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Created August 2, 2015 12:47
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1.) OS Stats
$ ifconfig eth0; ifconfig -a
$ netstat -ni
$ netstat -s
$ cat /proc/net/dev | columns -t
$ awk '{ print $1,$5 }' /proc/net/dev
$ watch -n 1 cat /proc/interrupts
$ watch -n 1 cat /proc/softirqs
$ vmstat -S m 1
$ ifpps --dev eth0
2.) Ethtool - NIC Configuration
Show ; Set
$ ethtool -S eth0 // Statistics
$ ethtool -S eth0 | egrep '(rx_missed|no_buffer)' // Drop Values
$ ethtool -g eth0 ; ethtool -G eth0 rx 4096 tx 4096 // FIFO RX Descriptors
$ ethtool -k eth0 ; ethtool -K gro on gso on rx on // Offloading
$ ethtool -a eth0 ; ethtool -A rx off autoneg off // Pause Frames
$ ethtool -c eth0 ; ethtool -C eth0 rx-usecs 100 // Interrupt Coalescence
3.) More OS Configurables
$ cat /proc/net/softnet_stats; printf "%d" 0xffff //Backlog Queue Stats
$ echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/core/bpf_jit_enable
$ sysctl net.core.netdev_max_backlog; sysctl -w net.core.netdev_max_backlog=3000
$ sysctl net.core.wmem_max; sysctl net.core.rmem_max
$ sysctl net.core.wmem_default; sysctl net.core.rmem_default
$ sysctl net.core.optmem_max
$ echo "net.core.netdev_max_backlog=1024" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
4.) Example NIC Driver Configuration
$ /etc/modprobe.d# cat e1000.conf
options e1000 XsumRX=0,0,0,0,0 TxDescriptors=48,48,48,48,48 RxDescriptors=4096,4096,4096,4096,4096 FlowControl=0,0,0,0,0,1 InterruptThrottleRate=5000,5000,5000,5000,5000 debug=16
$ modinfo -p e1000
TxDescriptors:Number of transmit descriptors (array of int)
RxDescriptors:Number of receive descriptors (array of int)
Speed:Speed setting (array of int)
Duplex:Duplex setting (array of int)
AutoNeg:Advertised auto-negotiation setting (array of int)
FlowControl:Flow Control setting (array of int)
XsumRX:Disable or enable Receive Checksum offload (array of int)
TxIntDelay:Transmit Interrupt Delay (array of int)
TxAbsIntDelay:Transmit Absolute Interrupt Delay (array of int)
RxIntDelay:Receive Interrupt Delay (array of int)
RxAbsIntDelay:Receive Absolute Interrupt Delay (array of int)
InterruptThrottleRate:Interrupt Throttling Rate (array of int)
SmartPowerDownEnable:Enable PHY smart power down (array of int)
copybreak:Maximum size of packet that is copied to a new buffer on receive (uint)
debug:Debug level (0=none,...,16=all) (int)
5.) Basic TCPdump Usage
// name resolution off (-n)
$ tcpdump -c 10 -s0 -nni eth0 -w file.pcap
$ tcpdump -c 10 -eXXvnnr file.pcap
7.) PCAP Header, Redirection, & Reading Multiple Files
$ cat file.pcap | tcpdump -nnr -
$ cat file1.pcap file2.pcap | tcpdump -nnr - // doesn't work - bogus save file error
// pcap version 2.4 header is 24 bytes
$ dd if=file2.pcap of=new.pcap bs=1 skip=24; cat file1.pcap new.pcap | tcpdump -nnr -
$ tail -c +25 file2.pcap > new-cut.pcap; cat file1.pcap file2.pcap | tcpdump -nnr -
$ (cat file1.pcap ; ( tail -c +25 file1.pcap | cat )) | tcpdump -nnr -
$ (cat file1.pcap ; ( tail -c +25 ; cat ) <file2.pcap) | tcpdump -nnr -
$ (cat file1.pcap; (dd bs=24 count=0 skip=1; cat) <file2.pcap) | tcpdump -nnr -
$ (cat test.pcap; (dd bs=24 count=0 skip=1 2>/dev/null; cat) <test1.pcap; \
(dd bs=24 count=0 skip=1 2>/dev/null; cat) <test.pcap ) | tcpdump -nnr -
// Linux cooked PCAP - uses pseudo linux-layer header
$ tcpdump -nni any -c 10 -w cooked.pcap
$ file cooked.pcap
8.) Mergecap
$ mergecap file1.pcap file2.pcap file3.pcap -w combined.pcap
$ mergecap -F // shows formats
$ mergecap -F libpcap *.pcap -w combine_all.pcap
