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Forked from mapoto/countries.json
Created November 28, 2023 04:29
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"id": 1,
"name": "Afghanistan",
"iso3": "AFG",
"iso2": "AF",
"numeric_code": "004",
"phone_code": "93",
"capital": "Kabul",
"currency": "AFN",
"currency_name": "Afghan afghani",
"currency_symbol": "؋",
"tld": ".af",
"native": "افغانستان",
"region": "Asia",
"subregion": "Southern Asia",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Asia\/Kabul",
"gmtOffset": 16200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+04:30",
"abbreviation": "AFT",
"tzName": "Afghanistan Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "아프가니스탄",
"pt-BR": "Afeganistão",
"pt": "Afeganistão",
"nl": "Afghanistan",
"hr": "Afganistan",
"fa": "افغانستان",
"de": "Afghanistan",
"es": "Afganistán",
"fr": "Afghanistan",
"ja": "アフガニスタン",
"it": "Afghanistan",
"cn": "阿富汗",
"tr": "Afganistan"
"latitude": "33.00000000",
"longitude": "65.00000000",
"emoji": "🇦🇫",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E6 U+1F1EB"
"id": 2,
"name": "Aland Islands",
"iso3": "ALA",
"iso2": "AX",
"numeric_code": "248",
"phone_code": "+358-18",
"capital": "Mariehamn",
"currency": "EUR",
"currency_name": "Euro",
"currency_symbol": "€",
"tld": ".ax",
"native": "Åland",
"region": "Europe",
"subregion": "Northern Europe",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Europe\/Mariehamn",
"gmtOffset": 7200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+02:00",
"abbreviation": "EET",
"tzName": "Eastern European Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "올란드 제도",
"pt-BR": "Ilhas de Aland",
"pt": "Ilhas de Aland",
"nl": "Ålandeilanden",
"hr": "Ålandski otoci",
"fa": "جزایر الند",
"de": "Åland",
"es": "Alandia",
"fr": "Åland",
"ja": "オーランド諸島",
"it": "Isole Aland",
"cn": "奥兰群岛",
"tr": "Åland Adalari"
"latitude": "60.11666700",
"longitude": "19.90000000",
"emoji": "🇦🇽",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E6 U+1F1FD"
"id": 3,
"name": "Albania",
"iso3": "ALB",
"iso2": "AL",
"numeric_code": "008",
"phone_code": "355",
"capital": "Tirana",
"currency": "ALL",
"currency_name": "Albanian lek",
"currency_symbol": "Lek",
"tld": ".al",
"native": "Shqipëria",
"region": "Europe",
"subregion": "Southern Europe",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Europe\/Tirane",
"gmtOffset": 3600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+01:00",
"abbreviation": "CET",
"tzName": "Central European Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "알바니아",
"pt-BR": "Albânia",
"pt": "Albânia",
"nl": "Albanië",
"hr": "Albanija",
"fa": "آلبانی",
"de": "Albanien",
"es": "Albania",
"fr": "Albanie",
"ja": "アルバニア",
"it": "Albania",
"cn": "阿尔巴尼亚",
"tr": "Arnavutluk"
"latitude": "41.00000000",
"longitude": "20.00000000",
"emoji": "🇦🇱",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E6 U+1F1F1"
"id": 4,
"name": "Algeria",
"iso3": "DZA",
"iso2": "DZ",
"numeric_code": "012",
"phone_code": "213",
"capital": "Algiers",
"currency": "DZD",
"currency_name": "Algerian dinar",
"currency_symbol": "دج",
"tld": ".dz",
"native": "الجزائر",
"region": "Africa",
"subregion": "Northern Africa",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Africa\/Algiers",
"gmtOffset": 3600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+01:00",
"abbreviation": "CET",
"tzName": "Central European Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "알제리",
"pt-BR": "Argélia",
"pt": "Argélia",
"nl": "Algerije",
"hr": "Alžir",
"fa": "الجزایر",
"de": "Algerien",
"es": "Argelia",
"fr": "Algérie",
"ja": "アルジェリア",
"it": "Algeria",
"cn": "阿尔及利亚",
"tr": "Cezayir"
"latitude": "28.00000000",
"longitude": "3.00000000",
"emoji": "🇩🇿",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E9 U+1F1FF"
"id": 5,
"name": "American Samoa",
"iso3": "ASM",
"iso2": "AS",
"numeric_code": "016",
"phone_code": "+1-684",
"capital": "Pago Pago",
"currency": "USD",
"currency_name": "US Dollar",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"tld": ".as",
"native": "American Samoa",
"region": "Oceania",
"subregion": "Polynesia",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Pacific\/Pago_Pago",
"gmtOffset": -39600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-11:00",
"abbreviation": "SST",
"tzName": "Samoa Standard Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "아메리칸사모아",
"pt-BR": "Samoa Americana",
"pt": "Samoa Americana",
"nl": "Amerikaans Samoa",
"hr": "Američka Samoa",
"fa": "ساموآی آمریکا",
"de": "Amerikanisch-Samoa",
"es": "Samoa Americana",
"fr": "Samoa américaines",
"ja": "アメリカ領サモア",
"it": "Samoa Americane",
"cn": "美属萨摩亚",
"tr": "Amerikan Samoasi"
"latitude": "-14.33333333",
"longitude": "-170.00000000",
"emoji": "🇦🇸",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E6 U+1F1F8"
"id": 6,
"name": "Andorra",
"iso3": "AND",
"iso2": "AD",
"numeric_code": "020",
"phone_code": "376",
"capital": "Andorra la Vella",
"currency": "EUR",
"currency_name": "Euro",
"currency_symbol": "€",
"tld": ".ad",
"native": "Andorra",
"region": "Europe",
"subregion": "Southern Europe",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Europe\/Andorra",
"gmtOffset": 3600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+01:00",
"abbreviation": "CET",
"tzName": "Central European Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "안도라",
"pt-BR": "Andorra",
"pt": "Andorra",
"nl": "Andorra",
"hr": "Andora",
"fa": "آندورا",
"de": "Andorra",
"es": "Andorra",
"fr": "Andorre",
"ja": "アンドラ",
"it": "Andorra",
"cn": "安道尔",
"tr": "Andorra"
"latitude": "42.50000000",
"longitude": "1.50000000",
"emoji": "🇦🇩",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E6 U+1F1E9"
"id": 7,
"name": "Angola",
"iso3": "AGO",
"iso2": "AO",
"numeric_code": "024",
"phone_code": "244",
"capital": "Luanda",
"currency": "AOA",
"currency_name": "Angolan kwanza",
"currency_symbol": "Kz",
"tld": ".ao",
"native": "Angola",
"region": "Africa",
"subregion": "Middle Africa",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Africa\/Luanda",
"gmtOffset": 3600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+01:00",
"abbreviation": "WAT",
"tzName": "West Africa Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "앙골라",
"pt-BR": "Angola",
"pt": "Angola",
"nl": "Angola",
"hr": "Angola",
"fa": "آنگولا",
"de": "Angola",
"es": "Angola",
"fr": "Angola",
"ja": "アンゴラ",
"it": "Angola",
"cn": "安哥拉",
"tr": "Angola"
"latitude": "-12.50000000",
"longitude": "18.50000000",
"emoji": "🇦🇴",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E6 U+1F1F4"
"id": 8,
"name": "Anguilla",
"iso3": "AIA",
"iso2": "AI",
"numeric_code": "660",
"phone_code": "+1-264",
"capital": "The Valley",
"currency": "XCD",
"currency_name": "East Caribbean dollar",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"tld": ".ai",
"native": "Anguilla",
"region": "Americas",
"subregion": "Caribbean",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "America\/Anguilla",
"gmtOffset": -14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-04:00",
"abbreviation": "AST",
"tzName": "Atlantic Standard Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "앵귈라",
"pt-BR": "Anguila",
"pt": "Anguila",
"nl": "Anguilla",
"hr": "Angvila",
"fa": "آنگویلا",
"de": "Anguilla",
"es": "Anguilla",
"fr": "Anguilla",
"ja": "アンギラ",
"it": "Anguilla",
"cn": "安圭拉",
"tr": "Anguilla"
"latitude": "18.25000000",
"longitude": "-63.16666666",
"emoji": "🇦🇮",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E6 U+1F1EE"
"id": 9,
"name": "Antarctica",
"iso3": "ATA",
"iso2": "AQ",
"numeric_code": "010",
"phone_code": "672",
"capital": "",
"currency": "AAD",
"currency_name": "Antarctican dollar",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"tld": ".aq",
"native": "Antarctica",
"region": "Polar",
"subregion": "",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Antarctica\/Casey",
"gmtOffset": 39600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+11:00",
"abbreviation": "AWST",
"tzName": "Australian Western Standard Time"
"zoneName": "Antarctica\/Davis",
"gmtOffset": 25200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+07:00",
"abbreviation": "DAVT",
"tzName": "Davis Time"
"zoneName": "Antarctica\/DumontDUrville",
"gmtOffset": 36000,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+10:00",
"abbreviation": "DDUT",
"tzName": "Dumont d'Urville Time"
"zoneName": "Antarctica\/Mawson",
"gmtOffset": 18000,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+05:00",
"abbreviation": "MAWT",
"tzName": "Mawson Station Time"
"zoneName": "Antarctica\/McMurdo",
"gmtOffset": 46800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+13:00",
"abbreviation": "NZDT",
"tzName": "New Zealand Daylight Time"
"zoneName": "Antarctica\/Palmer",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "CLST",
"tzName": "Chile Summer Time"
"zoneName": "Antarctica\/Rothera",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "ROTT",
"tzName": "Rothera Research Station Time"
"zoneName": "Antarctica\/Syowa",
"gmtOffset": 10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+03:00",
