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// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
/// @notice Receiver mixin for ETH and safe-transferred ERC721 and ERC1155 tokens.
/// @author Solady (
/// @dev Note:
/// - Handles all ERC721 and ERC1155 token safety callbacks.
/// - Collapses function table gas overhead and code size.
/// - Utilizes fallback so unknown calldata will pass on.
abstract contract Receiver {
/// @dev For receiving ETH.
receive() external payable virtual {}
/// @dev Fallback function with the `receiverFallback` modifier.
fallback() external payable virtual receiverFallback {}
/// @dev Modifier for the fallback function to handle token callbacks.
modifier receiverFallback() virtual {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
let s := shr(224, calldataload(0))
// 0x150b7a02: `onERC721Received(address,address,uint256,bytes)`.
// 0xf23a6e61: `onERC1155Received(address,address,uint256,uint256,bytes)`.
// 0xbc197c81: `onERC1155BatchReceived(address,address,uint256[],uint256[],bytes)`.
if or(eq(s, 0x150b7a02), or(eq(s, 0xf23a6e61), eq(s, 0xbc197c81))) {
mstore(0x20, s) // Store `msg.sig`.
return(0x3c, 0x20) // Return `msg.sig`.
/// @notice Library for compressing and decompressing bytes.
/// @author Solady (
/// @author Calldata compression by clabby (
/// @author FastLZ by ariya (
/// @dev Note:
/// The accompanying solady.js library includes implementations of
/// FastLZ and calldata operations for convenience.
library LibZip {
/// @dev To be called in the `receive` and `fallback` functions.
/// ```
/// receive() external payable { LibZip.cdFallback(); }
/// fallback() external payable { LibZip.cdFallback(); }
/// ```
/// For efficiency, this function will directly return the results, terminating the context.
/// If called internally, it must be called at the end of the function.
function cdFallback() internal {
assembly {
if iszero(calldatasize()) { return(calldatasize(), calldatasize()) }
let o := 0
let f := not(3) // For negating the first 4 bytes.
for { let i := 0 } lt(i, calldatasize()) {} {
let c := byte(0, xor(add(i, f), calldataload(i)))
i := add(i, 1)
if iszero(c) {
let d := byte(0, xor(add(i, f), calldataload(i)))
i := add(i, 1)
// Fill with either 0xff or 0x00.
mstore(o, not(0))
if iszero(gt(d, 0x7f)) { codecopy(o, codesize(), add(d, 1)) }
o := add(o, add(and(d, 0x7f), 1))
mstore8(o, c)
o := add(o, 1)
let success := delegatecall(gas(), address(), 0x00, o, codesize(), 0x00)
returndatacopy(0x00, 0x00, returndatasize())
if iszero(success) { revert(0x00, returndatasize()) }
return(0x00, returndatasize())
/// @notice Simple single owner authorization mixin.
/// @author Solady (
/// @dev Note:
/// This implementation does NOT auto-initialize the owner to `msg.sender`.
/// You MUST call the `_initializeOwner` in the constructor / initializer.
/// While the ownable portion follows
/// [EIP-173]( for compatibility,
/// the nomenclature for the 2-step ownership handover may be unique to this codebase.
abstract contract Ownable {
/// @dev The caller is not authorized to call the function.
error Unauthorized();
/// @dev The `newOwner` cannot be the zero address.
error NewOwnerIsZeroAddress();
/// @dev The `pendingOwner` does not have a valid handover request.
error NoHandoverRequest();
/// @dev Cannot double-initialize.
error AlreadyInitialized();
/* EVENTS */
/// @dev The ownership is transferred from `oldOwner` to `newOwner`.
/// This event is intentionally kept the same as OpenZeppelin's Ownable to be
/// compatible with indexers and [EIP-173](,
/// despite it not being as lightweight as a single argument event.
event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed oldOwner, address indexed newOwner);
/// @dev An ownership handover to `pendingOwner` has been requested.
event OwnershipHandoverRequested(address indexed pendingOwner);
/// @dev The ownership handover to `pendingOwner` has been canceled.
event OwnershipHandoverCanceled(address indexed pendingOwner);
/// @dev `keccak256(bytes("OwnershipTransferred(address,address)"))`.
/// @dev `keccak256(bytes("OwnershipHandoverRequested(address)"))`.
/// @dev `keccak256(bytes("OwnershipHandoverCanceled(address)"))`.
/// @dev The owner slot is given by:
/// `bytes32(~uint256(uint32(bytes4(keccak256("_OWNER_SLOT_NOT")))))`.
/// It is intentionally chosen to be a high value
/// to avoid collision with lower slots.
/// The choice of manual storage layout is to enable compatibility
/// with both regular and upgradeable contracts.
bytes32 internal constant _OWNER_SLOT =
/// The ownership handover slot of `newOwner` is given by:
/// ```
/// mstore(0x00, or(shl(96, user), _HANDOVER_SLOT_SEED))
/// let handoverSlot := keccak256(0x00, 0x20)
/// ```
/// It stores the expiry timestamp of the two-step ownership handover.
uint256 private constant _HANDOVER_SLOT_SEED = 0x389a75e1;
/// @dev Override to return true to make `_initializeOwner` prevent double-initialization.
function _guardInitializeOwner() internal pure virtual returns (bool guard) {}
/// @dev Initializes the owner directly without authorization guard.