$ mergecap -a -F libpcap *.pcap -w - | tcpdump -nnr - // don't arrange TS
9.) PCAP Statistical Data
capinfos file.pcap
tcpslice -r file.pcap
tcpdstat file.pcap
tcpprof -S lipn -P 30000 -r file.pcap
9.) BPF (Berkely Packet Filters)
// see print out of
// proper shell input with ''
$ tcpdump -nni eth0 '((ip) and ((host or \
and not (host and \
and (port 80 or 443 or 53))'
// proper shell input with escapes "\"
$ tcpdump -nni eth0 \(\(ip\) and \(\(host or\) \
and not \(host and\)\) \
and \(port 80 or 443 or 53\)\)
10.) Number System Conversions
$ printf "%d" 0x2d
$ printf "%x" 45
$ printf '\x47\x45\x54\x0a'
$ echo "GET" | hexdump -c
$ echo "GET" | hexdump -C
11.) Session & Flow Data
iftop -i eth0.pcap // live only, replay for same effect
// use -i instead of -r for interface
$ tcpflow -c -e -r file.pcap 'tcp and port (80 or 443)'
$ tcpflow -r file.pcap tcp and port \(80 or 443\)
$ tcpick -r file.pcap -C -yP -h 'port (25 or 587)'
// [-wRu] write both flows; [-wRC] write client flows only ; [-wRS] write server flows only
$ tcpick -r file.pcap -wRu
// Audit Record Generation And Utilization System
$ argus -r file.pcap -w file.argus
$ ra -nnr file.argus ; ra -Z b -nnr file.argus
$ ra -nnr file.argus - host and port 80
$ racluster -M rmon -m saddr -r file.argus
$ ra -nnr file.argus -w - - port 22 | racluster -M rmon -m saddr -r - | rasort -m bytes -r -
$ racluster -M rmon -m proto -r file.argus -w - | rasort -m pkts -r -
$ racluster -M rmon -m proto sport -r file.argus
$ ragraph bytes -M 30s -r file.argus -w bytes.png
$ ragraph pkts -M 30s -r file.argus -w pkts.png
$ ra -nnr file2.argus -s saddr,daddr,loss | sort -nr -k 3 | head -20
$ ragraph dbytes sbytes -M 30s -r file.argus - dst port 80 and dst port 443
$ ragraph dbytes sbytes dport sport -fill -M 30s -r file.argus
12.) Network Forensics - File Extraction
$ tcpdump -nni eth0 -w image.pcap port 80 &
$ wget
$ jobs
$ kill %1
$ tcpflow -r image.pcap
$ foremost -v \
$ cd output/jpg; ls *.jpg; gqview *.jpg
$ tcpxtract -f file.pcap -o xtract/
13.) Visualizations and Statistical Data
// Statistics w/ RRDtool graphs
$ ntop -f file.pcap -w 80 -W 443
$ /usr/sbin/ntop -w 80 -W 443 -4 -d -u ntop \
-t 0 -X --use-syslog=local7 -b -C \
--output-packet-path=/var/log/ntop --create-other-packets \
--create-suspicious-packets --local-subnets \, \
-o -p /etc/ntop/protocol.list -f file.pcap
13.) Replay
tcpreplay -M10 -i eth0 file.pcap
netsniff-ng --in file.pcap --out eth0
netsniff-ng --in eth0.pcap --out eth1.pcap
trafgen --dev eth0 --conf trafgen.txf --bind-cpu 0
14.) IDS - Offline Analysis
snort -r file.pcap --pcap-filter='ip and tcp' -c /etc/snort/snort.conf -l .
u2spewfoo snort.unified2.* > alert.txt
bro -r file.pcap -f ip
bro-cut service proto id.resp_p id.resp_h < conn.log | head // print out fields
bro-cut service < conn.log | sort | uniq -c | sort -n // most used service
bro-cut user_agent < http.log | sort -u // list unique of user agent strings
bro-cut mime_type < http.log | sort -u // list unique MIME types
bro-cut service id.resp_p id.resp_h < conn.log \
| awk '$1 == "http" && ! ($2 == 80 || $2 == 8080) { print $3 }' \
| sort -u // find web traffic not on port 80 or 8080
15.) Editing PCAPs
# change MAC's
tcprewrite --enet-dmac=00:44:66:FC:29:AF,00:55:22:AF:C6:37
--enet-smac=00:66:AA:D1:32:C2,00:22:55:AC:DE:AC --infile=in.pcap
# randomize IP's
tcprewrite --seed=423 --infile=in.pcap --outfile=out.pcap
# randomize IP's in argus files
ranonymize -r in.argus -w out.argus
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