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Created December 19, 2016 20:03
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Uap Benchmark log
Available Benchmarks:
#0 Algo_BitCount
#1 Algo_Md5VsSha256
#2 Algo_MostSignificantBit
#3 Cpu_Atomics
#4 Cpu_BranchPerdictor
#5 Cpu_Ilp_Inc
#6 Cpu_Ilp_Max
#7 Cpu_Ilp_VsBce
#8 Cpu_MatrixMultiplication
#9 Framework_DateTime
#10 Framework_DictionaryVsIDictionary
#11 Framework_Interpolated_vs_ToString
#12 Framework_IterativeVsLINQ
#13 Framework_SelectVsConvertAll
#14 Framework_StackFrameVsStackTrace
#15 Framework_Stopwatch
#16 Framework_StringConcatVsStringBuilder
#17 IL_Loops
#18 IL_ReadonlyFields
#19 IL_Switch
#20 IntroAdvancedStats
#21 IntroBaseline
#22 IntroBasic
#23 IntroColumns
#24 IntroCommandStyle
#25 IntroConfigSource
#26 IntroConfigUnion
#27 IntroDefaultToolchain
#28 IntroEmpty
#29 IntroExporters
#30 IntroGcMode
#31 IntroJobsFull
#32 IntroJsonExport
#33 IntroMultipleRuntimes
#34 IntroOrderAttr
#35 IntroOrderManual
#36 IntroOutliers
#37 IntroParams
#38 IntroPercentiles
#39 IntroRankColumn
#40 IntroTags
#41 IntroUnstable
#42 Jit_ArraySumLoopUnrolling
#43 Jit_AsVsCast
#44 Jit_Bce
#45 Jit_BoolToInt
#46 Jit_GenericsMethod
#47 Jit_Inlining
#48 Jit_InterfaceMethod
#49 Jit_LoopUnrolling
#50 Jit_RegistersVsStack
#51 Jit_RotateBits
#52 Array_AccessNormalRefUnsafe
#53 Array_HeapAllocVsStackAlloc
#54 File_StreamVsMemoryMapperVewStream
#55 Math_DoubleSqrt
#56 Math_DoubleSqrtAvx
#57 Os_Sleep
You should select the target benchmark. Please, print a number of a benchmark (e.g. '0') or a benchmark caption (e.g. 'Algo_BitCount'):
Target type: Framework_DateTime
// ***** BenchmarkRunner: Start *****
// Found benchmarks:
// Framework_DateTime.UtcNowLatency: Uap(Runtime=Uap)
// Framework_DateTime.NowLatency: Uap(Runtime=Uap)
// Framework_DateTime.UtcNowGranularity: Uap(Runtime=Uap)
// Framework_DateTime.NowGranularity: Uap(Runtime=Uap)
// Validating benchmarks:
Assembly BenchmarkDotNet.Samples, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null which defines benchmarks references non-optimized BenchmarkDotNet.Core
Assembly BenchmarkDotNet.Samples, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null which defines benchmarks references non-optimized BenchmarkDotNet.Diagnostics.Windows
Assembly BenchmarkDotNet.Samples, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null which defines benchmarks references non-optimized BenchmarkDotNet
Assembly BenchmarkDotNet.Samples, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null which defines benchmarks is non-optimized
// **************************
// Benchmark: Framework_DateTime.UtcNowLatency: Uap(Runtime=Uap)
// *** Generate ***
// Result = Success
// BinariesDirectoryPath = D:\Workshop\BenchmarkDotNet\BDN.Generated
// *** Build ***
// Result = Success
// *** Execute ***
// Launch: 1 / 1
// Run, Diagnostic
Mean = 236.5281 ns, StdErr = 0.7510 ns (0.32%); N = 12, StdDev = 2.6017 ns
Min = 231.0010 ns, Q1 = 235.3591 ns, Median = 236.5128 ns, Q3 = 237.7143 ns, Max = 241.4294 ns
