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Last active October 10, 2019 18:40
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(:require [quil.core :as q]
[quil.middleware :as m]
[geometer.solarized :as s]))
(def width 500)
(def height 500)
(def focus {:x (* (rand) width)
:y (* (rand) height)})
(def max-r (* 0.2 (min width height)))
(def min-r (* 0.5 max-r))
(defn far-away? [circle other-circle]
(>= (Math/sqrt (+ (Math/pow (- (:x circle) (:x other-circle)) 2)
(Math/pow (- (:y circle) (:y other-circle)) 2)))
(+ (:r circle) (:r other-circle))))
(defn is-valid? [circle circles]
(and (< (+ (:x circle) (:r circle)) width)
(< (+ (:y circle) (:r circle)) height)
(> (- (:x circle) (:r circle)) 0)
(> (- (:y circle) (:r circle)) 0)
(< (:r circle) max-r)
(every? (partial far-away? circle) circles)))
(defn setup []
(q/frame-rate 15)
(q/color-mode :hsb 360 100 100 1.0)
(let [[b-h b-s b-b] (:hsb (s/named :base03)) ; :base03 is a color from the Solarized palette
[s-h s-s s-b] (:hsb (s/named :base3))] ; as is :base3
(q/background b-h b-s b-b)
(q/stroke s-h s-s s-b))
; Give an initial circle, randomly chosen, with a radius of min-r
{:circle {:x (+ (rand-int (- width min-r)) min-r)
:y (+ (rand-int (- height min-r)) min-r)
:r min-r}
:circles (vector)})
(defn update [state]
(loop [circle {:x (* (rand) width) :y (* (rand) height) :r 1}
circles (:circles state)]
(if (not (is-valid? circle circles))
{:circle circle
:circles (conj circles circle)}) ; Hand back our circle to be drawn
(recur {:x (:x circle) :y (:y circle) :r (inc (:r circle))} circles))))
(defn draw [state]
(let [circle (:circle state)]
(q/fill (:hsb (s/named :base03)))
(q/ellipse (:x circle) (:y circle) (* 2 (:r circle)) (* 2 (:r circle)))))
(q/defsketch circle-packing
:title "Packing circles"
:size [width height]
:setup setup
:settings #(q/smooth 4)
:update update
:draw draw
:features [:keep-on-top]
:middleware [m/fun-mode])
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