
if (error instanceof HttpErrorResponse)
res += 'Msg: '+error.message + '<br>Status: ' + error.status + '<br>Detail: ' + error.error + '<br>Text: ' + error.statusText + '<br>Object: ' + JSON.stringify(result)
if (result != null) //aka is a POST request, pass obj data too
res+=' Error with http request when passing object with a POST request: '+JSON.stringify(res))
res+=' for a GET request';
// Let the app keep running by returning an empty result.
return of(result as T);
[ApiController] //so we dont have to call model.isValid any more. returns 400 status code if model invalid
public class MyController : Controller{
//C# API call. returns a List of objects or an HttpErrorResponse
[Route("GetAllCards"),HttpGet] //Change GET to POST if needed
public ActionResult<IEnumerable<Card>> getCards()
return _mc.Cards.ToList(); //code to return a list of objects using EF Core
}catch(Exception e)
//note that if you are returning a StatusCode the second param MUST be
//an object to be handled by the Angular catchError correctly. Thus the cast to Json
return StatusCode(500, Json(e.Message));
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