"abbreviation": "SYOT",
"tzName": "Showa Station Time"
"zoneName": "Antarctica\/Troll",
"gmtOffset": 0,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC±00",
"abbreviation": "GMT",
"tzName": "Greenwich Mean Time"
"zoneName": "Antarctica\/Vostok",
"gmtOffset": 21600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+06:00",
"abbreviation": "VOST",
"tzName": "Vostok Station Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "남극",
"pt-BR": "Antártida",
"pt": "Antárctida",
"nl": "Antarctica",
"hr": "Antarktika",
"fa": "جنوبگان",
"de": "Antarktika",
"es": "Antártida",
"fr": "Antarctique",
"ja": "南極大陸",
"it": "Antartide",
"cn": "南极洲",
"tr": "Antartika"
"latitude": "-74.65000000",
"longitude": "4.48000000",
"emoji": "🇦🇶",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E6 U+1F1F6"
"id": 10,
"name": "Antigua And Barbuda",
"iso3": "ATG",
"iso2": "AG",
"numeric_code": "028",
"phone_code": "+1-268",
"capital": "St. John's",
"currency": "XCD",
"currency_name": "Eastern Caribbean dollar",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"tld": ".ag",
"native": "Antigua and Barbuda",
"region": "Americas",
"subregion": "Caribbean",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "America\/Antigua",
"gmtOffset": -14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-04:00",
"abbreviation": "AST",
"tzName": "Atlantic Standard Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "앤티가 바부다",
"pt-BR": "Antígua e Barbuda",
"pt": "Antígua e Barbuda",
"nl": "Antigua en Barbuda",
"hr": "Antigva i Barbuda",
"fa": "آنتیگوا و باربودا",
"de": "Antigua und Barbuda",
"es": "Antigua y Barbuda",
"fr": "Antigua-et-Barbuda",
"ja": "アンティグア・バーブーダ",
"it": "Antigua e Barbuda",
"cn": "安提瓜和巴布达",
"tr": "Antigua Ve Barbuda"
"latitude": "17.05000000",
"longitude": "-61.80000000",
"emoji": "🇦🇬",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E6 U+1F1EC"
"id": 11,
"name": "Argentina",
"iso3": "ARG",
"iso2": "AR",
"numeric_code": "032",
"phone_code": "54",
"capital": "Buenos Aires",
"currency": "ARS",
"currency_name": "Argentine peso",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"tld": ".ar",
"native": "Argentina",
"region": "Americas",
"subregion": "South America",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "America\/Argentina\/Buenos_Aires",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "ART",
"tzName": "Argentina Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Argentina\/Catamarca",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "ART",
"tzName": "Argentina Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Argentina\/Cordoba",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "ART",
"tzName": "Argentina Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Argentina\/Jujuy",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "ART",
"tzName": "Argentina Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Argentina\/La_Rioja",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "ART",
"tzName": "Argentina Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Argentina\/Mendoza",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "ART",
"tzName": "Argentina Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Argentina\/Rio_Gallegos",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "ART",
"tzName": "Argentina Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Argentina\/Salta",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "ART",
"tzName": "Argentina Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Argentina\/San_Juan",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "ART",
"tzName": "Argentina Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Argentina\/San_Luis",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "ART",
"tzName": "Argentina Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Argentina\/Tucuman",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "ART",
"tzName": "Argentina Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Argentina\/Ushuaia",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "ART",
"tzName": "Argentina Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "아르헨티나",
"pt-BR": "Argentina",
"pt": "Argentina",
"nl": "Argentinië",
"hr": "Argentina",
"fa": "آرژانتین",
"de": "Argentinien",
"es": "Argentina",
"fr": "Argentine",
"ja": "アルゼンチン",
"it": "Argentina",
"cn": "阿根廷",
"tr": "Arjantin"
"latitude": "-34.00000000",
"longitude": "-64.00000000",
"emoji": "🇦🇷",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E6 U+1F1F7"
"id": 12,
"name": "Armenia",
"iso3": "ARM",
"iso2": "AM",
"numeric_code": "051",
"phone_code": "374",
"capital": "Yerevan",
"currency": "AMD",
"currency_name": "Armenian dram",
"currency_symbol": "֏",
"tld": ".am",
"native": "Հայաստան",
"region": "Asia",
"subregion": "Western Asia",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Asia\/Yerevan",
"gmtOffset": 14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+04:00",
"abbreviation": "AMT",
"tzName": "Armenia Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "아르메니아",
"pt-BR": "Armênia",
"pt": "Arménia",
"nl": "Armenië",
"hr": "Armenija",
"fa": "ارمنستان",
"de": "Armenien",
"es": "Armenia",
"fr": "Arménie",
"ja": "アルメニア",
"it": "Armenia",
"cn": "亚美尼亚",
"tr": "Ermenistan"
"latitude": "40.00000000",
"longitude": "45.00000000",
"emoji": "🇦🇲",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E6 U+1F1F2"
"id": 13,
"name": "Aruba",
"iso3": "ABW",
"iso2": "AW",
"numeric_code": "533",
"phone_code": "297",
"capital": "Oranjestad",
"currency": "AWG",
"currency_name": "Aruban florin",
"currency_symbol": "ƒ",
"tld": ".aw",
"native": "Aruba",
"region": "Americas",
"subregion": "Caribbean",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "America\/Aruba",
"gmtOffset": -14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-04:00",
"abbreviation": "AST",
"tzName": "Atlantic Standard Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "아루바",
"pt-BR": "Aruba",
"pt": "Aruba",
"nl": "Aruba",
"hr": "Aruba",
"fa": "آروبا",
"de": "Aruba",
"es": "Aruba",
"fr": "Aruba",
"ja": "アルバ",
"it": "Aruba",
"cn": "阿鲁巴",
"tr": "Aruba"
"latitude": "12.50000000",
"longitude": "-69.96666666",
"emoji": "🇦🇼",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E6 U+1F1FC"
"id": 14,
"name": "Australia",
"iso3": "AUS",
"iso2": "AU",
"numeric_code": "036",
"phone_code": "61",
"capital": "Canberra",
"currency": "AUD",
"currency_name": "Australian dollar",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"tld": ".au",
"native": "Australia",
"region": "Oceania",
"subregion": "Australia and New Zealand",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Antarctica\/Macquarie",
"gmtOffset": 39600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+11:00",
"abbreviation": "MIST",
"tzName": "Macquarie Island Station Time"
"zoneName": "Australia\/Adelaide",
"gmtOffset": 37800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+10:30",
"abbreviation": "ACDT",
"tzName": "Australian Central Daylight Saving Time"
"zoneName": "Australia\/Brisbane",
"gmtOffset": 36000,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+10:00",
"abbreviation": "AEST",
"tzName": "Australian Eastern Standard Time"
"zoneName": "Australia\/Broken_Hill",
"gmtOffset": 37800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+10:30",
"abbreviation": "ACDT",
"tzName": "Australian Central Daylight Saving Time"
"zoneName": "Australia\/Currie",
"gmtOffset": 39600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+11:00",
"abbreviation": "AEDT",
"tzName": "Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time"
"zoneName": "Australia\/Darwin",
"gmtOffset": 34200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+09:30",
"abbreviation": "ACST",
"tzName": "Australian Central Standard Time"
"zoneName": "Australia\/Eucla",
"gmtOffset": 31500,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+08:45",
"abbreviation": "ACWST",
"tzName": "Australian Central Western Standard Time (Unofficial)"
"zoneName": "Australia\/Hobart",
"gmtOffset": 39600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+11:00",
"abbreviation": "AEDT",
"tzName": "Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time"
"zoneName": "Australia\/Lindeman",
"gmtOffset": 36000,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+10:00",
"abbreviation": "AEST",
"tzName": "Australian Eastern Standard Time"
"zoneName": "Australia\/Lord_Howe",
"gmtOffset": 39600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+11:00",
"abbreviation": "LHST",
"tzName": "Lord Howe Summer Time"
"zoneName": "Australia\/Melbourne",
"gmtOffset": 39600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+11:00",
"abbreviation": "AEDT",
"tzName": "Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time"
"zoneName": "Australia\/Perth",
"gmtOffset": 28800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+08:00",
"abbreviation": "AWST",
"tzName": "Australian Western Standard Time"
"zoneName": "Australia\/Sydney",
"gmtOffset": 39600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+11:00",
"abbreviation": "AEDT",