IQR = 2.3552 ns, LowerFence = 231.8263 ns, UpperFence = 241.2471 ns
ConfidenceInterval = [235.0560 ns; 238.0001 ns] (CI 95%)
Skewness = -0.159913829104657, Kurtosis = 2.95163251673905
// **************************
// Benchmark: Framework_DateTime.NowLatency: Uap(Runtime=Uap)
// *** Generate ***
// Result = Success
// BinariesDirectoryPath = D:\Workshop\BenchmarkDotNet\BDN.Generated
// *** Build ***
// Result = Success
// *** Execute ***
// Launch: 1 / 1
// Run, Diagnostic
Mean = 7.2088 us, StdErr = 0.0385 us (0.53%); N = 15, StdDev = 0.1492 us
Min = 6.9739 us, Q1 = 7.1119 us, Median = 7.2174 us, Q3 = 7.3035 us, Max = 7.5541 us
IQR = 0.1916 us, LowerFence = 6.8246 us, UpperFence = 7.5909 us
ConfidenceInterval = [7.1333 us; 7.2843 us] (CI 95%)
Skewness = 0.40073135802543, Kurtosis = 2.78969389564423
// **************************
// Benchmark: Framework_DateTime.UtcNowGranularity: Uap(Runtime=Uap)
// *** Generate ***
// Result = Success
// BinariesDirectoryPath = D:\Workshop\BenchmarkDotNet\BDN.Generated
// *** Build ***
// Result = Success
// *** Execute ***
// Launch: 1 / 1
// Run, Diagnostic
Mean = 15.2226 ms, StdErr = 0.0195 ms (0.13%); N = 15, StdDev = 0.0757 ms
Min = 15.0769 ms, Q1 = 15.1769 ms, Median = 15.2052 ms, Q3 = 15.2852 ms, Max = 15.3483 ms
IQR = 0.1083 ms, LowerFence = 15.0145 ms, UpperFence = 15.4477 ms
ConfidenceInterval = [15.1843 ms; 15.2609 ms] (CI 95%)
Skewness = 0.0643404234168928, Kurtosis = 2.15011687047417
// **************************
// Benchmark: Framework_DateTime.NowGranularity: Uap(Runtime=Uap)
// *** Generate ***
// Result = Success
// BinariesDirectoryPath = D:\Workshop\BenchmarkDotNet\BDN.Generated
// *** Build ***
// Result = Success
// *** Execute ***
// Launch: 1 / 1
// Run, Diagnostic
Mean = 15.2280 ms, StdErr = 0.0309 ms (0.2%); N = 14, StdDev = 0.1157 ms
Min = 14.9818 ms, Q1 = 15.1498 ms, Median = 15.2484 ms, Q3 = 15.2945 ms, Max = 15.4329 ms
IQR = 0.1447 ms, LowerFence = 14.9327 ms, UpperFence = 15.5116 ms
ConfidenceInterval = [15.1674 ms; 15.2886 ms] (CI 95%)
Skewness = -0.562315796066226, Kurtosis = 2.72420208440958
// ***** BenchmarkRunner: Finish *****
// * Export *
// * Detailed results *
Framework_DateTime.UtcNowLatency: Uap(Runtime=Uap)
Runtime = ; GC =
Mean = 236.5281 ns, StdErr = 0.7510 ns (0.32%); N = 12, StdDev = 2.6017 ns
Min = 231.0010 ns, Q1 = 235.3591 ns, Median = 236.5128 ns, Q3 = 237.7143 ns, Max = 241.4294 ns
IQR = 2.3552 ns, LowerFence = 231.8263 ns, UpperFence = 241.2471 ns
ConfidenceInterval = [235.0560 ns; 238.0001 ns] (CI 95%)
Skewness = -0.159913829104657, Kurtosis = 2.95163251673905
Framework_DateTime.NowLatency: Uap(Runtime=Uap)
Runtime = ; GC =
Mean = 7.2088 us, StdErr = 0.0385 us (0.53%); N = 15, StdDev = 0.1492 us
Min = 6.9739 us, Q1 = 7.1119 us, Median = 7.2174 us, Q3 = 7.3035 us, Max = 7.5541 us
IQR = 0.1916 us, LowerFence = 6.8246 us, UpperFence = 7.5909 us
ConfidenceInterval = [7.1333 us; 7.2843 us] (CI 95%)
Skewness = 0.40073135802543, Kurtosis = 2.78969389564423
Framework_DateTime.UtcNowGranularity: Uap(Runtime=Uap)
