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Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
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Playing around with some different implementations of a clumping algorithm in Scala.
This is my first attempt at implementing clumping – once with folding,
once with iterators. Clumping is what I've called grouping elements by
an arbitrary function on them, much like groupBy, but preserving their order.
e.g. [a,a,b,a,a,a].clump == [[a,a],[b],[a,a,a]]
I'm just getting into functional programming, so this might have a different name.
While the folding method is more "functionally" and concise, I'm not certain
it provides the same laziness as the iterator one.
I'm not sure exactly what calling view on an iterable does. I imagine it's unnecessary,
and foldLeft will be lazy if the source iterable is lazy (a stream, view, or iterator).
I have not verified this however.
I'm not convinced the latter is that much more reasonable though.
As long as span() doesn't evaluate the second term of the returned tuple,
it is much more obvious that it is lazy.
class FoldingClumpingIterable[T](src: Iterable[T]) {
def clump[K](k: (T) => K): Iterable[List[T]] = src.view.foldLeft(List[List[T]]()) {
(clumps: List[List[T]], e: T) => clumps match {
// Non-initial clump
case init :+ prevClump => prevClump match {
// Current item belongs in current clump
case s :: _ if k(s) == k(e) => init :+ (prevClump :+ e)
// Current item belongs in new clump
case _ => clumps :+ List(e)
// Initial clump
case _ => List(List(e))
class IteratorClumpingIterable[T](src: Iterable[T]) {
def clump[K](k: (T) => K): Iterable[List[T]] = new Iterable[List[T]] {
override def iterator = new Iterator[List[T]] {
var it = src.iterator.buffered
// Think of this like a while loop in a Pythonic generator
override def next(): List[T] = {
val clumpKey = k(it.head)
// Span partitions by (p == true, p == false)
val (clump, newIt) = it.span(e => k(e) == clumpKey)
it = newIt.buffered
override def hasNext: Boolean = it.hasNext
val testList = List(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5)
val clumpedList = List(List(1, 1), List(2, 2), List(3, 3), List(4, 4, 4), List(5, 5, 5))
val foldTestList = new FoldingClumpingIterable(testList)
foldTestList.clump(e => e)
assert(foldTestList.clump(e => e).toList == clumpedList)
foldTestList.clump(e => e).take(3).toList
val itrTestList = new IteratorClumpingIterable(testList)
itrTestList.clump(e => e)
assert(itrTestList.clump(e => e).toList == clumpedList)
itrTestList.clump(e => e).take(3).toList
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