"tzName": "Australian Eastern Daylight Saving Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "호주",
"pt-BR": "Austrália",
"pt": "Austrália",
"nl": "Australië",
"hr": "Australija",
"fa": "استرالیا",
"de": "Australien",
"es": "Australia",
"fr": "Australie",
"ja": "オーストラリア",
"it": "Australia",
"cn": "澳大利亚",
"tr": "Avustralya"
"latitude": "-27.00000000",
"longitude": "133.00000000",
"emoji": "🇦🇺",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E6 U+1F1FA"
"id": 15,
"name": "Austria",
"iso3": "AUT",
"iso2": "AT",
"numeric_code": "040",
"phone_code": "43",
"capital": "Vienna",
"currency": "EUR",
"currency_name": "Euro",
"currency_symbol": "€",
"tld": ".at",
"native": "Österreich",
"region": "Europe",
"subregion": "Western Europe",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Europe\/Vienna",
"gmtOffset": 3600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+01:00",
"abbreviation": "CET",
"tzName": "Central European Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "오스트리아",
"pt-BR": "áustria",
"pt": "áustria",
"nl": "Oostenrijk",
"hr": "Austrija",
"fa": "اتریش",
"de": "Österreich",
"es": "Austria",
"fr": "Autriche",
"ja": "オーストリア",
"it": "Austria",
"cn": "奥地利",
"tr": "Avusturya"
"latitude": "47.33333333",
"longitude": "13.33333333",
"emoji": "🇦🇹",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E6 U+1F1F9"
"id": 16,
"name": "Azerbaijan",
"iso3": "AZE",
"iso2": "AZ",
"numeric_code": "031",
"phone_code": "994",
"capital": "Baku",
"currency": "AZN",
"currency_name": "Azerbaijani manat",
"currency_symbol": "m",
"tld": ".az",
"native": "Azərbaycan",
"region": "Asia",
"subregion": "Western Asia",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Asia\/Baku",
"gmtOffset": 14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+04:00",
"abbreviation": "AZT",
"tzName": "Azerbaijan Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "아제르바이잔",
"pt-BR": "Azerbaijão",
"pt": "Azerbaijão",
"nl": "Azerbeidzjan",
"hr": "Azerbajdžan",
"fa": "آذربایجان",
"de": "Aserbaidschan",
"es": "Azerbaiyán",
"fr": "Azerbaïdjan",
"ja": "アゼルバイジャン",
"it": "Azerbaijan",
"cn": "阿塞拜疆",
"tr": "Azerbaycan"
"latitude": "40.50000000",
"longitude": "47.50000000",
"emoji": "🇦🇿",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E6 U+1F1FF"
"id": 18,
"name": "Bahrain",
"iso3": "BHR",
"iso2": "BH",
"numeric_code": "048",
"phone_code": "973",
"capital": "Manama",
"currency": "BHD",
"currency_name": "Bahraini dinar",
"currency_symbol": ".د.ب",
"tld": ".bh",
"native": "‏البحرين",
"region": "Asia",
"subregion": "Western Asia",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Asia\/Bahrain",
"gmtOffset": 10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+03:00",
"abbreviation": "AST",
"tzName": "Arabia Standard Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "바레인",
"pt-BR": "Bahrein",
"pt": "Barém",
"nl": "Bahrein",
"hr": "Bahrein",
"fa": "بحرین",
"de": "Bahrain",
"es": "Bahrein",
"fr": "Bahreïn",
"ja": "バーレーン",
"it": "Bahrein",
"cn": "巴林",
"tr": "Bahreyn"
"latitude": "26.00000000",
"longitude": "50.55000000",
"emoji": "🇧🇭",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E7 U+1F1ED"
"id": 19,
"name": "Bangladesh",
"iso3": "BGD",
"iso2": "BD",
"numeric_code": "050",
"phone_code": "880",
"capital": "Dhaka",
"currency": "BDT",
"currency_name": "Bangladeshi taka",
"currency_symbol": "৳",
"tld": ".bd",
"native": "Bangladesh",
"region": "Asia",
"subregion": "Southern Asia",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Asia\/Dhaka",
"gmtOffset": 21600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+06:00",
"abbreviation": "BDT",
"tzName": "Bangladesh Standard Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "방글라데시",
"pt-BR": "Bangladesh",
"pt": "Bangladeche",
"nl": "Bangladesh",
"hr": "Bangladeš",
"fa": "بنگلادش",
"de": "Bangladesch",
"es": "Bangladesh",
"fr": "Bangladesh",
"ja": "バングラデシュ",
"it": "Bangladesh",
"cn": "孟加拉",
"tr": "Bangladeş"
"latitude": "24.00000000",
"longitude": "90.00000000",
"emoji": "🇧🇩",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E7 U+1F1E9"
"id": 20,
"name": "Barbados",
"iso3": "BRB",
"iso2": "BB",
"numeric_code": "052",
"phone_code": "+1-246",
"capital": "Bridgetown",
"currency": "BBD",
"currency_name": "Barbadian dollar",
"currency_symbol": "Bds$",
"tld": ".bb",
"native": "Barbados",
"region": "Americas",
"subregion": "Caribbean",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "America\/Barbados",
"gmtOffset": -14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-04:00",
"abbreviation": "AST",
"tzName": "Atlantic Standard Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "바베이도스",
"pt-BR": "Barbados",
"pt": "Barbados",
"nl": "Barbados",
"hr": "Barbados",
"fa": "باربادوس",
"de": "Barbados",
"es": "Barbados",
"fr": "Barbade",
"ja": "バルバドス",
"it": "Barbados",
"cn": "巴巴多斯",
"tr": "Barbados"
"latitude": "13.16666666",
"longitude": "-59.53333333",
"emoji": "🇧🇧",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E7 U+1F1E7"
"id": 21,
"name": "Belarus",
"iso3": "BLR",
"iso2": "BY",
"numeric_code": "112",
"phone_code": "375",
"capital": "Minsk",
"currency": "BYN",
"currency_name": "Belarusian ruble",
"currency_symbol": "Br",
"tld": ".by",
"native": "Белару́сь",
"region": "Europe",
"subregion": "Eastern Europe",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Europe\/Minsk",
"gmtOffset": 10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+03:00",
"abbreviation": "MSK",
"tzName": "Moscow Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "벨라루스",
"pt-BR": "Bielorrússia",
"pt": "Bielorrússia",
"nl": "Wit-Rusland",
"hr": "Bjelorusija",
"fa": "بلاروس",
"de": "Weißrussland",
"es": "Bielorrusia",
"fr": "Biélorussie",
"ja": "ベラルーシ",
"it": "Bielorussia",
"cn": "白俄罗斯",
"tr": "Belarus"
"latitude": "53.00000000",
"longitude": "28.00000000",
"emoji": "🇧🇾",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E7 U+1F1FE"
"id": 22,
"name": "Belgium",
"iso3": "BEL",
"iso2": "BE",
"numeric_code": "056",
"phone_code": "32",
"capital": "Brussels",
"currency": "EUR",
"currency_name": "Euro",
"currency_symbol": "€",
"tld": ".be",
"native": "België",
"region": "Europe",
"subregion": "Western Europe",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Europe\/Brussels",
"gmtOffset": 3600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+01:00",
"abbreviation": "CET",
"tzName": "Central European Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "벨기에",
"pt-BR": "Bélgica",
"pt": "Bélgica",
"nl": "België",
"hr": "Belgija",
"fa": "بلژیک",
"de": "Belgien",
"es": "Bélgica",
"fr": "Belgique",
"ja": "ベルギー",
"it": "Belgio",
"cn": "比利时",
"tr": "Belçika"
"latitude": "50.83333333",
"longitude": "4.00000000",
"emoji": "🇧🇪",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E7 U+1F1EA"
"id": 23,
"name": "Belize",
"iso3": "BLZ",
"iso2": "BZ",
"numeric_code": "084",
"phone_code": "501",
"capital": "Belmopan",
"currency": "BZD",
"currency_name": "Belize dollar",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"tld": ".bz",
"native": "Belize",
"region": "Americas",
"subregion": "Central America",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "America\/Belize",
"gmtOffset": -21600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-06:00",
"abbreviation": "CST",
"tzName": "Central Standard Time (North America)"
"translations": {
"kr": "벨리즈",
"pt-BR": "Belize",
"pt": "Belize",
"nl": "Belize",
"hr": "Belize",
"fa": "بلیز",
"de": "Belize",
"es": "Belice",
"fr": "Belize",
"ja": "ベリーズ",
"it": "Belize",
"cn": "伯利兹",
"tr": "Belize"
"latitude": "17.25000000",
"longitude": "-88.75000000",
"emoji": "🇧🇿",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E7 U+1F1FF"
"id": 24,
"name": "Benin",
"iso3": "BEN",
"iso2": "BJ",
"numeric_code": "204",
"phone_code": "229",
"capital": "Porto-Novo",
"currency": "XOF",
"currency_name": "West African CFA franc",
"currency_symbol": "CFA",
"tld": ".bj",
"native": "Bénin",
"region": "Africa",
"subregion": "Western Africa",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Africa\/Porto-Novo",
"gmtOffset": 3600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+01:00",
"abbreviation": "WAT",
"tzName": "West Africa Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "베냉",
"pt-BR": "Benin",
"pt": "Benim",
"nl": "Benin",
"hr": "Benin",
"fa": "بنین",
"de": "Benin",
"es": "Benín",
"fr": "Bénin",
"ja": "ベナン",
"it": "Benin",
"cn": "贝宁",
"tr": "Benin"
"latitude": "9.50000000",
"longitude": "2.25000000",
"emoji": "🇧🇯",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E7 U+1F1EF"
"id": 25,
"name": "Bermuda",
"iso3": "BMU",
"iso2": "BM",
"numeric_code": "060",
"phone_code": "+1-441",
"capital": "Hamilton",
"currency": "BMD",
"currency_name": "Bermudian dollar",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"tld": ".bm",
"native": "Bermuda",
"region": "Americas",
"subregion": "Northern America",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Atlantic\/Bermuda",
"gmtOffset": -14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-04:00",
"abbreviation": "AST",
"tzName": "Atlantic Standard Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "버뮤다",
"pt-BR": "Bermudas",
"pt": "Bermudas",
