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Created January 31, 2018 00:53
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a gource wrapper for Xonotic's repository structure written in bash
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# name:
# version: 0.2.0
# A convenience wrapper for visualizing Xonotic's git commits via gource.
# Copyright 2018 Tyler "-z-" Mulligan (, MIT License
# Requires gource: and GNU's sed
# [!] This script expects to live in xonotic's misc/tools directory
set -e
# Internal Constants
SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename $0)
VERSION=$(awk 'NR == 3 {print $3; exit}' $0)
REPOS="data/xonotic-data.pk3dir data/xonotic-music.pk3dir data/xonotic-nexcompat.pk3dir netradiant d0_blind_id data/xonotic-maps.pk3dir gmqcc"
# Commands
gource_generate_log() {
mkdir -p "${TMP}"
local all_commits=""
for repo in ${REPOS}; do
local log_file=$(echo "log-${repo}.log" |sed "s#/#-#g")
all_commits="${all_commits} ${TMP}/${log_file}"
echo "generating log for: ${repo}"
gource --output-custom-log ${TMP}/${log_file} "$@" ${XONOTIC_DIR}/${repo}
sed -i -r "s#(.+)\|#\1|/"${repo}"#" ${TMP}/${log_file}
cat ${all_commits} | sort -n > ${ALL_LOG}
gource_run() {
gource_generate_log "$@"
gource "$@"
gource_runonly() {
gource "$@"
gource_record() {
local input="${1:--}"
local output="${2:-out.webm}"
local format="${3:-webm}"
local framerate="${4:-60}"
case ${format} in
# x264
ffmpeg -y -r ${framerate} -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i ${input} -vcodec libx264 -preset ultrafast -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 1 -threads 0 -bf 0 ${output}
# webm
ffmpeg -y -r ${framerate} -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i ${input} -vcodec libvpx-vp9 -lossless 1 -cpu-used 5 -threads 8 ${output}
echo "format not supported, try 'x264' or 'webm'."
exit 1
# Helpers
_check_xonotic_dir() {
local xon_dir=$1
if [[ ! -d ${xon_dir} ]]; then
echo "[ ERROR ] Unable to locate Xonotic"; exit 1
_get_xonotic_dir() {
relative_dir=$(dirname $0)/../..
_check_xonotic_dir ${relative_dir}
export XONOTIC_DIR="$(cd ${relative_dir}; pwd)"
_cleanup() {
if [[ ${KEEP_LOGS} == 0 ]]; then
rm -r ${TMP}/log-* 2> /dev/null
# Meta
_version() {
echo ${VERSION}
_help_short() {
echo "./${SCRIPT_NAME}
log [name] wraps gource to generate a '/tmp/xon/gource.log' log
for Xonotic's git structure
record <input> <output> [format] [framerate] convenince command that wraps ffmpeg
run <gource OPTIONS> implies log generation, and passes-through gource exec options
runonly <gource OPTIONS> explicit run, passes-through gource exec options
--version prints the version string
--help prints additional help
_help_long() {
echo "./${SCRIPT_NAME}
A convenience wrapper for visualizing Xonotic's git commits via gource.
Requires gource (, ffmpeg optional.
Read the EXAMPLES to better understand the usage of this script.
--version prints the version string
--help prints additional help
log [name] wraps gource to generate a '/tmp/xon/gource.log' log
for Xonotic's git structure
record <input> <output> [format] [framerate] convenince command that wraps ffmpeg
run <gource OPTIONS> implies log generation, and passes-through gource exec options
runonly <gource OPTIONS> explicit run, passes-through gource exec options
Log, generating a '/tmp/xon/gource.log' for Xonotic's repo structure:
./${SCRIPT_NAME} log
Run, implies generating a '/tmp/xon/gource.log':
./${SCRIPT_NAME} run /tmp/xon/gource.log
Run, again without generating a new log, but using the onld on '/tmp/xon/gource.log':
./${SCRIPT_NAME} runonly /tmp/xon/gource.log
Run, use a different camera method in gource:
./${SCRIPT_NAME} run --camera-mode track /tmp/xon/gource.log
Record a video by piping output from the run command to the record command:
./${SCRIPT_NAME} run -1280x720 /tmp/xon/gource.log -o - | ./${SCRIPT_NAME} record - out.webm
Record a video in the alternative format:
./${SCRIPT_NAME} run -1280x720 /tmp/xon/gource.log -o - | ./${SCRIPT_NAME} record - out.mp4 x264
Record a video in two separate steps (warning: this creates a large RAW ppm file):
./${SCRIPT_NAME} run --seconds-per-day 5 --start-date \"2015-01-01\" -1280x720 /tmp/xon/gource.log -o /tmp/xon/out.ppm
./${SCRIPT_NAME} record /tmp/xon/out.ppm out.webm
Use a logo overlay:
# convert the xonotic SVG logo to a png with inkscape first
inkscape -z -e mediasource/gfx/logo/xonotic_icon.png -w 128 -h 128 ../../../mediasource/gfx/logo/xonotic_icon.svg
./${SCRIPT_NAME} run --seconds-per-day 5 -1280x720 --logo ../../../mediasource/gfx/logo/xonotic_icon.png
Roughly what I used for Xonotic's gource video:
./${SCRIPT_NAME} run --seconds-per-day 0.001 --start-date \"2010-01-01\" -1280x720 \\
--logo ../../../mediasource/gfx/logo/xonotic_icon.png --title \"\" \\
--camera-mode overview --file-idle-time 0 --max-files 99999999999 --max-file-lag 0.0001 \\
--hide filenames,progress,mouse --highlight-users --bloom-multiplier 1.3 --bloom-intensity 0.3 \\
--time-scale 2 /tmp/xon/gource.log -o - | ${SCRIPT_NAME} record - out.webm
# Main
if [[ "$#" -eq "0" ]]; then _help_short; exit 0; fi
# Allow for overriding the path assumption
# XONOTIC_DIR=/some/other/path; ./xonotic/xonotic/misc/tools/ --version
if [[ -z ${XONOTIC_DIR} ]]; then
_check_xonotic_dir ${XONOTIC_DIR}
case $1 in
# meta
'--help'|'help') shift; _help_long $@;;
'--version'|'version') shift; _version;;
# commands
'log') shift; gource_generate_log $@;;
'record') shift; gource_record $@;;
'run') shift; gource_run $@;;
'runonly') shift; gource_runonly $@;;
# default
*) shift; _help_short; exit 0;;
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