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Created January 26, 2010 18:23
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#lang scheme
(define grammar1
'((T (R))
(T ("a" T "c"))
(R ())
(R (R "b" R))))
(define grammar2
'((T (R))
(R ("a" T "c"))
(R (R "b" R))))
(define (union x y)
((null? y) x)
((member (car y) x) (union x (cdr y)))
(else (union (cons (car y) x) (cdr y)))))
(define (nonterminal? t grammar)
(not (false? (assoc t grammar))))
(define (terminal? t)
(string? t))
(define (productions t grammar)
(let loop ((g grammar) (result '()))
((null? g) result)
((eq? (caar g) t) (loop (cdr g) (cons (cadar g) result)))
(else (loop (cdr g) result)))))
(define (nullable? x grammar (nts '()))
(let ((g-nullable?
(lambda (n) (nullable? n grammar (cons x nts))))
(lambda (n) (member n nts))))
((null? x) #t)
((list? x) (andmap (lambda (n) (or (seen-it? n) (g-nullable? n))) x))
((terminal? x) #f)
((nonterminal? x grammar) (ormap g-nullable? (productions x grammar))))))
(define (first-productions x grammar)
(let ((nullable (nullable? x grammar)))
(let loop ((p (productions x grammar))
(result '()))
(cond ((null? p) result)
((null? (car p)) (loop (cdr p) result)) ;empty production
((eq? x (caar p)) ; our production has x as the first symbol, we can get rid of it if it's nullable
(cond (nullable (loop (cdr p) (cons (cdar p) result)))
(else (loop (cdr p) result))))
(loop (cdr p) (cons (car p) result)))))))
(define (first x grammar)
(cond ((null? x) '())
((terminal? x) (list x))
((list? x)
(if (nullable? (car x) grammar)
(union (first (car x) grammar) (first (cdr x) grammar ))
(first (car x) grammar )))
((nonterminal? x grammar)
(foldl union '() (map (lambda (n) (first n grammar )) (first-productions x grammar))))
(else (raise x))))
(first 'T grammar1)
(first 'R grammar1)
(first 'T grammar2)
(first 'R grammar2)
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