/// This function must be called upon initialization,
/// regardless of whether the contract is upgradeable or not.
/// This is to enable generalization to both regular and upgradeable contracts,
/// and to save gas in case the initial owner is not the caller.
/// For performance reasons, this function will not check if there
/// is an existing owner.
function _initializeOwner(address newOwner) internal virtual {
if (_guardInitializeOwner()) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
let ownerSlot := _OWNER_SLOT
if sload(ownerSlot) {
mstore(0x00, 0x0dc149f0) // `AlreadyInitialized()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
// Clean the upper 96 bits.
newOwner := shr(96, shl(96, newOwner))
// Store the new value.
sstore(ownerSlot, or(newOwner, shl(255, iszero(newOwner))))
// Emit the {OwnershipTransferred} event.
} else {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// Clean the upper 96 bits.
newOwner := shr(96, shl(96, newOwner))
// Store the new value.
sstore(_OWNER_SLOT, newOwner)
// Emit the {OwnershipTransferred} event.
/// @dev Sets the owner directly without authorization guard.
function _setOwner(address newOwner) internal virtual {
if (_guardInitializeOwner()) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
let ownerSlot := _OWNER_SLOT
// Clean the upper 96 bits.
newOwner := shr(96, shl(96, newOwner))
// Emit the {OwnershipTransferred} event.
log3(0, 0, _OWNERSHIP_TRANSFERRED_EVENT_SIGNATURE, sload(ownerSlot), newOwner)
// Store the new value.
sstore(ownerSlot, or(newOwner, shl(255, iszero(newOwner))))
} else {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
let ownerSlot := _OWNER_SLOT
// Clean the upper 96 bits.
newOwner := shr(96, shl(96, newOwner))
// Emit the {OwnershipTransferred} event.
log3(0, 0, _OWNERSHIP_TRANSFERRED_EVENT_SIGNATURE, sload(ownerSlot), newOwner)
// Store the new value.
sstore(ownerSlot, newOwner)
/// @dev Throws if the sender is not the owner.
function _checkOwner() internal view virtual {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// If the caller is not the stored owner, revert.
if iszero(eq(caller(), sload(_OWNER_SLOT))) {
mstore(0x00, 0x82b42900) // `Unauthorized()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
/// @dev Returns how long a two-step ownership handover is valid for in seconds.
/// Override to return a different value if needed.
/// Made internal to conserve bytecode. Wrap it in a public function if needed.
function _ownershipHandoverValidFor() internal view virtual returns (uint64) {
return 48 * 3600;
/// @dev Allows the owner to transfer the ownership to `newOwner`.
function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public payable virtual onlyOwner {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
if iszero(shl(96, newOwner)) {
mstore(0x00, 0x7448fbae) // `NewOwnerIsZeroAddress()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
/// @dev Allows the owner to renounce their ownership.
function renounceOwnership() public payable virtual onlyOwner {
/// @dev Request a two-step ownership handover to the caller.
/// The request will automatically expire in 48 hours (172800 seconds) by default.
function requestOwnershipHandover() public payable virtual {
unchecked {
uint256 expires = block.timestamp + _ownershipHandoverValidFor();
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// Compute and set the handover slot to `expires`.
mstore(0x0c, _HANDOVER_SLOT_SEED)
mstore(0x00, caller())
sstore(keccak256(0x0c, 0x20), expires)
// Emit the {OwnershipHandoverRequested} event.
/// @dev Cancels the two-step ownership handover to the caller, if any.
function cancelOwnershipHandover() public payable virtual {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// Compute and set the handover slot to 0.
mstore(0x0c, _HANDOVER_SLOT_SEED)
mstore(0x00, caller())
sstore(keccak256(0x0c, 0x20), 0)
// Emit the {OwnershipHandoverCanceled} event.
/// @dev Allows the owner to complete the two-step ownership handover to `pendingOwner`.
/// Reverts if there is no existing ownership handover requested by `pendingOwner`.
function completeOwnershipHandover(address pendingOwner) public payable virtual onlyOwner {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// Compute and set the handover slot to 0.
mstore(0x0c, _HANDOVER_SLOT_SEED)
mstore(0x00, pendingOwner)
let handoverSlot := keccak256(0x0c, 0x20)
// If the handover does not exist, or has expired.
if gt(timestamp(), sload(handoverSlot)) {
mstore(0x00, 0x6f5e8818) // `NoHandoverRequest()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
// Set the handover slot to 0.
sstore(handoverSlot, 0)
/// @dev Returns the owner of the contract.
function owner() public view virtual returns (address result) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
result := sload(_OWNER_SLOT)
/// @dev Returns the expiry timestamp for the two-step ownership handover to `pendingOwner`.
function ownershipHandoverExpiresAt(address pendingOwner)
returns (uint256 result)
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// Compute the handover slot.
mstore(0x0c, _HANDOVER_SLOT_SEED)
mstore(0x00, pendingOwner)
// Load the handover slot.
result := sload(keccak256(0x0c, 0x20))
/// @dev Marks a function as only callable by the owner.
modifier onlyOwner() virtual {
/// @notice UUPS proxy mixin.