"nl": "Bermuda",
"hr": "Bermudi",
"fa": "برمودا",
"de": "Bermuda",
"es": "Bermudas",
"fr": "Bermudes",
"ja": "バミューダ",
"it": "Bermuda",
"cn": "百慕大",
"tr": "Bermuda"
"latitude": "32.33333333",
"longitude": "-64.75000000",
"emoji": "🇧🇲",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E7 U+1F1F2"
"id": 26,
"name": "Bhutan",
"iso3": "BTN",
"iso2": "BT",
"numeric_code": "064",
"phone_code": "975",
"capital": "Thimphu",
"currency": "BTN",
"currency_name": "Bhutanese ngultrum",
"currency_symbol": "Nu.",
"tld": ".bt",
"native": "ʼbrug-yul",
"region": "Asia",
"subregion": "Southern Asia",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Asia\/Thimphu",
"gmtOffset": 21600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+06:00",
"abbreviation": "BTT",
"tzName": "Bhutan Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "부탄",
"pt-BR": "Butão",
"pt": "Butão",
"nl": "Bhutan",
"hr": "Butan",
"fa": "بوتان",
"de": "Bhutan",
"es": "Bután",
"fr": "Bhoutan",
"ja": "ブータン",
"it": "Bhutan",
"cn": "不丹",
"tr": "Butan"
"latitude": "27.50000000",
"longitude": "90.50000000",
"emoji": "🇧🇹",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E7 U+1F1F9"
"id": 27,
"name": "Bolivia",
"iso3": "BOL",
"iso2": "BO",
"numeric_code": "068",
"phone_code": "591",
"capital": "Sucre",
"currency": "BOB",
"currency_name": "Bolivian boliviano",
"currency_symbol": "Bs.",
"tld": ".bo",
"native": "Bolivia",
"region": "Americas",
"subregion": "South America",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "America\/La_Paz",
"gmtOffset": -14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-04:00",
"abbreviation": "BOT",
"tzName": "Bolivia Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "볼리비아",
"pt-BR": "Bolívia",
"pt": "Bolívia",
"nl": "Bolivia",
"hr": "Bolivija",
"fa": "بولیوی",
"de": "Bolivien",
"es": "Bolivia",
"fr": "Bolivie",
"ja": "ボリビア多民族国",
"it": "Bolivia",
"cn": "玻利维亚",
"tr": "Bolivya"
"latitude": "-17.00000000",
"longitude": "-65.00000000",
"emoji": "🇧🇴",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E7 U+1F1F4"
"id": 155,
"name": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba",
"iso3": "BES",
"iso2": "BQ",
"numeric_code": "535",
"phone_code": "599",
"capital": "Kralendijk",
"currency": "USD",
"currency_name": "United States dollar",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"tld": ".an",
"native": "Caribisch Nederland",
"region": "Americas",
"subregion": "Caribbean",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "America\/Anguilla",
"gmtOffset": -14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-04:00",
"abbreviation": "AST",
"tzName": "Atlantic Standard Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "보네르 섬",
"pt-BR": "Bonaire",
"pt": "Bonaire",
"fa": "بونیر",
"de": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius und Saba",
"fr": "Bonaire, Saint-Eustache et Saba",
"it": "Bonaire, Saint-Eustache e Saba",
"cn": "博内尔岛、圣尤斯特歇斯和萨巴岛",
"tr": "Karayip Hollandasi"
"latitude": "12.15000000",
"longitude": "-68.26666700",
"emoji": "🇧🇶",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E7 U+1F1F6"
"id": 28,
"name": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"iso3": "BIH",
"iso2": "BA",
"numeric_code": "070",
"phone_code": "387",
"capital": "Sarajevo",
"currency": "BAM",
"currency_name": "Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark",
"currency_symbol": "KM",
"tld": ".ba",
"native": "Bosna i Hercegovina",
"region": "Europe",
"subregion": "Southern Europe",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Europe\/Sarajevo",
"gmtOffset": 3600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+01:00",
"abbreviation": "CET",
"tzName": "Central European Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "보스니아 헤르체고비나",
"pt-BR": "Bósnia e Herzegovina",
"pt": "Bósnia e Herzegovina",
"nl": "Bosnië en Herzegovina",
"hr": "Bosna i Hercegovina",
"fa": "بوسنی و هرزگوین",
"de": "Bosnien und Herzegowina",
"es": "Bosnia y Herzegovina",
"fr": "Bosnie-Herzégovine",
"ja": "ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ",
"it": "Bosnia ed Erzegovina",
"cn": "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那",
"tr": "Bosna Hersek"
"latitude": "44.00000000",
"longitude": "18.00000000",
"emoji": "🇧🇦",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E7 U+1F1E6"
"id": 29,
"name": "Botswana",
"iso3": "BWA",
"iso2": "BW",
"numeric_code": "072",
"phone_code": "267",
"capital": "Gaborone",
"currency": "BWP",
"currency_name": "Botswana pula",
"currency_symbol": "P",
"tld": ".bw",
"native": "Botswana",
"region": "Africa",
"subregion": "Southern Africa",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Africa\/Gaborone",
"gmtOffset": 7200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+02:00",
"abbreviation": "CAT",
"tzName": "Central Africa Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "보츠와나",
"pt-BR": "Botsuana",
"pt": "Botsuana",
"nl": "Botswana",
"hr": "Bocvana",
"fa": "بوتسوانا",
"de": "Botswana",
"es": "Botswana",
"fr": "Botswana",
"ja": "ボツワナ",
"it": "Botswana",
"cn": "博茨瓦纳",
"tr": "Botsvana"
"latitude": "-22.00000000",
"longitude": "24.00000000",
"emoji": "🇧🇼",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E7 U+1F1FC"
"id": 30,
"name": "Bouvet Island",
"iso3": "BVT",
"iso2": "BV",
"numeric_code": "074",
"phone_code": "0055",
"capital": "",
"currency": "NOK",
"currency_name": "Norwegian Krone",
"currency_symbol": "kr",
"tld": ".bv",
"native": "Bouvetøya",
"region": "",
"subregion": "",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Europe\/Oslo",
"gmtOffset": 3600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+01:00",
"abbreviation": "CET",
"tzName": "Central European Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "부벳 섬",
"pt-BR": "Ilha Bouvet",
"pt": "Ilha Bouvet",
"nl": "Bouveteiland",
"hr": "Otok Bouvet",
"fa": "جزیره بووه",
"de": "Bouvetinsel",
"es": "Isla Bouvet",
"fr": "Île Bouvet",
"ja": "ブーベ島",
"it": "Isola Bouvet",
"cn": "布维岛",
"tr": "Bouvet Adasi"
"latitude": "-54.43333333",
"longitude": "3.40000000",
"emoji": "🇧🇻",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E7 U+1F1FB"
"id": 31,
"name": "Brazil",
"iso3": "BRA",
"iso2": "BR",
"numeric_code": "076",
"phone_code": "55",
"capital": "Brasilia",
"currency": "BRL",
"currency_name": "Brazilian real",
"currency_symbol": "R$",
"tld": ".br",
"native": "Brasil",
"region": "Americas",
"subregion": "South America",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "America\/Araguaina",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "BRT",
"tzName": "Brasília Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Bahia",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "BRT",
"tzName": "Brasília Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Belem",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "BRT",
"tzName": "Brasília Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Boa_Vista",
"gmtOffset": -14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-04:00",
"abbreviation": "AMT",
"tzName": "Amazon Time (Brazil)[3"
"zoneName": "America\/Campo_Grande",
"gmtOffset": -14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-04:00",
"abbreviation": "AMT",
"tzName": "Amazon Time (Brazil)[3"
"zoneName": "America\/Cuiaba",
"gmtOffset": -14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-04:00",
"abbreviation": "BRT",
"tzName": "Brasilia Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Eirunepe",
"gmtOffset": -18000,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-05:00",
"abbreviation": "ACT",
"tzName": "Acre Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Fortaleza",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "BRT",
"tzName": "Brasília Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Maceio",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "BRT",
"tzName": "Brasília Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Manaus",
"gmtOffset": -14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-04:00",
"abbreviation": "AMT",
"tzName": "Amazon Time (Brazil)"
"zoneName": "America\/Noronha",
"gmtOffset": -7200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-02:00",
"abbreviation": "FNT",
"tzName": "Fernando de Noronha Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Porto_Velho",
"gmtOffset": -14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-04:00",
"abbreviation": "AMT",
"tzName": "Amazon Time (Brazil)[3"
"zoneName": "America\/Recife",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "BRT",
"tzName": "Brasília Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Rio_Branco",
"gmtOffset": -18000,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-05:00",
"abbreviation": "ACT",
"tzName": "Acre Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Santarem",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "BRT",
"tzName": "Brasília Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Sao_Paulo",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "BRT",
"tzName": "Brasília Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "브라질",
"pt-BR": "Brasil",
"pt": "Brasil",
"nl": "Brazilië",
