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Created August 18, 2020 19:41
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# In[129]:
import pandas as pd
import glob
import datetime
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pathlib
import pathlib
from collections import ChainMap
import os
import re
import numpy as np
# In[ ]:
def didMoreThanThisManySecondsElapsedSinceEndOfThatDay(singleDate,seconds):
return ( - (singleDate + datetime.timedelta(days=1))).total_seconds() > seconds
# In[3]:
# In[51]:
#def getSearchListFromTabName(tabName,pathToExcelFile=excelFile):
# xl = pd.ExcelFile(pathToExcelFile)
# dfs = {sheetname:
# [[each] for each in xl.parse(sheetname,header=None)[0]]
# for sheetname in xl.sheet_names}
# return dfs[tabName]
def getSearchListFromTabName(tabName,pathToExcelFile=excelFile):
xl = pd.ExcelFile(pathToExcelFile)
dfs = {sheetname: xl.parse(sheetname, header=None).dropna().values.tolist() for sheetname in xl.sheet_names}
dfs = {sheetname: [[alias for alias in person if type(alias) is not float]
for person in xl.parse(sheetname,header=None).values.tolist()]
for sheetname in xl.sheet_names}
return dfs[tabName]
# In[52]:
def validalias(alias):
return True
# if len(str(alias).strip()) > 5 and len(str(alias).strip().split(' ')) > 1: return True
# else: return False
# In[53]:
def matchfinder(text,searchforthese):
for persondata_searchtarget in searchforthese
for alias in persondata_searchtarget
if validalias(alias) and alias.lower() in str(text).lower()]
return matches
# In[54]:
def fillextracols(whichdictionary, whichrowtofill, withthislist, unlessitslongerthanthis):
if not len(withthislist) > unlessitslongerthanthis and len(withthislist)>0:
for i, e in enumerate(withthislist):
# In[55]:
def prepare_extra_columns(num_of_columns_for_each_dict):
for each in num_of_columns_for_each_dict:
for index in range(num_of_columns_for_each_dict[each]):
targetdf[each + str(index)]=''
# In[56]:
class dictionary_class:
def __init__(self, name, maxcolnum, searchlist=None, geo=False): = name
self.maxcolnum = maxcolnum
self.searchlist = searchlist
self.geo = geo
# In[57]:
def getDictionaries(clientSearchlist,dictname='clientdict'):
return dictionaries
# In[163]:
def get_files_sorted_by_date_after_a_date(look_for_this_pattern, cutoffdate):
csvs = glob.glob(look_for_this_pattern)
datetimes=[datetime.datetime(*[int(num) for num in re.findall(r'\d+', each)[:4]]) for each in csvs]
dt_csvs_filtered=[[dt, csv] for dt, csv in zip(datetimes,csvs) if dt >= datetime.datetime(*cutoffdate)]
sorted_filtered_csvs = [csv
for _, csv in sorted(
zip([eachpair[0] for eachpair in dt_csvs_filtered],
[eachpair[1] for eachpair in dt_csvs_filtered]))]
return sorted_filtered_csvs
# In[164]:
#def get_files_sorted_by_date_after_a_date(look_for_this_pattern,cutoffdate):
# csvs = glob.glob(look_for_this_pattern)
# datetimes=[datetime.datetime(int(each.split('/')[-1][5:9]),
# int(each.split('/')[-1][10:12]),
# int(each.split('/')[-1][13:15]),
# int(each.split('/')[-1][16:18]),
# int(each.split('/')[-1][19:21]),
# int(each.split('/')[-1][22:24])) for each in csvs]
# dt_csvs_filtered=[[dt, csv] for dt, csv in zip(datetimes,csvs) if dt > datetime.datetime(*cutoffdate)]
# sorted_filtered_csvs = [csv
# for _, csv in sorted(
# zip([eachpair[0] for eachpair in dt_csvs_filtered],
# [eachpair[1] for eachpair in dt_csvs_filtered]))]
# return sorted_filtered_csvs
# In[165]:
def pathFinder(clientName,path=str(pathlib.Path().absolute())):
preMomFile = 'live_'
postMomFileSzokereso = '_szokereso_result.csv'
postMomFileSzurt = '_szurt.csv'
postMomFileErrorlog = '_ERRORLOG.txt'