/// @author Solady (
/// @author Modified from OpenZeppelin
/// (
/// Note:
/// - This implementation is intended to be used with ERC1967 proxies.
/// See: `LibClone.deployERC1967` and related functions.
/// - This implementation is NOT compatible with legacy OpenZeppelin proxies
/// which do not store the implementation at `_ERC1967_IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT`.
abstract contract UUPSUpgradeable {
/// @dev The upgrade failed.
error UpgradeFailed();
/// @dev The call is from an unauthorized call context.
error UnauthorizedCallContext();
/// @dev For checking if the context is a delegate call.
uint256 private immutable __self = uint256(uint160(address(this)));
/* EVENTS */
/// @dev Emitted when the proxy's implementation is upgraded.
event Upgraded(address indexed implementation);
/// @dev `keccak256(bytes("Upgraded(address)"))`.
uint256 private constant _UPGRADED_EVENT_SIGNATURE =
/// @dev The ERC-1967 storage slot for the implementation in the proxy.
/// `uint256(keccak256("eip1967.proxy.implementation")) - 1`.
bytes32 internal constant _ERC1967_IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT =
/// @dev Please override this function to check if `msg.sender` is authorized
/// to upgrade the proxy to `newImplementation`, reverting if not.
/// ```
/// function _authorizeUpgrade(address) internal override onlyOwner {}
/// ```
function _authorizeUpgrade(address newImplementation) internal virtual;
/// @dev Returns the storage slot used by the implementation,
/// as specified in [ERC1822](
/// Note: The `notDelegated` modifier prevents accidental upgrades to
/// an implementation that is a proxy contract.
function proxiableUUID() public view virtual notDelegated returns (bytes32) {
// This function must always return `_ERC1967_IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT` to comply with ERC1967.
/// @dev Upgrades the proxy's implementation to `newImplementation`.
/// Emits a {Upgraded} event.
/// Note: The `onlyProxy` modifier prevents accidental calling on the implementation.
function upgradeTo(address newImplementation) public payable virtual onlyProxy {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
newImplementation := shr(96, shl(96, newImplementation)) // Clears upper 96 bits.
mstore(0x01, 0x52d1902d) // `proxiableUUID()`.
// Check if `newImplementation` implements `proxiableUUID` correctly.
if iszero(eq(mload(staticcall(gas(), newImplementation, 0x1d, 0x04, 0x01, 0x20)), s)) {
mstore(0x01, 0x55299b49) // `UpgradeFailed()`.
revert(0x1d, 0x04)
// Emit the {Upgraded} event.
log2(codesize(), 0x00, _UPGRADED_EVENT_SIGNATURE, newImplementation)
sstore(s, newImplementation) // Updates the implementation.
/// @dev Upgrades the proxy's implementation to `newImplementation`.
/// Emits a {Upgraded} event.
/// Note: This function calls `upgradeTo` internally,
/// followed by a delegatecall to `newImplementation`.
function upgradeToAndCall(address newImplementation, bytes calldata data)
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// Forwards the `data` to `newImplementation` via delegatecall.
let m := mload(0x40)
calldatacopy(m, data.offset, data.length)
if iszero(delegatecall(gas(), newImplementation, m, data.length, codesize(), 0x00)) {
// Bubble up the revert if the call reverts.
returndatacopy(m, 0x00, returndatasize())
revert(m, returndatasize())
/// @dev Requires that the execution is performed through a proxy.
modifier onlyProxy() {
uint256 s = __self;
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// To enable use cases with an immutable default implementation in the bytecode,
// (see: ERC6551Proxy), we don't require that the proxy address must match the
// value stored in the implementation slot, which may not be initialized.
if eq(s, address()) {
mstore(0x00, 0x9f03a026) // `UnauthorizedCallContext()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
/// @dev Requires that the execution is NOT performed via delegatecall.
/// This is the opposite of `onlyProxy`.
modifier notDelegated() {
uint256 s = __self;
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
if iszero(eq(s, address())) {
mstore(0x00, 0x9f03a026) // `UnauthorizedCallContext()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
/// @notice Contract for EIP-712 typed structured data hashing and signing.
/// @author Solady (
/// @author Modified from Solbase (
/// @author Modified from OpenZeppelin (
/// @dev Note, this implementation:
/// - Uses `address(this)` for the `verifyingContract` field.
/// - Does NOT use the optional EIP-712 salt.
/// - Does NOT use any EIP-712 extensions.
/// This is for simplicity and to save gas.