"hr": "Brazil",
"fa": "برزیل",
"de": "Brasilien",
"es": "Brasil",
"fr": "Brésil",
"ja": "ブラジル",
"it": "Brasile",
"cn": "巴西",
"tr": "Brezilya"
"latitude": "-10.00000000",
"longitude": "-55.00000000",
"emoji": "🇧🇷",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E7 U+1F1F7"
"id": 32,
"name": "British Indian Ocean Territory",
"iso3": "IOT",
"iso2": "IO",
"numeric_code": "086",
"phone_code": "246",
"capital": "Diego Garcia",
"currency": "USD",
"currency_name": "United States dollar",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"tld": ".io",
"native": "British Indian Ocean Territory",
"region": "Africa",
"subregion": "Eastern Africa",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Indian\/Chagos",
"gmtOffset": 21600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+06:00",
"abbreviation": "IOT",
"tzName": "Indian Ocean Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "영국령 인도양 지역",
"pt-BR": "Território Britânico do Oceano íÍdico",
"pt": "Território Britânico do Oceano Índico",
"nl": "Britse Gebieden in de Indische Oceaan",
"hr": "Britanski Indijskooceanski teritorij",
"fa": "قلمرو بریتانیا در اقیانوس هند",
"de": "Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean",
"es": "Territorio Británico del Océano Índico",
"fr": "Territoire britannique de l'océan Indien",
"ja": "イギリス領インド洋地域",
"it": "Territorio britannico dell'oceano indiano",
"cn": "英属印度洋领地",
"tr": "Britanya Hint Okyanusu Topraklari"
"latitude": "-6.00000000",
"longitude": "71.50000000",
"emoji": "🇮🇴",
"emojiU": "U+1F1EE U+1F1F4"
"id": 33,
"name": "Brunei",
"iso3": "BRN",
"iso2": "BN",
"numeric_code": "096",
"phone_code": "673",
"capital": "Bandar Seri Begawan",
"currency": "BND",
"currency_name": "Brunei dollar",
"currency_symbol": "B$",
"tld": ".bn",
"native": "Negara Brunei Darussalam",
"region": "Asia",
"subregion": "South-Eastern Asia",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Asia\/Brunei",
"gmtOffset": 28800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+08:00",
"abbreviation": "BNT",
"tzName": "Brunei Darussalam Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "브루나이",
"pt-BR": "Brunei",
"pt": "Brunei",
"nl": "Brunei",
"hr": "Brunej",
"fa": "برونئی",
"de": "Brunei",
"es": "Brunei",
"fr": "Brunei",
"ja": "ブルネイ・ダルサラーム",
"it": "Brunei",
"cn": "文莱",
"tr": "Brunei"
"latitude": "4.50000000",
"longitude": "114.66666666",
"emoji": "🇧🇳",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E7 U+1F1F3"
"id": 34,
"name": "Bulgaria",
"iso3": "BGR",
"iso2": "BG",
"numeric_code": "100",
"phone_code": "359",
"capital": "Sofia",
"currency": "BGN",
"currency_name": "Bulgarian lev",
"currency_symbol": "Лв.",
"tld": ".bg",
"native": "България",
"region": "Europe",
"subregion": "Eastern Europe",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Europe\/Sofia",
"gmtOffset": 7200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+02:00",
"abbreviation": "EET",
"tzName": "Eastern European Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "불가리아",
"pt-BR": "Bulgária",
"pt": "Bulgária",
"nl": "Bulgarije",
"hr": "Bugarska",
"fa": "بلغارستان",
"de": "Bulgarien",
"es": "Bulgaria",
"fr": "Bulgarie",
"ja": "ブルガリア",
"it": "Bulgaria",
"cn": "保加利亚",
"tr": "Bulgaristan"
"latitude": "43.00000000",
"longitude": "25.00000000",
"emoji": "🇧🇬",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E7 U+1F1EC"
"id": 35,
"name": "Burkina Faso",
"iso3": "BFA",
"iso2": "BF",
"numeric_code": "854",
"phone_code": "226",
"capital": "Ouagadougou",
"currency": "XOF",
"currency_name": "West African CFA franc",
"currency_symbol": "CFA",
"tld": ".bf",
"native": "Burkina Faso",
"region": "Africa",
"subregion": "Western Africa",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Africa\/Ouagadougou",
"gmtOffset": 0,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC±00",
"abbreviation": "GMT",
"tzName": "Greenwich Mean Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "부르키나 파소",
"pt-BR": "Burkina Faso",
"pt": "Burquina Faso",
"nl": "Burkina Faso",
"hr": "Burkina Faso",
"fa": "بورکینافاسو",
"de": "Burkina Faso",
"es": "Burkina Faso",
"fr": "Burkina Faso",
"ja": "ブルキナファソ",
"it": "Burkina Faso",
"cn": "布基纳法索",
"tr": "Burkina Faso"
"latitude": "13.00000000",
"longitude": "-2.00000000",
"emoji": "🇧🇫",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E7 U+1F1EB"
"id": 36,
"name": "Burundi",
"iso3": "BDI",
"iso2": "BI",
"numeric_code": "108",
"phone_code": "257",
"capital": "Bujumbura",
"currency": "BIF",
"currency_name": "Burundian franc",
"currency_symbol": "FBu",
"tld": ".bi",
"native": "Burundi",
"region": "Africa",
"subregion": "Eastern Africa",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Africa\/Bujumbura",
"gmtOffset": 7200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+02:00",
"abbreviation": "CAT",
"tzName": "Central Africa Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "부룬디",
"pt-BR": "Burundi",
"pt": "Burúndi",
"nl": "Burundi",
"hr": "Burundi",
"fa": "بوروندی",
"de": "Burundi",
"es": "Burundi",
"fr": "Burundi",
"ja": "ブルンジ",
"it": "Burundi",
"cn": "布隆迪",
"tr": "Burundi"
"latitude": "-3.50000000",
"longitude": "30.00000000",
"emoji": "🇧🇮",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E7 U+1F1EE"
"id": 37,
"name": "Cambodia",
"iso3": "KHM",
"iso2": "KH",
"numeric_code": "116",
"phone_code": "855",
"capital": "Phnom Penh",
"currency": "KHR",
"currency_name": "Cambodian riel",
"currency_symbol": "KHR",
"tld": ".kh",
"native": "Kâmpŭchéa",
"region": "Asia",
"subregion": "South-Eastern Asia",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Asia\/Phnom_Penh",
"gmtOffset": 25200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+07:00",
"abbreviation": "ICT",
"tzName": "Indochina Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "캄보디아",
"pt-BR": "Camboja",
"pt": "Camboja",
"nl": "Cambodja",
"hr": "Kambodža",
"fa": "کامبوج",
"de": "Kambodscha",
"es": "Camboya",
"fr": "Cambodge",
"ja": "カンボジア",
"it": "Cambogia",
"cn": "柬埔寨",
"tr": "Kamboçya"
"latitude": "13.00000000",
"longitude": "105.00000000",
"emoji": "🇰🇭",
"emojiU": "U+1F1F0 U+1F1ED"
"id": 38,
"name": "Cameroon",
"iso3": "CMR",
"iso2": "CM",
"numeric_code": "120",
"phone_code": "237",
"capital": "Yaounde",
"currency": "XAF",
"currency_name": "Central African CFA franc",
"currency_symbol": "FCFA",
"tld": ".cm",
"native": "Cameroon",
"region": "Africa",
"subregion": "Middle Africa",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Africa\/Douala",
"gmtOffset": 3600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+01:00",
"abbreviation": "WAT",
"tzName": "West Africa Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "카메룬",
"pt-BR": "Camarões",
"pt": "Camarões",
"nl": "Kameroen",
"hr": "Kamerun",
"fa": "کامرون",
"de": "Kamerun",
"es": "Camerún",
"fr": "Cameroun",
"ja": "カメルーン",
"it": "Camerun",
"cn": "喀麦隆",
"tr": "Kamerun"
"latitude": "6.00000000",
"longitude": "12.00000000",
"emoji": "🇨🇲",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E8 U+1F1F2"
"id": 39,
"name": "Canada",
"iso3": "CAN",
"iso2": "CA",
"numeric_code": "124",
"phone_code": "1",
"capital": "Ottawa",
"currency": "CAD",
"currency_name": "Canadian dollar",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"tld": ".ca",
"native": "Canada",
"region": "Americas",
"subregion": "Northern America",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "America\/Atikokan",
"gmtOffset": -18000,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-05:00",
"abbreviation": "EST",
"tzName": "Eastern Standard Time (North America)"
"zoneName": "America\/Blanc-Sablon",
"gmtOffset": -14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-04:00",
"abbreviation": "AST",
"tzName": "Atlantic Standard Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Cambridge_Bay",
"gmtOffset": -25200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-07:00",
"abbreviation": "MST",
"tzName": "Mountain Standard Time (North America)"
"zoneName": "America\/Creston",
"gmtOffset": -25200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-07:00",
"abbreviation": "MST",
"tzName": "Mountain Standard Time (North America)"
"zoneName": "America\/Dawson",
"gmtOffset": -25200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-07:00",
"abbreviation": "MST",
"tzName": "Mountain Standard Time (North America)"
"zoneName": "America\/Dawson_Creek",
"gmtOffset": -25200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-07:00",
"abbreviation": "MST",
"tzName": "Mountain Standard Time (North America)"
"zoneName": "America\/Edmonton",
"gmtOffset": -25200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-07:00",
"abbreviation": "MST",
"tzName": "Mountain Standard Time (North America)"
"zoneName": "America\/Fort_Nelson",
"gmtOffset": -25200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-07:00",
"abbreviation": "MST",
"tzName": "Mountain Standard Time (North America)"
"zoneName": "America\/Glace_Bay",
"gmtOffset": -14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-04:00",
"abbreviation": "AST",
"tzName": "Atlantic Standard Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Goose_Bay",
