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Last active November 7, 2023 20:12
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generate the iio rotation matrix
import glob
import os
import sys
import time
(according to Android emulator, seems to be inverse for iio)
upright/normal: 0 9.81 0
upside down: 0 -9.81 0
to the left (right side up): 9.81 0 0
to the right (left side up): -9.81 0 0
lying flat (screen up): 0 0 9.81
lying flat (screen down): 0 0 -9.81
def multiply_matrix(X, Y):
result = [[0] * len(Y)] * len(X)
# iterate through rows of X
for i in range(len(X)):
# iterate through columns of Y
for j in range(len(Y[0])):
# iterate through rows of Y
for k in range(len(Y)):
result[i][j] += X[i][k] * Y[k][j]
return result
def read_sysfs_int(path):
with open(path) as handle:
return int(
def read_sysfs_float(path):
with open(path) as handle:
return float(
def read_sysfs_mount_matrix(device):
for filename in ["mount_matrix", "in_accel_mount_matrix"]:
path = os.path.join(device, filename)
with open(path) as handle:
matrix_str =
mount_matrix = []
for row in matrix_str.split("; "):
mount_matrix.append(list(map(int, row.split(", "))))
return mount_matrix
except FileNotFoundError:
raise RuntimeError("No mount matrix")
def guess_sysfs_name(device):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(device, 'name')):
with open(os.path.join(device, 'name')) as handle:
if os.path.islink(device):
sys_device = os.readlink(device)
driver = sys_device.split('/')[-2]
return driver
return "Unknown"
def read_accel_from_device(device):
x_raw = read_sysfs_int(os.path.join(device, 'in_accel_x_raw'))
y_raw = read_sysfs_int(os.path.join(device, 'in_accel_y_raw'))
z_raw = read_sysfs_int(os.path.join(device, 'in_accel_z_raw'))
scale = read_sysfs_float(os.path.join(device, 'in_accel_scale'))
x = x_raw * scale
y = y_raw * scale
z = z_raw * scale
return [x, y, z]
def get_extreme_value_index(values):
max_value = max(values)
min_value = min(values)
# Return the most extreme value
if max_value > -min_value:
return (max_value, values.index(max_value))
return (min_value, values.index(min_value))
def fill_rotation_matrix(rotation_matrix, accel_matrix, should_be_index):
extr_value, extr_index = get_extreme_value_index(accel_matrix)
row = [0] * 3
if extr_value > 0:
row[should_be_index] = -1
row[should_be_index] = 1
rotation_matrix[extr_index] = row
return rotation_matrix
def generate_mount_matrix(device):
# Initialize a 3x3 matrix
rotation_matrix = [[0] * 3] * 3
print("Hold your device normal (upright, so the device is vertical)")
input("Press Enter to read...")
matrix_normal = read_accel_from_device(device)
print("Rotate your device to the left (so the right side is up)")
input("Press Enter to read...")
matrix_left = read_accel_from_device(device)
print("Put your device onto the table, so the screen points up")
input("Press Enter to read...")
matrix_up = read_accel_from_device(device)
rotation_matrix = fill_rotation_matrix(rotation_matrix, matrix_normal, 1)
rotation_matrix = fill_rotation_matrix(rotation_matrix, matrix_left, 0)
rotation_matrix = fill_rotation_matrix(rotation_matrix, matrix_up, 2)
# Verify that the matrix makes sense
for row in rotation_matrix:
# Each row must contain two 0 and one 1 or -1
if not (row.count(0) == 2 and (row.count(1) == 1 or row.count(-1) == 1)):
print("ERROR: The generated rotation matrix does not make any sense!")
print("Generated rotation matrix:")
for row in rotation_matrix:
def show_accel_values(device, print_raw=False, print_adjusted=False):
accel_matrix = read_accel_from_device(device)
if print_raw:
print("{}, {}, {} g".format(round(accel_matrix[0], 2), round(accel_matrix[1], 2), round(accel_matrix[2], 2)))
mount_matrix = read_sysfs_mount_matrix(device)
result_matrix = multiply_matrix([accel_matrix], mount_matrix)
except RuntimeError:
# mount-matrix not found, ignore
result_matrix = [accel_matrix]
if print_adjusted:
print("{}, {}, {} g".format(round(result_matrix[0][0], 2), round(result_matrix[0][1], 2), round(result_matrix[0][2], 2)))
value, index = get_extreme_value_index(result_matrix[0])
if value > 0:
direction = POS_LOOKUP_TABLE[index]
direction = NEG_LOOKUP_TABLE[index]
return direction
def monitor_accel_values(device, print_adjusted=False):
direction_old = ""
while True:
direction = show_accel_values(device, print_adjusted)
if direction_old != direction:
if not print_adjusted:
print("Orientation changed: " + direction)
direction_old = direction
def usage():
print("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " generate|show|show-raw|monitor|monitor-values")
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
for device in glob.glob('/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device*'):
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(device, 'in_accel_x_raw')):
model = guess_sysfs_name(device)
print("Model: " + model)
if sys.argv[1] == "generate":
elif sys.argv[1] == "show":
print("Direction: " + show_accel_values(device, print_adjusted=True))
elif sys.argv[1] == "show-raw":
show_accel_values(device, print_raw=True)
elif sys.argv[1] == "monitor":
elif sys.argv[1] == "monitor-values":
monitor_accel_values(device, print_adjusted=True)
print("No accelerometer found. Exiting.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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