/// If you need to customize, please fork / modify accordingly.
abstract contract EIP712 {
/// @dev `keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)")`.
bytes32 internal constant _DOMAIN_TYPEHASH =
uint256 private immutable _cachedThis;
uint256 private immutable _cachedChainId;
bytes32 private immutable _cachedNameHash;
bytes32 private immutable _cachedVersionHash;
bytes32 private immutable _cachedDomainSeparator;
/// @dev Cache the hashes for cheaper runtime gas costs.
/// In the case of upgradeable contracts (i.e. proxies),
/// or if the chain id changes due to a hard fork,
/// the domain separator will be seamlessly calculated on-the-fly.
constructor() {
_cachedThis = uint256(uint160(address(this)));
_cachedChainId = block.chainid;
string memory name;
string memory version;
if (!_domainNameAndVersionMayChange()) (name, version) = _domainNameAndVersion();
bytes32 nameHash = _domainNameAndVersionMayChange() ? bytes32(0) : keccak256(bytes(name));
bytes32 versionHash =
_domainNameAndVersionMayChange() ? bytes32(0) : keccak256(bytes(version));
_cachedNameHash = nameHash;
_cachedVersionHash = versionHash;
bytes32 separator;
if (!_domainNameAndVersionMayChange()) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
let m := mload(0x40) // Load the free memory pointer.
mstore(add(m, 0x20), nameHash)
mstore(add(m, 0x40), versionHash)
mstore(add(m, 0x60), chainid())
mstore(add(m, 0x80), address())
separator := keccak256(m, 0xa0)
_cachedDomainSeparator = separator;
/// @dev Please override this function to return the domain name and version.
/// ```
/// function _domainNameAndVersion()
/// internal
/// pure
/// virtual
/// returns (string memory name, string memory version)
/// {
/// name = "Solady";
/// version = "1";
/// }
/// ```
/// Note: If the returned result may change after the contract has been deployed,
/// you must override `_domainNameAndVersionMayChange()` to return true.
function _domainNameAndVersion()
returns (string memory name, string memory version);
/// @dev Returns if `_domainNameAndVersion()` may change
/// after the contract has been deployed (i.e. after the constructor).
/// Default: false.
function _domainNameAndVersionMayChange() internal pure virtual returns (bool result) {}
/// @dev Returns the hash of the fully encoded EIP-712 message for this domain,
/// given `structHash`, as defined in
/// The hash can be used together with {ECDSA-recover} to obtain the signer of a message:
/// ```
/// bytes32 digest = _hashTypedData(keccak256(abi.encode(
/// keccak256("Mail(address to,string contents)"),
/// mailTo,
/// keccak256(bytes(mailContents))
/// )));
/// address signer = ECDSA.recover(digest, signature);
/// ```
function _hashTypedData(bytes32 structHash) internal view virtual returns (bytes32 digest) {
// We will use `digest` to store the domain separator to save a bit of gas.
if (_domainNameAndVersionMayChange()) {
digest = _buildDomainSeparator();
} else {
digest = _cachedDomainSeparator;
if (_cachedDomainSeparatorInvalidated()) digest = _buildDomainSeparator();
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// Compute the digest.
mstore(0x00, 0x1901000000000000) // Store "\x19\x01".
mstore(0x1a, digest) // Store the domain separator.
mstore(0x3a, structHash) // Store the struct hash.
digest := keccak256(0x18, 0x42)
// Restore the part of the free memory slot that was overwritten.
mstore(0x3a, 0)
/// @dev See:
function eip712Domain()
returns (
bytes1 fields,
string memory name,
string memory version,
uint256 chainId,
address verifyingContract,
bytes32 salt,
uint256[] memory extensions
fields = hex"0f"; // `0b01111`.
(name, version) = _domainNameAndVersion();
chainId = block.chainid;
verifyingContract = address(this);
salt = salt; // `bytes32(0)`.
extensions = extensions; // `new uint256[](0)`.
/// @dev Returns the EIP-712 domain separator.
function _buildDomainSeparator() private view returns (bytes32 separator) {
// We will use `separator` to store the name hash to save a bit of gas.
bytes32 versionHash;
if (_domainNameAndVersionMayChange()) {
(string memory name, string memory version) = _domainNameAndVersion();
separator = keccak256(bytes(name));
versionHash = keccak256(bytes(version));
} else {
separator = _cachedNameHash;
versionHash = _cachedVersionHash;
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
let m := mload(0x40) // Load the free memory pointer.
mstore(add(m, 0x20), separator) // Name hash.
mstore(add(m, 0x40), versionHash)
mstore(add(m, 0x60), chainid())
mstore(add(m, 0x80), address())
separator := keccak256(m, 0xa0)
/// @dev Returns if the cached domain separator has been invalidated.
function _cachedDomainSeparatorInvalidated() private view returns (bool result) {
uint256 cachedChainId = _cachedChainId;
uint256 cachedThis = _cachedThis;
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
result := iszero(and(eq(chainid(), cachedChainId), eq(address(), cachedThis)))
/// @notice Signature verification helper that supports both ECDSA signatures from EOAs
/// and ERC1271 signatures from smart contract wallets like Argent and Gnosis safe.
/// @author Solady (
/// @author Modified from OpenZeppelin (
/// @dev Note:
/// - The signature checking functions use the ecrecover precompile (0x1).
