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Last active May 14, 2017 01:29
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JS Bin// source
* Reusable Helpers (á la Professor Frisby):
* Note that in a real project, these would live in a separate file
* (e.g. `src/constants/helpers.js`)
function split(string, onChar) {
return string.split(onChar);
/* Designate filtered stems for concatenating to the result */
const stems = {
isOne: string => string.filter(s => +s === 1),
isNotOne: string => string.filter(s => +s !== 1),
/* Build HTML 'h' tags */
const html = (level) => ({
h: {
open: `<h${level}>`,
close: `</h${level}>`,
/* Regex Constants */
const regex = {
hashes: /^\#/g,
letters: /[a-zA-Z0-9]/
/* String Helpers (functional String.prototype method mappings) */
const strFns = {
replace: (string, delimiter, char) => string.replace(delimiter, char),
join: (splitString, delimiter) => splitString.join(delimiter),
search: (string, delimiter, char) =>,
split: (string, delimiter) => string.split(delimiter),
* End Helper Section
function markdownParser(markdown) {
let { join,
split, } = strFns
// Split the string
let splitMd = split(markdown, "")
// Convert the string's `prefix`
for (let i = 0; i < splitMd.length; i++) {
splitMd[i] = splitMd[i].replace(regex.hashes, "1");
if (splitMd[i] === " ") {
const { isOne,
isNotOne } = stems
const ones = isOne(splitMd)
const noOnes = isNotOne(splitMd)
let searchLetters = search(ones.join(""), regex.letters)
if (searchLetters > -1) {
// Revert from "1"'s back to "#"'s
const revert = ones
.map(e => e.replace("1", "#"))
// Rebuild the rest of the stem (after the `converted` section)
const subStem = join(noOnes
.slice(noOnes.indexOf(" "), noOnes.length)
, "")
/* If the rest of the string still contains the word "Header"
* (or any word for that matter),
* it won't be reverted to the "Invalid" form
let hasWords = split(subStem, " ")
.map(s => search(s, regex.letters))
if (hasWords.reduce((a, b) => a && b) === -1) {
return `${revert.join("")}Invalid${subStem}`
// Count the ones, join the string together
const count = ones.reduce((a, b) => +a + +b);
const body = noOnes.join("");
// Generate the HTML tags
const { open,
close } = html(count).h;
// Return the converted string
return `${open}${body}${close}`
console.log(markdownParser('### Header'))
// "<h3> Header</h3>"
console.log(markdownParser('## ### Header'))
// "##Invalid ### Header"
console.log(markdownParser('###Header ##'))
// "<h3>Header ##</h3>"
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