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Typescript + Hyperapp examples

Hello World

import {h, text, app} from "hyperapp"

  view: () => h('main', {}, text('text')),
  // cast to Node only if you're sure it exists
  node: document.getElementById('app') as Node,


Inline, implicit actions

import {h, text, app} from "hyperapp"

  init: 0,
  view: clicks => h('main', {}, [
    h('button', {onclick: x => x + 1}, text('clicked' + clicks + 'times'))
  node: document.getElementById('app') as Node,


Actions with Event Paylaods

import {h, app, Action} from "hyperapp"

type State = {name: string}

const HandleInput : Action<State, Event> = (state, event) => ({
  // since we are sure in this case, the is
  // an input element, it is ok to cast. Otherwise we
  // probably should make sure.
  name: ( as HTMLInputElement).value 

  init: {name: ''},
  view: state => h('main', {}, [
    h('input', {
      oninput: HandleInput
  node: document.getElementById('app') as Node,


Action decorators, and actions with non-event payload types

import {h, app, Action} from "hyperapp"

// basic decorator type
type Decorator<From, To> = <S>(action: Action<S, To>) => Action<S, From>

// decorator for actions that take strings as payloads, and meant to be
// used on events with input-elements as targets (but I'm not sure how
// to enforce that part with types)
const withTargetValue:Decorator<Event, string> = action =>
  (_, event) =>
    [action, ( as HTMLInputElement).value]

// It's always a good idea to specify the state of your
// app as a type
type State = {name: string}

// Action takes string payload
const HandleInput : Action<State, string> = (state, name) => ({...state, name})

  init: {name: ''},
  view: state => h('main', {}, [
    h('input', {
      // We can't use the HandleInput action directly
      // as it takes a string payload, but by using 
      // the withTargetValue decorator, the types
      // match up:
      oninput: withTargetValue(HandleInput)
  node: document.getElementById('app') as Node,


Actions with custom payloads

import {h, app, text, Action} from "hyperapp"

type Choice = 'A' | 'B'

type State = {choice?: Choice}

const Choose : Action<State, Choice> = (state, choice) => ({...state, choice})

// typescript can't infer the State type from 
// the default initial state {}, so we tell it:
  view: state => h('main', {}, [
    h('button', {onclick: [Choose, 'A']}, text('A')),
    // An invalid choice as payload makes typescript
    // complain (change to 'B' or 'A' to fix it):
    h('button', {onclick: [Choose, 'C']}, text('B')),
    h('p', {}, text('Current choice: ' + state.choice))
  node: document.getElementById('app') as Node,


Basic View-component

import {h, text} from "hyperapp"

type MyComponentProps = {
  foo: string
  bar: number

const myComponent = (props: MyComponentProps) => h('div', {}, [ > 20
    ? h('h1', {}, text(
    : h('h3', {}, text(

// no errors because we are passing correct types
myComponent({ foo: 'Yes', bar: 5 })

// has ts-errors because we're passing wrong types
myComponent({ bar: '5' })


Interactive View Component

import {h, text, Action} from "hyperapp"

// By using a generic parameter (here: S), for the
// state-parameter to the actions, we ensure that
// the actions provided will operate on the same
// state-type, even though we do not know what that
// state type might be.
type MyComponentProps<S> = {
  foo: Action<S, Event>
  bar: Action<S, Event>

// Since we don't know the app's state in a reusable
// view component, like this the state must be inferred
// using a generic function type parameter. 
const myComponent = <S>(props: MyComponentProps<S>) => h('div', {}, [
  h('button', {onclick:}, text('Do Foo')),
  h('button', {onclick:}, text('Do Bar'))

// no errors because we are passing correct types
myComponent({ foo: (x:number) => x + 1, bar: (x:number) => x * 2 })

// has ts-errors because we're using mismatched action types
myComponent({ foo: (x:number) => x + 1, bar: (x:string) => x + '!'})


Interactive View Components with payload validation

import {h, text, Action, ValidateCustomPayloads} from "hyperapp"

type MyComponentProps<S> = {
  foo: Action<S, Event> | [Action<S, any>, any]
  bar: Action<S, Event> | [Action<S, any>, any]

// Since the view component props allow actions with custom payloads
// We should use the ValidateCustomPayloads utility type to ensure
// that the provided payloads match the given action-types.
const myComponent = <S, X>(props: ValidateCustomPayloads<S, X> & MyComponentProps<S>) => h('div', {}, [
  h('button', {onclick:}, text('Do Foo')),
  h('button', {onclick:}, text('Do Bar'))

type State = {
  score: number,
  name: string, 

const SetName : Action<State, string> = (state, name) => ({...state, name})
const AddScore : Action<State, number> = (state, amount) => ({...state, score: state.score + amount})

