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Last active August 20, 2021 16:39
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Helper methods to build select clauses for Kotlin coroutines
package com.zachklipp.coroutines
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.DisposableHandle
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.intrinsics.startCoroutineCancellable
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.selects.SelectClause0
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.selects.SelectClause1
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.selects.SelectClause2
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.selects.SelectInstance
* Builds a clause that can be used in a select statement.
* Example:
* ```
* val Button.onClick: SelectClause0
* get() = buildNoArgSelectClause { builder ->
* val listener = View.OnClickListener { builder.trySelectMeAndResume() }
* builder.invokeOnSelection { setOnClickListener(null) }
* setOnClickListener(listener)
* }
* ```
* @see buildSelectClauseWithOutput
* @see buildSelectClauseWithInputAndOutput
inline fun buildNoArgSelectClause(
crossinline builderBlock: (NoArgSelectClauseBuilder<*>) -> Unit
): SelectClause0 = object : SelectClause0 {
override fun <R> registerSelectClause0(
select: SelectInstance<R>,
block: suspend () -> R
) {
// Short circuit if a previously-registered clause has synchronously selected itself.
if (select.isSelected) return
builderBlock(NoArgSelectClauseBuilder(select, block))
* Builds a select clause that selects on a value of type `Q`.
* Example:
* ```
* val TextView.onTextChanged: SelectClause1
* get() = buildSelectClauseWithOutput { builder ->
* val listener = object : TextWatcher {
* override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) {
* builder.trySelectMeAndResume()
* }
* // Other methods are no-ops and omitted for brevity.
* }
* builder.invokeOnSelection { removeTextChangedListener(listener) }
* addTextChangedListener(listener)
* }
* ```
* @see buildNoArgSelectClause
* @see buildSelectClauseWithInputAndOutput
inline fun <Q> buildSelectClauseWithOutput(
crossinline builderBlock: (SelectClauseWithOutputBuilder<Q, *>) -> Unit
): SelectClause1<Q> = object : SelectClause1<Q> {
override fun <R> registerSelectClause1(
select: SelectInstance<R>,
block: suspend (Q) -> R
) {
// Short circuit if a previously-registered clause has synchronously selected itself.
if (select.isSelected) return
builderBlock(SelectClauseWithOutputBuilder(select, block))
* Builds a select clause that operates on a value of type `P` and selects on a value of type `Q`.
* @see buildNoArgSelectClause
* @see buildSelectClauseWithOutput
inline fun <P, Q> buildSelectClauseWithInputAndOutput(
crossinline builderBlock: (param: P, SelectClauseWithOutputBuilder<Q, *>) -> Unit
): SelectClause2<P, Q> = object : SelectClause2<P, Q> {
override fun <R> registerSelectClause2(
select: SelectInstance<R>,
param: P,
block: suspend (Q) -> R
) {
// Short circuit if a previously-registered clause has synchronously selected itself.
if (select.isSelected) return
builderBlock(param, SelectClauseWithOutputBuilder(select, block))
class NoArgSelectClauseBuilder<R>(
@PublishedApi internal val select: SelectInstance<R>,
@PublishedApi internal val block: suspend () -> R
) {
* Attempts to mark this clause as the selected one, and if successful, resume the continuation.
* @param idempotenceKey An arbitrary value that will be used to ensure idempotence somehow – not
* entirely sure exactly how this is used or in what case there could be a race.
* @param onThisClauseSelected Invoked if this clause won the race, before resuming the
* continuation.
inline fun trySelectMeAndResume(
idempotenceKey: Any? = null,
onThisClauseSelected: () -> Unit = {}
) {
if (select.trySelect(idempotenceKey)) {
* Registers a block to run when _any_ clause is selected and the continuation can be resumed.
* `block` is invoked whether or not this particular clause was the one that got selected.
inline fun invokeOnSelection(crossinline block: () -> Unit) {
select.disposeOnSelect(object : DisposableHandle {
override fun dispose() {
class SelectClauseWithOutputBuilder<in Q, R>(
@PublishedApi internal val select: SelectInstance<R>,
@PublishedApi internal val block: suspend (Q) -> R
) {
* Attempts to mark this clause as the selected one, and if successful, resume the continuation.
* @param value The selected value that will be passed to the block associated with this clause.
* @param idempotenceKey An arbitrary value that will be used to ensure idempotence somehow – not
* entirely sure exactly how this is used or in what case there could be a race.
* @param onThisClauseSelected Invoked if this clause won the race, before resuming the
* continuation.
inline fun trySelectMeAndResume(
value: Q,
idempotenceKey: Any? = null,
onThisClauseSelected: () -> Unit = {}
) {
if (select.trySelect(idempotenceKey)) {
block.startCoroutineCancellable(value, select.completion)
* Registers a block to run when _any_ clause is selected and the continuation can be resumed.
* `block` is invoked whether or not this particular clause was the one that got selected.
inline fun invokeOnSelection(crossinline block: () -> Unit) {
select.disposeOnSelect(object : DisposableHandle {
override fun dispose() {
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