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Created June 13, 2016 14:57
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  • Save zabulus/f51620b061d8bb41c698756fdf15075e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save zabulus/f51620b061d8bb41c698756fdf15075e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.00.23918.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Dump of file cryptest.exe
Section contains the following imports:
140197308 Import Address Table
140293910 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference
27 WSAEnumNetworkEvents
2A WSAEventSelect
49 WSASend
2C WSAGetOverlappedResult
44 WSARecv
Ordinal 112
Ordinal 111
Ordinal 116
Ordinal 115
Ordinal 15
Ordinal 55
Ordinal 22
Ordinal 1
Ordinal 4
Ordinal 52
Ordinal 13
Ordinal 2
Ordinal 9
Ordinal 11
Ordinal 8
Ordinal 3
Ordinal 23
Ordinal 21
140197000 Import Address Table
140293608 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference
CB CryptReleaseContext
B0 CryptAcquireContextA
C1 CryptGenRandom
140197020 Import Address Table
140293628 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference
461 SetEndOfFile
8F CreateFileW
88 CreateFileA
533 WriteConsoleW
494 SetStdHandle
341 LoadLibraryW
30E IsValidLocale
112 EnumSystemLocalesA
20A GetLocaleInfoA
2A3 GetUserDefaultLCID
270 GetStringTypeW
251 GetProcessHeap
16E GetACP
2DA HeapReAlloc
1C7 GetCurrentProcessId
29A GetTickCount
1E1 GetEnvironmentStringsW
167 FreeEnvironmentStringsW
15D FlushFileBuffers
1B2 GetConsoleMode
1A0 GetConsoleCP
474 SetFilePointer
64 CompareStringW
464 SetEnvironmentVariableA
30C IsValidCodePage
33B LeaveCriticalSection
21A GetModuleFileNameW
21E GetModuleHandleW
219 GetModuleFileNameA
21B GetModuleHandleA
38B OutputDebugStringA
302 IsDebuggerPresent
42 CancelIo
82 CreateEventA
412 ResetEvent
4C0 Sleep
39C PulseEvent
506 WaitForMultipleObjects
52 CloseHandle
508 WaitForSingleObject
467 SetEvent
208 GetLastError
B4 CreateThread
480 SetLastError
3AA QueryPerformanceFrequency
3A9 QueryPerformanceCounter
298 GetThreadTimes
1CA GetCurrentThread
3C3 ReadFile
534 WriteFile
520 WideCharToMultiByte
369 MultiByteToWideChar
EE EncodePointer
CB DecodePointer
2EA InitializeCriticalSection
D2 DeleteCriticalSection
F2 EnterCriticalSection
2D7 HeapFree
280 GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
18C GetCommandLineA
2D3 HeapAlloc
4E2 UnhandledExceptionFilter
4B3 SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
426 RtlVirtualUnwind
41F RtlLookupFunctionEntry
418 RtlCaptureContext
4CE TerminateProcess
1C6 GetCurrentProcess
178 GetCPInfo
3B4 RaiseException
421 RtlPcToFileHeader
425 RtlUnwindEx
32F LCMapStringW
2DB HeapSetInformation
2AA GetVersion
2D5 HeapCreate
29F GetTimeZoneInformation
15A FlsGetValue
15B FlsSetValue
159 FlsFree
1CB GetCurrentThreadId
158 FlsAlloc
2DC HeapSize
24C GetProcAddress
11F ExitProcess
26B GetStdHandle
20C GetLocaleInfoW
47C SetHandleCount
2EB InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
1FA GetFileType
26A GetStartupInfoW
4A000 .data
13000 .pdata
FE000 .rdata
D000 .reloc
1000 .rsrc
196000 .text
5000 data
2000 text
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