"gmtOffset": -14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-04:00",
"abbreviation": "AST",
"tzName": "Atlantic Standard Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Halifax",
"gmtOffset": -14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-04:00",
"abbreviation": "AST",
"tzName": "Atlantic Standard Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Inuvik",
"gmtOffset": -25200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-07:00",
"abbreviation": "MST",
"tzName": "Mountain Standard Time (North America"
"zoneName": "America\/Iqaluit",
"gmtOffset": -18000,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-05:00",
"abbreviation": "EST",
"tzName": "Eastern Standard Time (North America"
"zoneName": "America\/Moncton",
"gmtOffset": -14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-04:00",
"abbreviation": "AST",
"tzName": "Atlantic Standard Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Nipigon",
"gmtOffset": -18000,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-05:00",
"abbreviation": "EST",
"tzName": "Eastern Standard Time (North America"
"zoneName": "America\/Pangnirtung",
"gmtOffset": -18000,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-05:00",
"abbreviation": "EST",
"tzName": "Eastern Standard Time (North America"
"zoneName": "America\/Rainy_River",
"gmtOffset": -21600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-06:00",
"abbreviation": "CST",
"tzName": "Central Standard Time (North America"
"zoneName": "America\/Rankin_Inlet",
"gmtOffset": -21600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-06:00",
"abbreviation": "CST",
"tzName": "Central Standard Time (North America"
"zoneName": "America\/Regina",
"gmtOffset": -21600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-06:00",
"abbreviation": "CST",
"tzName": "Central Standard Time (North America"
"zoneName": "America\/Resolute",
"gmtOffset": -21600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-06:00",
"abbreviation": "CST",
"tzName": "Central Standard Time (North America"
"zoneName": "America\/St_Johns",
"gmtOffset": -12600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:30",
"abbreviation": "NST",
"tzName": "Newfoundland Standard Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Swift_Current",
"gmtOffset": -21600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-06:00",
"abbreviation": "CST",
"tzName": "Central Standard Time (North America"
"zoneName": "America\/Thunder_Bay",
"gmtOffset": -18000,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-05:00",
"abbreviation": "EST",
"tzName": "Eastern Standard Time (North America"
"zoneName": "America\/Toronto",
"gmtOffset": -18000,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-05:00",
"abbreviation": "EST",
"tzName": "Eastern Standard Time (North America"
"zoneName": "America\/Vancouver",
"gmtOffset": -28800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-08:00",
"abbreviation": "PST",
"tzName": "Pacific Standard Time (North America"
"zoneName": "America\/Whitehorse",
"gmtOffset": -25200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-07:00",
"abbreviation": "MST",
"tzName": "Mountain Standard Time (North America"
"zoneName": "America\/Winnipeg",
"gmtOffset": -21600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-06:00",
"abbreviation": "CST",
"tzName": "Central Standard Time (North America"
"zoneName": "America\/Yellowknife",
"gmtOffset": -25200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-07:00",
"abbreviation": "MST",
"tzName": "Mountain Standard Time (North America"
"translations": {
"kr": "캐나다",
"pt-BR": "Canadá",
"pt": "Canadá",
"nl": "Canada",
"hr": "Kanada",
"fa": "کانادا",
"de": "Kanada",
"es": "Canadá",
"fr": "Canada",
"ja": "カナダ",
"it": "Canada",
"cn": "加拿大",
"tr": "Kanada"
"latitude": "60.00000000",
"longitude": "-95.00000000",
"emoji": "🇨🇦",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E8 U+1F1E6"
"id": 40,
"name": "Cape Verde",
"iso3": "CPV",
"iso2": "CV",
"numeric_code": "132",
"phone_code": "238",
"capital": "Praia",
"currency": "CVE",
"currency_name": "Cape Verdean escudo",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"tld": ".cv",
"native": "Cabo Verde",
"region": "Africa",
"subregion": "Western Africa",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Atlantic\/Cape_Verde",
"gmtOffset": -3600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-01:00",
"abbreviation": "CVT",
"tzName": "Cape Verde Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "카보베르데",
"pt-BR": "Cabo Verde",
"pt": "Cabo Verde",
"nl": "Kaapverdië",
"hr": "Zelenortska Republika",
"fa": "کیپ ورد",
"de": "Kap Verde",
"es": "Cabo Verde",
"fr": "Cap Vert",
"ja": "カーボベルデ",
"it": "Capo Verde",
"cn": "佛得角",
"tr": "Cabo Verde"
"latitude": "16.00000000",
"longitude": "-24.00000000",
"emoji": "🇨🇻",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E8 U+1F1FB"
"id": 41,
"name": "Cayman Islands",
"iso3": "CYM",
"iso2": "KY",
"numeric_code": "136",
"phone_code": "+1-345",
"capital": "George Town",
"currency": "KYD",
"currency_name": "Cayman Islands dollar",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"tld": ".ky",
"native": "Cayman Islands",
"region": "Americas",
"subregion": "Caribbean",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "America\/Cayman",
"gmtOffset": -18000,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-05:00",
"abbreviation": "EST",
"tzName": "Eastern Standard Time (North America"
"translations": {
"kr": "케이먼 제도",
"pt-BR": "Ilhas Cayman",
"pt": "Ilhas Caimão",
"nl": "Caymaneilanden",
"hr": "Kajmanski otoci",
"fa": "جزایر کیمن",
"de": "Kaimaninseln",
"es": "Islas Caimán",
"fr": "Îles Caïmans",
"ja": "ケイマン諸島",
"it": "Isole Cayman",
"cn": "开曼群岛",
"tr": "Cayman Adalari"
"latitude": "19.50000000",
"longitude": "-80.50000000",
"emoji": "🇰🇾",
"emojiU": "U+1F1F0 U+1F1FE"
"id": 42,
"name": "Central African Republic",
"iso3": "CAF",
"iso2": "CF",
"numeric_code": "140",
"phone_code": "236",
"capital": "Bangui",
"currency": "XAF",
"currency_name": "Central African CFA franc",
"currency_symbol": "FCFA",
"tld": ".cf",
"native": "Ködörösêse tî Bêafrîka",
"region": "Africa",
"subregion": "Middle Africa",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Africa\/Bangui",
"gmtOffset": 3600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+01:00",
"abbreviation": "WAT",
"tzName": "West Africa Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "중앙아프리카 공화국",
"pt-BR": "República Centro-Africana",
"pt": "República Centro-Africana",
"nl": "Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek",
"hr": "Srednjoafrička Republika",
"fa": "جمهوری آفریقای مرکزی",
"de": "Zentralafrikanische Republik",
"es": "República Centroafricana",
"fr": "République centrafricaine",
"ja": "中央アフリカ共和国",
"it": "Repubblica Centrafricana",
"cn": "中非",
"tr": "Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti"
"latitude": "7.00000000",
"longitude": "21.00000000",
"emoji": "🇨🇫",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E8 U+1F1EB"
"id": 43,
"name": "Chad",
"iso3": "TCD",
"iso2": "TD",
"numeric_code": "148",
"phone_code": "235",
"capital": "N'Djamena",
"currency": "XAF",
"currency_name": "Central African CFA franc",
"currency_symbol": "FCFA",
"tld": ".td",
"native": "Tchad",
"region": "Africa",
"subregion": "Middle Africa",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Africa\/Ndjamena",
"gmtOffset": 3600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+01:00",
"abbreviation": "WAT",
"tzName": "West Africa Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "차드",
"pt-BR": "Chade",
"pt": "Chade",
"nl": "Tsjaad",
"hr": "Čad",
"fa": "چاد",
"de": "Tschad",
"es": "Chad",
"fr": "Tchad",
"ja": "チャド",
"it": "Ciad",
"cn": "乍得",
"tr": "Çad"
"latitude": "15.00000000",
"longitude": "19.00000000",
"emoji": "🇹🇩",
"emojiU": "U+1F1F9 U+1F1E9"
"id": 44,
"name": "Chile",
"iso3": "CHL",
"iso2": "CL",
"numeric_code": "152",
"phone_code": "56",
"capital": "Santiago",
"currency": "CLP",
"currency_name": "Chilean peso",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"tld": ".cl",
"native": "Chile",
"region": "Americas",
"subregion": "South America",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "America\/Punta_Arenas",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "CLST",
"tzName": "Chile Summer Time"
"zoneName": "America\/Santiago",
"gmtOffset": -10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-03:00",
"abbreviation": "CLST",
"tzName": "Chile Summer Time"
"zoneName": "Pacific\/Easter",
"gmtOffset": -18000,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-05:00",
"abbreviation": "EASST",
"tzName": "Easter Island Summer Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "칠리",
"pt-BR": "Chile",
"pt": "Chile",
"nl": "Chili",
"hr": "Čile",
"fa": "شیلی",
"de": "Chile",
"es": "Chile",
"fr": "Chili",
"ja": "チリ",
"it": "Cile",
"cn": "智利",
"tr": "Şili"
"latitude": "-30.00000000",
"longitude": "-71.00000000",
"emoji": "🇨🇱",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E8 U+1F1F1"
"id": 45,
"name": "China",
"iso3": "CHN",
"iso2": "CN",
"numeric_code": "156",