inputPathAndWildcard = '/mnt/volume/anagy/mediascraper/mediaScraper/output/data*csv'
szokeresoResFilesPath = path+'/'+clientName+'/szokeresores/'
momentumraSzurtSzokeresesPath = szokeresoResFilesPath + 'clientreszurt/'
szokeresoResFilesPathAndWildcard = momentumraSzurtSzokeresesPath + preMomFile + '*' + postMomFileSzurt
return preMomFile, postMomFileSzokereso, inputPathAndWildcard, postMomFileSzurt, szokeresoResFilesPath, szokeresoResFilesPathAndWildcard, momentumraSzurtSzokeresesPath
debugmode = False
listOfColsWeWantToOutput = ['DOC_ID','TITLE','SCRAPETIME','TEXT','OUTLET','clientdict0clssd', 'clientdict1clssd',
'clientdict2clssd', 'clientdict3clssd', 'clientdict4clssd', 'clientdict5clssd',
'clientdict6clssd', 'clientdict7clssd', 'clientdict8clssd', 'clientdict9clssd']
# In[166]:
def getOutputFiles(pathAndWildcard):
outputFiles = glob.glob(pathAndWildcard)
return outputFiles
# In[167]:
def getTodoFilesWithoutOutput(todoFiles,outputFiles):
return [todoFile for todoFile in todoFiles
if not any([todoFile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] in szokeresoOutput for szokeresoOutput in outputFiles])]
# In[168]:
def doThisWhenNoFileIsFoundToProcess(sleepThisMuch=5*60):
#print('No more files found to process. Sleeping '+str(sleepThisMuch)+' seconds.')
print('Looped through all clients. Sleeping '+str(sleepThisMuch)+' seconds.')
# In[169]:
def equivalences(df, equivalenceClasses):
d = dict(ChainMap(*[dict.fromkeys(y,x) for x , y in equivalenceClasses.items()]))
df = df.replace(d)
df = df.mask(df.apply(pd.Series.duplicated,1))
return df
# In[170]:
def prepareDirectories(sheetNames):
for sheetName in sheetNames:
for subdir in ['clientreszurt','dailyfreqs','weeklyfreqs']:
os.makedirs(path+sheetName+'/'+'szokeresores/'+subdir, exist_ok=True)
# In[171]:
def prepareDict(excelFile=excelFile):
xl = pd.ExcelFile(excelFile)
sheetNames = [sheetName.strip() for sheetName in xl.sheet_names]
dfs = {sheetname.strip():
for sheetname in xl.sheet_names}
return dfs
# In[172]:
def getEquivalenceClasses(df):
equivalenceClasses = {row[1][0]: list(row[1]) for row in df.iterrows() for alias in row[1]}
return equivalenceClasses
# In[173]:
while True:
for client in clients:
preMomFile, postMomFileSzokereso, inputPathAndWildcard, postMomFileSzurt, szokeresoResFilesPath, szokeresoResFilesPathAndWildcard, momentumraSzurtSzokeresesPath = pathFinder(client)
while True:
todoFilesWithoutOutput = getTodoFilesWithoutOutput(todoFiles=todoFiles,
if len(todoFilesWithoutOutput) == 0:
targetdf = pd.read_csv(targetcsv)
num_of_columns_for_each_dict={ dictionary.maxcolnum for dictionary in dictionaries}
for each in num_of_columns_for_each_dict:
for index in range(num_of_columns_for_each_dict[each]):
targetdf[each + str(index)]=''
for idictionary, dictionary in enumerate(dictionaries):
for icell, cell in enumerate(list(targetdf['TEXT'])):
if type(cell) is not float:
if not len(matchfinder(cell,dictionary.searchlist)) > dictionary.maxcolnum and len(matchfinder(cell,dictionary.searchlist))>0:
for i, e in enumerate(matchfinder(cell,dictionary.searchlist)):
filenamecore = targetcsv.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
#targetdf = targetdf[~targetdf['clientdict0'].isna()]
targetdf = targetdf[targetdf['clientdict0'].str.len()>0]
classeddf = equivalences(targetdf[[col for col in targetdf.columns if 'client' in col]],getEquivalenceClasses(dfs[client]))
classeddf.rename(columns={col:col+'clssd' for col in targetdf.columns},inplace=True)
targetdf = targetdf.join(classeddf)
if not debugmode: targetdf[listOfColsWeWantToOutput].to_csv(momentumraSzurtSzokeresesPath+preMomFile+filenamecore+postMomFileSzurt)
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