/// - The `bytes memory signature` variants use the identity precompile (0x4)
/// to copy memory internally.
/// - Unlike ECDSA signatures, contract signatures are revocable.
/// - As of Solady version 0.0.134, all `bytes signature` variants accept both
/// regular 65-byte `(r, s, v)` and EIP-2098 `(r, vs)` short form signatures.
/// See:
/// This is for calldata efficiency on smart accounts prevalent on L2s.
/// WARNING! Do NOT use signatures as unique identifiers:
/// - Use a nonce in the digest to prevent replay attacks on the same contract.
/// - Use EIP-712 for the digest to prevent replay attacks across different chains and contracts.
/// EIP-712 also enables readable signing of typed data for better user safety.
/// This implementation does NOT check if a signature is non-malleable.
library SignatureCheckerLib {
/// @dev Returns whether `signature` is valid for `signer` and `hash`.
/// If `signer` is a smart contract, the signature is validated with ERC1271.
/// Otherwise, the signature is validated with `ECDSA.recover`.
function isValidSignatureNowCalldata(address signer, bytes32 hash, bytes calldata signature)
returns (bool isValid)
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// Clean the upper 96 bits of `signer` in case they are dirty.
for { signer := shr(96, shl(96, signer)) } signer {} {
let m := mload(0x40)
mstore(0x00, hash)
if eq(signature.length, 64) {
let vs := calldataload(add(signature.offset, 0x20))
mstore(0x20, add(shr(255, vs), 27)) // `v`.
mstore(0x40, calldataload(signature.offset)) // `r`.
mstore(0x60, shr(1, shl(1, vs))) // `s`.
let t :=
gas(), // Amount of gas left for the transaction.
1, // Address of `ecrecover`.
0x00, // Start of input.
0x80, // Size of input.
0x01, // Start of output.
0x20 // Size of output.
// `returndatasize()` will be `0x20` upon success, and `0x00` otherwise.
if iszero(or(iszero(returndatasize()), xor(signer, mload(t)))) {
isValid := 1
mstore(0x60, 0) // Restore the zero slot.
mstore(0x40, m) // Restore the free memory pointer.
if eq(signature.length, 65) {
mstore(0x20, byte(0, calldataload(add(signature.offset, 0x40)))) // `v`.
calldatacopy(0x40, signature.offset, 0x40) // `r`, `s`.
let t :=
gas(), // Amount of gas left for the transaction.
1, // Address of `ecrecover`.
0x00, // Start of input.
0x80, // Size of input.
0x01, // Start of output.
0x20 // Size of output.
// `returndatasize()` will be `0x20` upon success, and `0x00` otherwise.
if iszero(or(iszero(returndatasize()), xor(signer, mload(t)))) {
isValid := 1
mstore(0x60, 0) // Restore the zero slot.
mstore(0x40, m) // Restore the free memory pointer.
mstore(0x60, 0) // Restore the zero slot.
mstore(0x40, m) // Restore the free memory pointer.
let f := shl(224, 0x1626ba7e)
mstore(m, f) // `bytes4(keccak256("isValidSignature(bytes32,bytes)"))`.
mstore(add(m, 0x04), hash)
let d := add(m, 0x24)
mstore(d, 0x40) // The offset of the `signature` in the calldata.
mstore(add(m, 0x44), signature.length)
// Copy the `signature` over.
calldatacopy(add(m, 0x64), signature.offset, signature.length)
// forgefmt: disable-next-item
isValid := and(
// Whether the returndata is the magic value `0x1626ba7e` (left-aligned).
eq(mload(d), f),
// Whether the staticcall does not revert.
// This must be placed at the end of the `and` clause,
// as the arguments are evaluated from right to left.
gas(), // Remaining gas.
signer, // The `signer` address.
m, // Offset of calldata in memory.
add(signature.length, 0x64), // Length of calldata in memory.
d, // Offset of returndata.
0x20 // Length of returndata to write.
/// @dev Returns an Ethereum Signed Message, created from a `hash`.
/// This produces a hash corresponding to the one signed with the
/// [`eth_sign`](
/// JSON-RPC method as part of EIP-191.
function toEthSignedMessageHash(bytes32 hash) internal pure returns (bytes32 result) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
mstore(0x20, hash) // Store into scratch space for keccak256.
mstore(0x00, "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32") // 28 bytes.
result := keccak256(0x04, 0x3c) // `32 * 2 - (32 - 28) = 60 = 0x3c`.
/// @notice ERC1271 mixin with nested EIP-712 approach.
/// @author Solady (
abstract contract ERC1271 is EIP712 {
/// @dev Returns the ERC1271 signer.
/// Override to return the signer `isValidSignature` checks against.
function _erc1271Signer() internal view virtual returns (address);
/// @dev Validates the signature with ERC1271 return,
/// so that this account can also be used as a signer.
/// This implementation uses ECDSA recovery. It also uses a nested EIP-712 approach to
/// prevent signature replays when a single EOA owns multiple smart contract accounts,
/// while still enabling wallet UIs (e.g. Metamask) to show the EIP-712 values.