"phone_code": "86",
"capital": "Beijing",
"currency": "CNY",
"currency_name": "Chinese yuan",
"currency_symbol": "¥",
"tld": ".cn",
"native": "中国",
"region": "Asia",
"subregion": "Eastern Asia",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Asia\/Shanghai",
"gmtOffset": 28800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+08:00",
"abbreviation": "CST",
"tzName": "China Standard Time"
"zoneName": "Asia\/Urumqi",
"gmtOffset": 21600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+06:00",
"abbreviation": "XJT",
"tzName": "China Standard Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "중국",
"pt-BR": "China",
"pt": "China",
"nl": "China",
"hr": "Kina",
"fa": "چین",
"de": "China",
"es": "China",
"fr": "Chine",
"ja": "中国",
"it": "Cina",
"cn": "中国",
"tr": "Çin"
"latitude": "35.00000000",
"longitude": "105.00000000",
"emoji": "🇨🇳",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E8 U+1F1F3"
"id": 46,
"name": "Christmas Island",
"iso3": "CXR",
"iso2": "CX",
"numeric_code": "162",
"phone_code": "61",
"capital": "Flying Fish Cove",
"currency": "AUD",
"currency_name": "Australian dollar",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"tld": ".cx",
"native": "Christmas Island",
"region": "Oceania",
"subregion": "Australia and New Zealand",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Indian\/Christmas",
"gmtOffset": 25200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+07:00",
"abbreviation": "CXT",
"tzName": "Christmas Island Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "크리스마스 섬",
"pt-BR": "Ilha Christmas",
"pt": "Ilha do Natal",
"nl": "Christmaseiland",
"hr": "Božićni otok",
"fa": "جزیره کریسمس",
"de": "Weihnachtsinsel",
"es": "Isla de Navidad",
"fr": "Île Christmas",
"ja": "クリスマス島",
"it": "Isola di Natale",
"cn": "圣诞岛",
"tr": "Christmas Adasi"
"latitude": "-10.50000000",
"longitude": "105.66666666",
"emoji": "🇨🇽",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E8 U+1F1FD"
"id": 47,
"name": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"iso3": "CCK",
"iso2": "CC",
"numeric_code": "166",
"phone_code": "61",
"capital": "West Island",
"currency": "AUD",
"currency_name": "Australian dollar",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"tld": ".cc",
"native": "Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"region": "Oceania",
"subregion": "Australia and New Zealand",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Indian\/Cocos",
"gmtOffset": 23400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+06:30",
"abbreviation": "CCT",
"tzName": "Cocos Islands Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "코코스 제도",
"pt-BR": "Ilhas Cocos",
"pt": "Ilhas dos Cocos",
"nl": "Cocoseilanden",
"hr": "Kokosovi Otoci",
"fa": "جزایر کوکوس",
"de": "Kokosinseln",
"es": "Islas Cocos o Islas Keeling",
"fr": "Îles Cocos",
"ja": "ココス(キーリング)諸島",
"it": "Isole Cocos e Keeling",
"cn": "科科斯(基林)群岛",
"tr": "Cocos Adalari"
"latitude": "-12.50000000",
"longitude": "96.83333333",
"emoji": "🇨🇨",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E8 U+1F1E8"
"id": 48,
"name": "Colombia",
"iso3": "COL",
"iso2": "CO",
"numeric_code": "170",
"phone_code": "57",
"capital": "Bogotá",
"currency": "COP",
"currency_name": "Colombian peso",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"tld": ".co",
"native": "Colombia",
"region": "Americas",
"subregion": "South America",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "America\/Bogota",
"gmtOffset": -18000,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-05:00",
"abbreviation": "COT",
"tzName": "Colombia Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "콜롬비아",
"pt-BR": "Colômbia",
"pt": "Colômbia",
"nl": "Colombia",
"hr": "Kolumbija",
"fa": "کلمبیا",
"de": "Kolumbien",
"es": "Colombia",
"fr": "Colombie",
"ja": "コロンビア",
"it": "Colombia",
"cn": "哥伦比亚",
"tr": "Kolombiya"
"latitude": "4.00000000",
"longitude": "-72.00000000",
"emoji": "🇨🇴",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E8 U+1F1F4"
"id": 49,
"name": "Comoros",
"iso3": "COM",
"iso2": "KM",
"numeric_code": "174",
"phone_code": "269",
"capital": "Moroni",
"currency": "KMF",
"currency_name": "Comorian franc",
"currency_symbol": "CF",
"tld": ".km",
"native": "Komori",
"region": "Africa",
"subregion": "Eastern Africa",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Indian\/Comoro",
"gmtOffset": 10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+03:00",
"abbreviation": "EAT",
"tzName": "East Africa Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "코모로",
"pt-BR": "Comores",
"pt": "Comores",
"nl": "Comoren",
"hr": "Komori",
"fa": "کومور",
"de": "Union der Komoren",
"es": "Comoras",
"fr": "Comores",
"ja": "コモロ",
"it": "Comore",
"cn": "科摩罗",
"tr": "Komorlar"
"latitude": "-12.16666666",
"longitude": "44.25000000",
"emoji": "🇰🇲",
"emojiU": "U+1F1F0 U+1F1F2"
"id": 50,
"name": "Congo",
"iso3": "COG",
"iso2": "CG",
"numeric_code": "178",
"phone_code": "242",
"capital": "Brazzaville",
"currency": "XAF",
"currency_name": "Central African CFA franc",
"currency_symbol": "FC",
"tld": ".cg",
"native": "République du Congo",
"region": "Africa",
"subregion": "Middle Africa",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Africa\/Brazzaville",
"gmtOffset": 3600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+01:00",
"abbreviation": "WAT",
"tzName": "West Africa Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "콩고",
"pt-BR": "Congo",
"pt": "Congo",
"nl": "Congo [Republiek]",
"hr": "Kongo",
"fa": "کنگو",
"de": "Kongo",
"es": "Congo",
"fr": "Congo",
"ja": "コンゴ共和国",
"it": "Congo",
"cn": "刚果",
"tr": "Kongo"
"latitude": "-1.00000000",
"longitude": "15.00000000",
"emoji": "🇨🇬",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E8 U+1F1EC"
"id": 52,
"name": "Cook Islands",
"iso3": "COK",
"iso2": "CK",
"numeric_code": "184",
"phone_code": "682",
"capital": "Avarua",
"currency": "NZD",
"currency_name": "Cook Islands dollar",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"tld": ".ck",
"native": "Cook Islands",
"region": "Oceania",
"subregion": "Polynesia",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Pacific\/Rarotonga",
"gmtOffset": -36000,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-10:00",
"abbreviation": "CKT",
"tzName": "Cook Island Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "쿡 제도",
"pt-BR": "Ilhas Cook",
"pt": "Ilhas Cook",
"nl": "Cookeilanden",
"hr": "Cookovo Otočje",
"fa": "جزایر کوک",
"de": "Cookinseln",
"es": "Islas Cook",
"fr": "Îles Cook",
"ja": "クック諸島",
"it": "Isole Cook",
"cn": "库克群岛",
"tr": "Cook Adalari"
"latitude": "-21.23333333",
"longitude": "-159.76666666",
"emoji": "🇨🇰",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E8 U+1F1F0"
"id": 53,
"name": "Costa Rica",
"iso3": "CRI",
"iso2": "CR",
"numeric_code": "188",
"phone_code": "506",
"capital": "San Jose",
"currency": "CRC",
"currency_name": "Costa Rican colón",
"currency_symbol": "₡",
"tld": ".cr",
"native": "Costa Rica",
"region": "Americas",
"subregion": "Central America",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "America\/Costa_Rica",
"gmtOffset": -21600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-06:00",
"abbreviation": "CST",
"tzName": "Central Standard Time (North America"
"translations": {
"kr": "코스타리카",
"pt-BR": "Costa Rica",
"pt": "Costa Rica",
"nl": "Costa Rica",
"hr": "Kostarika",
"fa": "کاستاریکا",
"de": "Costa Rica",
"es": "Costa Rica",
"fr": "Costa Rica",
"ja": "コスタリカ",
"it": "Costa Rica",
"cn": "哥斯达黎加",
"tr": "Kosta Rika"
"latitude": "10.00000000",
"longitude": "-84.00000000",
"emoji": "🇨🇷",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E8 U+1F1F7"
"id": 54,
"name": "Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)",
"iso3": "CIV",
"iso2": "CI",
"numeric_code": "384",
"phone_code": "225",
"capital": "Yamoussoukro",
"currency": "XOF",
"currency_name": "West African CFA franc",
"currency_symbol": "CFA",
"tld": ".ci",
"native": null,
"region": "Africa",
"subregion": "Western Africa",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Africa\/Abidjan",
"gmtOffset": 0,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC±00",
"abbreviation": "GMT",
"tzName": "Greenwich Mean Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "코트디부아르",
"pt-BR": "Costa do Marfim",
"pt": "Costa do Marfim",
"nl": "Ivoorkust",
"hr": "Obala Bjelokosti",
"fa": "ساحل عاج",
"de": "Elfenbeinküste",
"es": "Costa de Marfil",
"fr": "Côte d'Ivoire",
"ja": "コートジボワール",
"it": "Costa D'Avorio",
"cn": "科特迪瓦",
"tr": "Kotdivuar"
"latitude": "8.00000000",
"longitude": "-5.00000000",
"emoji": "🇨🇮",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E8 U+1F1EE"
"id": 55,
"name": "Croatia",
"iso3": "HRV",
"iso2": "HR",
"numeric_code": "191",
"phone_code": "385",
"capital": "Zagreb",
"currency": "HRK",
"currency_name": "Croatian kuna",
"currency_symbol": "kn",
"tld": ".hr",
"native": "Hrvatska",
"region": "Europe",
"subregion": "Southern Europe",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Europe\/Zagreb",
"gmtOffset": 3600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+01:00",
"abbreviation": "CET",
