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Last active May 26, 2021 03:08
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  • Save za3k/adc34342419bc8703bebe9460af8016c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save za3k/adc34342419bc8703bebe9460af8016c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# e621 downloader. maintains a mirror of e621 (just DB export+images, not the HTML)
# suggested use is to run this from crontab once per day.
# this maintains an infinite number of database snapshots and also keeps deleted images forever (in a separate directory) because I'm a packrat. feel free to modify to delete old stuff.
# written by zachary "za3k" vance. released in the public domain
# dependencies: csvtools (davylandman), chronic (joeyh's moreutils, optional), wget, gzip, coreutils
# config
USERNAME=${USERNAME:-} # Your e621 username goes here
BASEDIR="/data/e621" # Where on your local filesystem you want to store files (no spaces)
# output
# file/directory what is it
# ${BASEDIR}/db .csv.gz database files (from e621 daily dump)
# ${BASEDIR}/image-full full-size images. smaller images and previews for video are not downloaded.
# ${BASEDIR}/image-deleted images downloaded locally but later deleted from e621. please do not serve publicly
# ${BASEDIR}/.index-images.* temp files used by this script
if [ -z $USERNAME ]; then
echo "Please enter your e621 username so the admin knows who you are."
exit 1
if [ "$1" == "magic" ]; then
#echo "Magic mode"
elif [ -z "$PS1" ]; then
#echo "Non-interactive (cron) mode"
# If this is in batch mode (ex from crontab or /etc/cron.daily) then don't output anything and return status 0--unless there is some error.
if [ -e /usr/bin/chronic ]; then
exec /usr/bin/chronic "$0" "magic" "$@"
exit $?
#echo "Interactive mode"
echo "Downloading the latest CSV database dump from the web... (may take a minute)"
DATE=$(\date -u -d "yesterday" "+%Y-%m-%d") # To deal with server timezone maybe being different than yours, as well as ongoing uploads, stay 1 day behind.
wget --directory-prefix=${BASEDIR}/db -c{pools,posts,tag_aliases,tag_implications,tags,wiki_pages}-${DATE}.csv.gz --user-agent "za3k's download script - .csv.gz - ${USERNAME}" --no-verbose
echo "Calculating the list of images to download from the local database copy..."
zcat ${BASEDIR}/db/posts-${DATE}.csv.gz | csvgrep --maxfieldsize 1000000 -i -c is_deleted -m t | csvcut --maxfieldsize 1000000 -c md5,file_ext | tail -n+2 | tr ',' '.' | sort >${BASEDIR}/.index-images.avail
if [ -e ${BASEDIR}/.index-images.have ]; then
echo "Using cached list of images on the filesystem from last download."
echo "Calculating the list of images we have from the filesystem."
find ${BASEDIR}/image-full/ -type f -printf '%f\n' | sort >${BASEDIR}/.index-images.have
echo "Calculating images to download or delete by comparing the two lists."
comm ${BASEDIR}/.index-images.avail ${BASEDIR}/.index-images.have -2 -3 >${BASEDIR}/
comm ${BASEDIR}/.index-images.avail ${BASEDIR}/.index-images.have -1 -3 >${BASEDIR}/.index-images.del
if [ -s ${BASEDIR}/ ]; then
echo "Downloading missing images direct from (may take a long time)"
cat ${BASEDIR}/ | while read md5; do echo "${md5:0:2}/${md5:2:2}/${md5}"; done | wget --directory-prefix=${BASEDIR}/image-full -c --input-file=- --user-agent "za3k's download script - images - ${USERNAME}" -nH -x --cut-dirs=1 -nc --no-verbose
echo "No new images were found."
# For now don't delete images we have. Just move the images to a "deleted" directory instead of actually deleting them.
if [ -s ${BASEDIR}/.index-images.del ]; then
echo "Moving deleted images to archive folder."
cat "${BASEDIR}/.index-images.del" | while read md5; do
mkdir -p "${BASEDIR}/image-deleted/${md5:0:2}/${md5:2:2}"
mv ${BASEDIR}/image-{full,deleted}/${md5}
echo "No deleted images were found."
echo "Cleaning up afterwards."
rm ${BASEDIR}/.index-images.{have,new,del}
mv ${BASEDIR}/.index-images.{avail,have} # Keep as a cache to avoid costly filesystem scan
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