Runtime = ; GC =
Mean = 15.2226 ms, StdErr = 0.0195 ms (0.13%); N = 15, StdDev = 0.0757 ms
Min = 15.0769 ms, Q1 = 15.1769 ms, Median = 15.2052 ms, Q3 = 15.2852 ms, Max = 15.3483 ms
IQR = 0.1083 ms, LowerFence = 15.0145 ms, UpperFence = 15.4477 ms
ConfidenceInterval = [15.1843 ms; 15.2609 ms] (CI 95%)
Skewness = 0.0643404234168928, Kurtosis = 2.15011687047417
Framework_DateTime.NowGranularity: Uap(Runtime=Uap)
Runtime = ; GC =
Mean = 15.2280 ms, StdErr = 0.0309 ms (0.2%); N = 14, StdDev = 0.1157 ms
Min = 14.9818 ms, Q1 = 15.1498 ms, Median = 15.2484 ms, Q3 = 15.2945 ms, Max = 15.4329 ms
IQR = 0.1447 ms, LowerFence = 14.9327 ms, UpperFence = 15.5116 ms
ConfidenceInterval = [15.1674 ms; 15.2886 ms] (CI 95%)
Skewness = -0.562315796066226, Kurtosis = 2.72420208440958
Total time: 00:09:58 (598.87 sec)
// * Summary *
BenchmarkDotNet=v0.10.1-develop, OS=Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
Processor=Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6500U CPU 2.50GHz, ProcessorCount=4
Frequency=2531253 Hz, Resolution=395.0613 ns, Timer=TSC
[Host] : Clr 4.0.30319.42000, 64bit LegacyJIT-v4.6.1586.0DEBUG [AttachedDebugger]
Job=Uap Runtime=Uap Allocated=0 B
Method | Mean | StdDev | Tool | Gen 0 |
------------------ |------------------- |---------------- |------- |--------- |
UtcNowLatency | 236.5281 ns | 2.6017 ns | UtcNow | - |
NowLatency | 7,208.8181 ns | 149.1966 ns | Now | - |
UtcNowGranularity | 15,222,587.4565 ns | 75,678.6683 ns | UtcNow | - |
NowGranularity | 15,227,980.1897 ns | 115,696.4019 ns | Now | 108.3333 |
*** Warnings ***
Summary -> Benchmark was executed with attached debugger
Framework_DateTime.UtcNowLatency: Uap -> Benchmark was built in DEBUG configuration. Please, build it in RELEASE.
Framework_DateTime.NowLatency: Uap -> Benchmark was built in DEBUG configuration. Please, build it in RELEASE.
Framework_DateTime.UtcNowGranularity: Uap -> Benchmark was built in DEBUG configuration. Please, build it in RELEASE.
Framework_DateTime.NowGranularity: Uap -> Benchmark was built in DEBUG configuration. Please, build it in RELEASE.
// * Diagnostic Output - MemoryDiagnoser *
Note: the Gen 0/1/2 Measurements are per 1k Operations
// ***** BenchmarkRunner: End *****
Global total time: 00:11:22 (682.47 sec)
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zabulus commented Dec 19, 2016

BenchmarkDotNet=v0.10.1-develop, OS=Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
Processor=Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6500U CPU 2.50GHz, ProcessorCount=4
Frequency=2531253 Hz, Resolution=395.0613 ns, Timer=TSC
  [Host] : Clr 4.0.30319.42000, 64bit LegacyJIT-v4.6.1586.0DEBUG [AttachedDebugger]

Job=Uap  Runtime=Uap  Allocated=0 B  
Method Mean StdDev Tool Gen 0
UtcNowLatency 236.5281 ns 2.6017 ns UtcNow -
NowLatency 7,208.8181 ns 149.1966 ns Now -
UtcNowGranularity 15,222,587.4565 ns 75,678.6683 ns UtcNow -
NowGranularity 15,227,980.1897 ns 115,696.4019 ns Now 108.3333

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