"tzName": "Central European Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "크로아티아",
"pt-BR": "Croácia",
"pt": "Croácia",
"nl": "Kroatië",
"hr": "Hrvatska",
"fa": "کرواسی",
"de": "Kroatien",
"es": "Croacia",
"fr": "Croatie",
"ja": "クロアチア",
"it": "Croazia",
"cn": "克罗地亚",
"tr": "Hirvatistan"
"latitude": "45.16666666",
"longitude": "15.50000000",
"emoji": "🇭🇷",
"emojiU": "U+1F1ED U+1F1F7"
"id": 56,
"name": "Cuba",
"iso3": "CUB",
"iso2": "CU",
"numeric_code": "192",
"phone_code": "53",
"capital": "Havana",
"currency": "CUP",
"currency_name": "Cuban peso",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"tld": ".cu",
"native": "Cuba",
"region": "Americas",
"subregion": "Caribbean",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "America\/Havana",
"gmtOffset": -18000,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-05:00",
"abbreviation": "CST",
"tzName": "Cuba Standard Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "쿠바",
"pt-BR": "Cuba",
"pt": "Cuba",
"nl": "Cuba",
"hr": "Kuba",
"fa": "کوبا",
"de": "Kuba",
"es": "Cuba",
"fr": "Cuba",
"ja": "キューバ",
"it": "Cuba",
"cn": "古巴",
"tr": "Küba"
"latitude": "21.50000000",
"longitude": "-80.00000000",
"emoji": "🇨🇺",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E8 U+1F1FA"
"id": 249,
"name": "Curaçao",
"iso3": "CUW",
"iso2": "CW",
"numeric_code": "531",
"phone_code": "599",
"capital": "Willemstad",
"currency": "ANG",
"currency_name": "Netherlands Antillean guilder",
"currency_symbol": "ƒ",
"tld": ".cw",
"native": "Curaçao",
"region": "Americas",
"subregion": "Caribbean",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "America\/Curacao",
"gmtOffset": -14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-04:00",
"abbreviation": "AST",
"tzName": "Atlantic Standard Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "퀴라소",
"pt-BR": "Curaçao",
"pt": "Curaçao",
"nl": "Curaçao",
"fa": "کوراسائو",
"de": "Curaçao",
"fr": "Curaçao",
"it": "Curaçao",
"cn": "库拉索",
"tr": "Curaçao"
"latitude": "12.11666700",
"longitude": "-68.93333300",
"emoji": "🇨🇼",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E8 U+1F1FC"
"id": 57,
"name": "Cyprus",
"iso3": "CYP",
"iso2": "CY",
"numeric_code": "196",
"phone_code": "357",
"capital": "Nicosia",
"currency": "EUR",
"currency_name": "Euro",
"currency_symbol": "€",
"tld": ".cy",
"native": "Κύπρος",
"region": "Europe",
"subregion": "Southern Europe",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Asia\/Famagusta",
"gmtOffset": 7200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+02:00",
"abbreviation": "EET",
"tzName": "Eastern European Time"
"zoneName": "Asia\/Nicosia",
"gmtOffset": 7200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+02:00",
"abbreviation": "EET",
"tzName": "Eastern European Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "키프로스",
"pt-BR": "Chipre",
"pt": "Chipre",
"nl": "Cyprus",
"hr": "Cipar",
"fa": "قبرس",
"de": "Zypern",
"es": "Chipre",
"fr": "Chypre",
"ja": "キプロス",
"it": "Cipro",
"cn": "塞浦路斯",
"tr": "Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti"
"latitude": "35.00000000",
"longitude": "33.00000000",
"emoji": "🇨🇾",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E8 U+1F1FE"
"id": 58,
"name": "Czech Republic",
"iso3": "CZE",
"iso2": "CZ",
"numeric_code": "203",
"phone_code": "420",
"capital": "Prague",
"currency": "CZK",
"currency_name": "Czech koruna",
"currency_symbol": "Kč",
"tld": ".cz",
"native": "Česká republika",
"region": "Europe",
"subregion": "Eastern Europe",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Europe\/Prague",
"gmtOffset": 3600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+01:00",
"abbreviation": "CET",
"tzName": "Central European Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "체코",
"pt-BR": "República Tcheca",
"pt": "República Checa",
"nl": "Tsjechië",
"hr": "Češka",
"fa": "جمهوری چک",
"de": "Tschechische Republik",
"es": "República Checa",
"fr": "République tchèque",
"ja": "チェコ",
"it": "Repubblica Ceca",
"cn": "捷克",
"tr": "Çekya"
"latitude": "49.75000000",
"longitude": "15.50000000",
"emoji": "🇨🇿",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E8 U+1F1FF"
"id": 51,
"name": "Democratic Republic of the Congo",
"iso3": "COD",
"iso2": "CD",
"numeric_code": "180",
"phone_code": "243",
"capital": "Kinshasa",
"currency": "CDF",
"currency_name": "Congolese Franc",
"currency_symbol": "FC",
"tld": ".cd",
"native": "République démocratique du Congo",
"region": "Africa",
"subregion": "Middle Africa",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Africa\/Kinshasa",
"gmtOffset": 3600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+01:00",
"abbreviation": "WAT",
"tzName": "West Africa Time"
"zoneName": "Africa\/Lubumbashi",
"gmtOffset": 7200,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+02:00",
"abbreviation": "CAT",
"tzName": "Central Africa Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "콩고 민주 공화국",
"pt-BR": "RD Congo",
"pt": "RD Congo",
"nl": "Congo [DRC]",
"hr": "Kongo, Demokratska Republika",
"fa": "جمهوری کنگو",
"de": "Kongo (Dem. Rep.)",
"es": "Congo (Rep. Dem.)",
"fr": "Congo (Rép. dém.)",
"ja": "コンゴ民主共和国",
"it": "Congo (Rep. Dem.)",
"cn": "刚果(金)",
"tr": "Kongo Demokratik Cumhuriyeti"
"latitude": "0.00000000",
"longitude": "25.00000000",
"emoji": "🇨🇩",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E8 U+1F1E9"
"id": 59,
"name": "Denmark",
"iso3": "DNK",
"iso2": "DK",
"numeric_code": "208",
"phone_code": "45",
"capital": "Copenhagen",
"currency": "DKK",
"currency_name": "Danish krone",
"currency_symbol": "Kr.",
"tld": ".dk",
"native": "Danmark",
"region": "Europe",
"subregion": "Northern Europe",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Europe\/Copenhagen",
"gmtOffset": 3600,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+01:00",
"abbreviation": "CET",
"tzName": "Central European Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "덴마크",
"pt-BR": "Dinamarca",
"pt": "Dinamarca",
"nl": "Denemarken",
"hr": "Danska",
"fa": "دانمارک",
"de": "Dänemark",
"es": "Dinamarca",
"fr": "Danemark",
"ja": "デンマーク",
"it": "Danimarca",
"cn": "丹麦",
"tr": "Danimarka"
"latitude": "56.00000000",
"longitude": "10.00000000",
"emoji": "🇩🇰",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E9 U+1F1F0"
"id": 60,
"name": "Djibouti",
"iso3": "DJI",
"iso2": "DJ",
"numeric_code": "262",
"phone_code": "253",
"capital": "Djibouti",
"currency": "DJF",
"currency_name": "Djiboutian franc",
"currency_symbol": "Fdj",
"tld": ".dj",
"native": "Djibouti",
"region": "Africa",
"subregion": "Eastern Africa",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Africa\/Djibouti",
"gmtOffset": 10800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+03:00",
"abbreviation": "EAT",
"tzName": "East Africa Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "지부티",
"pt-BR": "Djibuti",
"pt": "Djibuti",
"nl": "Djibouti",
"hr": "Džibuti",
"fa": "جیبوتی",
"de": "Dschibuti",
"es": "Yibuti",
"fr": "Djibouti",
"ja": "ジブチ",
"it": "Gibuti",
"cn": "吉布提",
"tr": "Cibuti"
"latitude": "11.50000000",
"longitude": "43.00000000",
"emoji": "🇩🇯",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E9 U+1F1EF"
"id": 61,
"name": "Dominica",
"iso3": "DMA",
"iso2": "DM",
"numeric_code": "212",
"phone_code": "+1-767",
"capital": "Roseau",
"currency": "XCD",
"currency_name": "Eastern Caribbean dollar",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"tld": ".dm",
"native": "Dominica",
"region": "Americas",
"subregion": "Caribbean",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "America\/Dominica",
"gmtOffset": -14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-04:00",
"abbreviation": "AST",
"tzName": "Atlantic Standard Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "도미니카 연방",
"pt-BR": "Dominica",
"pt": "Dominica",
"nl": "Dominica",
"hr": "Dominika",
"fa": "دومینیکا",
"de": "Dominica",
"es": "Dominica",
"fr": "Dominique",
"ja": "ドミニカ国",
"it": "Dominica",
"cn": "多米尼加",
"tr": "Dominika"
"latitude": "15.41666666",
"longitude": "-61.33333333",
"emoji": "🇩🇲",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E9 U+1F1F2"
"id": 62,
"name": "Dominican Republic",
"iso3": "DOM",
"iso2": "DO",
"numeric_code": "214",
"phone_code": "+1-809 and 1-829",
"capital": "Santo Domingo",
"currency": "DOP",
"currency_name": "Dominican peso",
"currency_symbol": "$",
"tld": ".do",
"native": "República Dominicana",
"region": "Americas",
"subregion": "Caribbean",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "America\/Santo_Domingo",
"gmtOffset": -14400,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC-04:00",
"abbreviation": "AST",
"tzName": "Atlantic Standard Time"
"translations": {
"kr": "도미니카 공화국",
"pt-BR": "República Dominicana",
"pt": "República Dominicana",
"nl": "Dominicaanse Republiek",
"hr": "Dominikanska Republika",
"fa": "جمهوری دومینیکن",
"de": "Dominikanische Republik",
"es": "República Dominicana",
"fr": "République dominicaine",
"ja": "ドミニカ共和国",
"it": "Repubblica Dominicana",
"cn": "多明尼加共和国",
"tr": "Dominik Cumhuriyeti"
"latitude": "19.00000000",
"longitude": "-70.66666666",
"emoji": "🇩🇴",
"emojiU": "U+1F1E9 U+1F1F4"