// no errors, since payloads match their actions
myComponent({ foo: [SetName, 'unknown'], bar: [AddScore, 20] })

// error, since one payload donesn't match the actions
myComponent({ foo: [SetName, 20], bar: [AddScore, 20]})


Issues with type inference in view components

import {h, text, Action, VDOM} from "hyperapp"

type MyComponentProps<S> = {
  foo: Action<S, any>, 
  bar: string

// In this version, typescript tries to infer the
// return type of the view component, but cannot,
// because only the first child has any actions 
// from which the state type can be inferred
// in the second child, the state type is inferred
// to be unknown.
const myComponent = <S>(props: MyComponentProps<S>) =>
  h('div', {}, [
    h('button', {onclick:}, text('click')),
    h('p', {}, text(,

// The easiest way to solve this is to explicitly
// declare the return type:
const myComponent2 = <S>(props: MyComponentProps<S>):VDOM<S> => 
  h('div', {}, [
    h('button', {onclick:}, text('click')),
    h('p', {}, text(,


A naive fetch-effect

mport {Action, Dispatch, Effect} from "hyperapp"

// definition of getJSON effect:

type GetJSONOptions<S> = {
  url: string,
  action: Action<S, any>
  error?: Action<S, Error>

// here we define an effect runner. It needs the Dispatch type for the
// first argument to qualify as an effect runer.
const runGetJSON = <S>(dispatch:Dispatch<S>, options:GetJSONOptions<S>) => {
  fetch(options.url).then(response => {
    if (response.status !== 200 && options.error) throw new Error('Status Error: ' + response.status)
    return response
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => dispatch(options.action, data))
  .catch(e => {
    if (options.error) dispatch(options.error, e)

// this is the effect creator. It returns the Effect type which
// is a tuple of [runner, options] where the runner should accept
// options of the specified type.
const getJSON = <S>(
  action:Action<S, any>,
  error?: Action<S, Error>
):Effect<S, GetJSONOptions<S>> => [
  {url, action, error}

// -----------------

// usage in actions:

type State = {
  fetching: boolean,
  data: any 

// this action fetches some data
const FetchData :Action<State> = (state: State) => [
  {...state, fetching: true, data: null},
  getJSON('', GotData)

// this action saves response data on the state
const GotData : Action<State, any> = (state, data) => ({
  fetching: false,


Type-checking the Payload response in fetch effect

import {Action, Dispatch, Effect} from "hyperapp"

// definition of getJSON effect:

// Through the type parameter D, we specify the type of the
// Payload we expect to get back
type GetJSONOptions<S, D> = {
  url: string,
  action: Action<S, D>
  error?: Action<S, Error>

// The type parameter D needs to be an type parameter to this function as well, 
const runGetJSON = <S, D>(dispatch:Dispatch<S>, options:GetJSONOptions<S, D>) => {
  fetch(options.url).then(response => {
    if (response.status !== 200 && options.error) throw new Error('Status Error: ' + response.status)
    return response
  .then(response => response.json())
  // we can not have type safetyp about  what an API will provide
  // we have to take it on faith that the type of response will
  // be the one we asked for.
  .then(data => dispatch(options.action, data as D))
  .catch(e => {
    if (options.error) dispatch(options.error, e)

// By passing D along from this main interface to the
// effect, we allow users to state what type of payload
// they expect back
const getJSON = <S, D>(
  action:Action<S, D>,
  error?: Action<S, Error>
):Effect<S, GetJSONOptions<S, D>> => [
  {url, action, error}

// -----------------

// usage in actions:

type DataA = {foo: number}

type DataB = {bar: string}

type State = {
  fetching: boolean,
  data: null | DataA | DataB 

const FetchDataA :Action<State> = (state: State) => [
  {...state, fetching: true, data: null},
  getJSON<State, DataA>('', GotDataA)

const FetchDataB :Action<State> = (state: State) => [
  {...state, fetching: true, data: null},

  // Notice the error here: We said we expect data of type DataB
  // but the callback action we provided expects data of type
  // DataA. Fix it by changing the action to GotDataB,
  // or the expected type to DataA.
  getJSON<State, DataB>('', GotDataA)

const GotDataA : Action<State, DataA> = (state, data) =>
  ({ ...state, fetching: false, data })

const GotDataB : Action<State, DataB> = (state, data) => 
  ({ ...state, fetching: false, data })


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