/// For the nested EIP-712 workflow, the final hash will be:
/// ```
/// keccak256(\x19\x01 || DOMAIN_SEP_A ||
/// hashStruct(Parent({
/// childHash: keccak256(\x19\x01 || DOMAIN_SEP_B || hashStruct(originalStruct)),
/// child: hashStruct(originalStruct)
/// }))
/// )
/// ```
/// where `||` denotes the concatenation operator for bytes.
/// The signature will be `r || s || v || PARENT_TYPEHASH || DOMAIN_SEP_B || child`.
/// The `DOMAIN_SEP_B` and `child` will be used to verify if `childHash` is indeed correct.
/// For the `personal_sign` workflow, the final hash will be:
/// ```
/// keccak256(\x19\x01 || DOMAIN_SEP_A ||
/// hashStruct(Parent({
/// childHash: personalSign(someBytes)
/// }))
/// )
/// ```
/// where `||` denotes the concatenation operator for bytes.
/// The signature will be `r || s || v || PARENT_TYPEHASH`.
/// For demo and typescript code, see:
/// -
/// -
/// Of course, if you are a wallet app maker and can update your app's UI at will,
/// you can choose a more minimalistic signature scheme like
/// `keccak256(abi.encode(address(this), hash))` instead of all these acrobatics.
/// All these are just for widespead out-of-the-box compatibility with other wallet apps.
/// The `hash` parameter is the `childHash`.
function isValidSignature(bytes32 hash, bytes calldata signature)
returns (bytes4 result)
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
let m := mload(0x40) // Cache the free memory pointer.
let o := add(signature.offset, sub(signature.length, 0x60))
calldatacopy(0x00, o, 0x60) // Copy the `DOMAIN_SEP_B` and child's structHash.
mstore(0x00, 0x1901) // Store the "\x19\x01" prefix, overwriting 0x00.
for {} 1 {} {
// Use the nested EIP-712 workflow if the reconstructed childHash matches,
// and the signature is at least 96 bytes long.
if iszero(or(xor(keccak256(0x1e, 0x42), hash), lt(signature.length, 0x60))) {
// Truncate the `signature.length` by 3 words (96 bytes).
signature.length := sub(signature.length, 0x60)
mstore(0x00, calldataload(o)) // Store the `PARENT_TYPEHASH`.
mstore(0x20, hash) // Store the `childHash`.
// The child's structHash is already at 0x40.
hash := keccak256(0x00, 0x60) // Compute the parent's structHash.
// Else, use the `personal_sign` workflow.
// Truncate the `signature.length` by 1 word (32 bytes), until zero.
signature.length := mul(gt(signature.length, 0x20), sub(signature.length, 0x20))
// The `PARENT_TYPEHASH` is already at 0x40.
mstore(0x60, hash) // Store the `childHash`.
hash := keccak256(0x40, 0x40) // Compute the parent's structHash.
mstore(0x60, 0) // Restore the zero pointer.
mstore(0x40, m) // Restore the free memory pointer.
bool success = SignatureCheckerLib.isValidSignatureNowCalldata(
_erc1271Signer(), _hashTypedData(hash), signature
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// `success ? bytes4(keccak256("isValidSignature(bytes32,bytes)")) : 0xffffffff`.
result := shl(224, or(0x1626ba7e, sub(0, iszero(success))))
/// @notice Simple ERC4337 account implementation.
/// @author Solady (
/// @author Infinitism (
/// Recommended usage:
/// 1. Deploy the ERC4337 as an implementation contract, and verify it on Etherscan.
/// 2. Create a factory that uses `LibClone.deployERC1967` or
/// `LibClone.deployDeterministicERC1967` to clone the implementation.
/// See: `ERC4337Factory.sol`.
abstract contract ERC4337 is Ownable, UUPSUpgradeable, Receiver, ERC1271 {
/// @dev The ERC4337 user operation (userOp) struct.
struct UserOperation {
address sender;
uint256 nonce;
bytes initCode;
bytes callData;
uint256 callGasLimit;
uint256 verificationGasLimit;
uint256 preVerificationGas;
uint256 maxFeePerGas;
uint256 maxPriorityFeePerGas;
bytes paymasterAndData;
bytes signature;
/// @dev Call struct for the `executeBatch` function.
struct Call {
address target;
uint256 value;
bytes data;
/// @dev Initializes the account with the owner. Can only be called once.
function initialize(address newOwner) public payable virtual {
/// @dev Returns the canonical ERC4337 EntryPoint contract.
/// Override this function to return a different EntryPoint.
function entryPoint() public view virtual returns (address) {
return 0x5FF137D4b0FDCD49DcA30c7CF57E578a026d2789;
/// @dev Validates the signature and nonce.
/// The EntryPoint will make the call to the recipient only if
/// this validation call returns successfully.
/// Signature failure should be reported by returning 1 (see: `_validateSignature`).
/// This allows making a "simulation call" without a valid signature.
