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Created April 13, 2015 00:19
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Trying to get Events working
inherits = require('inherits')
EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
module.exports = (game, opts) ->
return new Gamemode(game, opts)
module.exports.pluginInfo =
loadAfter: ['voxel-mine', 'voxel-fly', 'voxel-registry', 'voxel-harvest', 'voxel-commands', 'voxel-keys']
class Gamemode extends EventEmitter
constructor: (@game, opts) ->
return if not @game.isClient # TODO
@keys = @game.plugins.get('voxel-keys') ? throw new Error('voxel-gamemode requires voxel-keys plugin')
@mode = opts.startMode ? 'survival'
@registry = @game.plugins?.get('voxel-registry') ? throw new Error('voxel-gamemode requires "voxel-registry" plugin')
inherits(Gamemode, EventEmitter)
enable: () ->
@game.plugins?.get('voxel-commands')?.registerCommand 'creative', @enterCreative.bind(@), '', 'enters creative mode'
@game.plugins?.get('voxel-commands')?.registerCommand 'survival', @enterSurvival.bind(@), '', 'enters survival mode'
if @game.plugins?.isEnabled('voxel-fly') and @mode == 'survival'
@keys.registerKey 'inventory', 'E'
@keys.down.on 'inventory', @onInventory = () =>
if @mode == 'creative' and @game.plugins.isEnabled('voxel-inventory-creative')
enterCreative: () ->
@mode = 'creative'
@game.plugins.get('voxel-mine')?.instaMine = true
@game.plugins.get('voxel-harvest')?.enableToolDamage = false
console.log 'Entered creative mode'
@game.plugins?.get('voxel-console')?.log?('Entered creative mode')
@emit 'enterCreative'
@on 'enterCreative', =>
console.log "Has entered Creative"
enterSurvival: () ->
@mode = 'survival'
@game.plugins.disable 'voxel-fly'
@game.plugins.get('voxel-mine')?.instaMine = false
@game.plugins.get('voxel-harvest')?.enableToolDamage = true
console.log 'Entered survival mode'
@game.plugins?.get('voxel-console')?.log?('Entered survival mode')
@emit 'enterSurvival'
@on 'enterSurival', =>
console.log "Has Entered Survival"
disable: () ->
@keys.down.removeListener 'inventory', @onInventory
@keys.unregisterKey 'inventory'
# TODO: un-registerCommand
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