/// Other failures (e.g. nonce mismatch, or invalid signature format)
/// should still revert to signal failure.
function validateUserOp(
UserOperation calldata userOp,
bytes32 userOpHash,
uint256 missingAccountFunds
returns (uint256 validationData) {}
/// @dev Validate `userOp.signature` for the `userOpHash`.
function _validateSignature(UserOperation calldata userOp, bytes32 userOpHash)
returns (uint256 validationData)
bool success = SignatureCheckerLib.isValidSignatureNowCalldata(
owner(), SignatureCheckerLib.toEthSignedMessageHash(userOpHash), userOp.signature
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// Returns 0 if the recovered address matches the owner.
// Else returns 1, which is equivalent to:
// `(success ? 0 : 1) | (uint256(validUntil) << 160) | (uint256(validAfter) << (160 + 48))`
// where `validUntil` is 0 (indefinite) and `validAfter` is 0.
validationData := iszero(success)
/// @dev Sends to the EntryPoint (i.e. `msg.sender`) the missing funds for this transaction.
/// Subclass MAY override this modifier for better funds management.
/// (e.g. send to the EntryPoint more than the minimum required, so that in future transactions
/// it will not be required to send again)
/// `missingAccountFunds` is the minimum value this modifier should send the EntryPoint,
/// which MAY be zero, in case there is enough deposit, or the userOp has a paymaster.
modifier payPrefund(uint256 missingAccountFunds) virtual {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
if missingAccountFunds {
// Ignore failure (it's EntryPoint's job to verify, not the account's).
pop(call(gas(), caller(), missingAccountFunds, codesize(), 0x00, codesize(), 0x00))
/// @dev Requires that the caller is the EntryPoint.
modifier onlyEntryPoint() virtual {
if (msg.sender != entryPoint()) revert Unauthorized();
/// @dev Execute a call from this account.
function execute(address target, uint256 value, bytes calldata data)
returns (bytes memory result)
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
result := mload(0x40)
calldatacopy(result, data.offset, data.length)
if iszero(call(gas(), target, value, result, data.length, codesize(), 0x00)) {
// Bubble up the revert if the call reverts.
returndatacopy(result, 0x00, returndatasize())
revert(result, returndatasize())
mstore(result, returndatasize()) // Store the length.
let o := add(result, 0x20)
returndatacopy(o, 0x00, returndatasize()) // Copy the returndata.
mstore(0x40, add(o, returndatasize())) // Allocate the memory.
/// @dev Execute a sequence of calls from this account.
function executeBatch(Call[] calldata calls)
returns (bytes[] memory results)
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
results := mload(0x40)
mstore(results, calls.length)
let r := add(0x20, results)
let m := add(r, shl(5, calls.length))
calldatacopy(r, calls.offset, shl(5, calls.length))
for { let end := m } iszero(eq(r, end)) { r := add(r, 0x20) } {
let e := add(calls.offset, mload(r))
let o := add(e, calldataload(add(e, 0x40)))
calldatacopy(m, add(o, 0x20), calldataload(o))
// forgefmt: disable-next-item
if iszero(call(gas(), calldataload(e), calldataload(add(e, 0x20)),
m, calldataload(o), codesize(), 0x00)) {
// Bubble up the revert if the call reverts.
returndatacopy(m, 0x00, returndatasize())
revert(m, returndatasize())
mstore(r, m) // Append `m` into `results`.
mstore(m, returndatasize()) // Store the length,
let p := add(m, 0x20)
returndatacopy(p, 0x00, returndatasize()) // and copy the returndata.
m := add(p, returndatasize()) // Advance `m`.
mstore(0x40, m) // Allocate the memory.
/// @dev Execute a delegatecall with `delegate` on this account.
function delegateExecute(address delegate, bytes calldata data)
returns (bytes memory result)
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
result := mload(0x40)
calldatacopy(result, data.offset, data.length)
// Forwards the `data` to `delegate` via delegatecall.
if iszero(delegatecall(gas(), delegate, result, data.length, codesize(), 0x00)) {
// Bubble up the revert if the call reverts.
returndatacopy(result, 0x00, returndatasize())
revert(result, returndatasize())
mstore(result, returndatasize()) // Store the length.
let o := add(result, 0x20)
returndatacopy(o, 0x00, returndatasize()) // Copy the returndata.
mstore(0x40, add(o, returndatasize())) // Allocate the memory.
/// @dev Ensures that the owner and implementation slots' values aren't changed.
/// You can override this modifier to ensure the sanctity of other storage slots too.
modifier delegateExecuteGuard() virtual {
bytes32 ownerSlotValue;
bytes32 implementationSlotValue;
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
implementationSlotValue := sload(_ERC1967_IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT)
ownerSlotValue := sload(_OWNER_SLOT)
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
if iszero(
eq(implementationSlotValue, sload(_ERC1967_IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT)),
eq(ownerSlotValue, sload(_OWNER_SLOT))
) { revert(codesize(), 0x00) }
/// @dev Requires that the caller is the EntryPoint, the owner, or the account itself.
modifier onlyEntryPointOrOwner() virtual {
if (msg.sender != entryPoint()) _checkOwner();
/// @dev Returns the raw storage value at `storageSlot`.
function storageLoad(bytes32 storageSlot) public view virtual returns (bytes32 result) {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
result := sload(storageSlot)
/// @dev Writes the raw storage value at `storageSlot`.
function storageStore(bytes32 storageSlot, bytes32 storageValue)
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
sstore(storageSlot, storageValue)
/// @dev Ensures that the `storageSlot` is not prohibited for direct storage writes.
/// You can override this modifier to ensure the sanctity of other storage slots too.
modifier storageStoreGuard(bytes32 storageSlot) virtual {
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
if or(eq(storageSlot, _OWNER_SLOT), eq(storageSlot, _ERC1967_IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT)) {
revert(codesize(), 0x00)
/// @dev Returns the account's balance on the EntryPoint.
function getDeposit() public view virtual returns (uint256 result) {
address ep = entryPoint();
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
mstore(0x20, address()) // Store the `account` argument.
mstore(0x00, 0x70a08231) // `balanceOf(address)`.
result :=
mul( // Returns 0 if the EntryPoint does not exist.
and( // The arguments of `and` are evaluated from right to left.
gt(returndatasize(), 0x1f), // At least 32 bytes returned.
staticcall(gas(), ep, 0x1c, 0x24, 0x20, 0x20)
/// @dev Deposit more funds for this account in the EntryPoint.
function addDeposit() public payable virtual {
address ep = entryPoint();
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
// The EntryPoint has balance accounting logic in the `receive()` function.
// forgefmt: disable-next-item
if iszero(mul(extcodesize(ep), call(gas(), ep, callvalue(), codesize(), 0x00, codesize(), 0x00))) {
revert(codesize(), 0x00) // For gas estimation.
/// @dev Withdraw ETH from the account's deposit on the EntryPoint.
function withdrawDepositTo(address to, uint256 amount) public payable virtual onlyOwner {
address ep = entryPoint();
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
mstore(0x14, to) // Store the `to` argument.
mstore(0x34, amount) // Store the `amount` argument.
mstore(0x00, 0x205c2878000000000000000000000000) // `withdrawTo(address,uint256)`.
if iszero(mul(extcodesize(ep), call(gas(), ep, 0, 0x10, 0x44, codesize(), 0x00))) {
returndatacopy(mload(0x40), 0x00, returndatasize())
revert(mload(0x40), returndatasize())
mstore(0x34, 0) // Restore the part of the free memory pointer that was overwritten.
/// @dev Requires that the caller is the owner or the account itself.
/// This override affects the `onlyOwner` modifier.
function _checkOwner() internal view virtual override(Ownable) {
if (msg.sender != owner()) if (msg.sender != address(this)) revert Unauthorized();
/// @dev To prevent double-initialization (reuses the owner storage slot for efficiency).
function _guardInitializeOwner() internal pure virtual override(Ownable) returns (bool) {
return true;
/// @dev Uses the `owner` as the ERC1271 signer.
function _erc1271Signer() internal view virtual override(ERC1271) returns (address) {
return owner();
/// @dev To ensure that only the owner or the account itself can upgrade the implementation.
function _authorizeUpgrade(address) internal virtual override(UUPSUpgradeable) onlyOwner {}
/// @dev Handle token callbacks. If no token callback is triggered,
/// use `LibZip.cdFallback` for generalized calldata decompression.
/// If you don't need either, re-override this function.
fallback() external payable virtual override(Receiver) receiverFallback {
/// @notice Simple extendable smart account implementation.
/// @author nani.eth (
contract Account is ERC4337 {
/// @dev Constructs
/// this implementation.
constructor() payable {}
/// @dev Returns domain name and
/// version of this implementation.
function _domainNameAndVersion()
returns (string memory, string memory)
return ("NANI", "0.0.0");
/// @dev Validates userOp
/// with auth logic flow.
function validateUserOp(
UserOperation calldata userOp,
bytes32 userOpHash,
uint256 missingAccountFunds
returns (uint256 validationData)
if (userOp.nonce < type(uint64).max) {
validationData = _validateSignature(userOp, userOpHash);
} else {
validationData = _validateUserOp(userOp, userOpHash, missingAccountFunds);
/// @dev Decodes `userOp.nonce` for a 'key'-stored authorizer account
/// that contains extended validation logic and auth for the `userOp`.
function _validateUserOp(UserOperation calldata, bytes32, uint256)
returns (uint256 validationData)
/// @solidity memory-safe-assembly
assembly {
calldatacopy(0x00, 0x00, calldatasize())
if iszero( // Check authorizer in decoded `nonce`
call( // to forward calldata in `validateUserOp`.
shr(96, /*authorizer*/ sload(shl(64, shr(64, /*nonce*/ calldataload(0x84))))),
0x00, // Call.
0x00, // Return.
) {
// Bubble up the revert if the call reverts.
returndatacopy(0x00, 0x00, returndatasize())
revert(0x00, returndatasize())
validationData := mload(0x00)
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