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Created June 17, 2018 20:26
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import sys
import requests, bs4
import json
from collections import namedtuple
JishoSentence = namedtuple('JishoSentence', ['jp', 'en'])
JishoLookup = namedtuple('JishoLookup', ['json', 'sentences'])
def ac_text(action, params):
json_ins = None
if isinstance(params, dict):
json_ins = ', "params": ' + json.dumps(params)
elif params == None:
json_ins = ''
json_ins = ', "params": {' + params + '}'
return '{{ "action": "{}", "version": 6{} }} '.format(action, json_ins)
def ac_request(action, params, to_json=True):
Sends a request to AnkiConnect.
The result of the request, as a dictionary.
res = ac_text(action, params)
res ='http://localhost:8765', res)
if not res.status_code == 200:
print('Error connecting to AnkiConnect: {}'.format(res.status_code), file=sys.stderr)
return json.loads(res.text) if to_json else res
request_queue = []
def ac_batch(action, params):
global request_queue
request_queue.append(ac_text(action, params))
def ac_flush():
global request_queue
ac_request("multi", {"actions": request_queue})
def jisho_fetch(term):
Fetch information from Jisho for a specific word.
# First get its dictionary entry.
jisho = json.loads(requests.get('{}'.format(term)).text)
if len(jisho['data']) > 0:
jisho = jisho['data'][0]
return None
# We scrape the webpage because the Jisho API doesn't give sentences yet.
r = requests.get('{} %23sentences'.format(term))
if not r.status_code == 200:
print('Error fetching Jisho results: {}'.format(r.status_code), file=sys.stderr)
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
sentences = []
for sentence_content in soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'sentence_content'}):
sentence_jp = sentence_content.find('ul', {'class': 'japanese_sentence'})
for f in sentence_jp.find_all('span', {'class': 'furigana'}):
# Strip furigana from sentence.
sentence_en = sentence_content.find('div', {'class': 'english_sentence'}).find('span', {'class': 'english'})
sentences.append(JishoSentence(sentence_jp.text.strip(), sentence_en.text.strip()))
return JishoLookup(jisho, sentences)
if (len(sys.argv) > 2 and sys.argv[1] == '-d'):
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
print('--- JSON ---')
print(json.dumps(ac_request(sys.argv[2], None if len(sys.argv) < 4 else sys.argv[3])))
notesInDeck = ac_request('findNotes', {'query': 'deck:"JP::KKLC Vocab"'})
notes_info = ac_request('notesInfo', { 'notes': notesInDeck['result'] })
for n in notes_info['result']:
n = n['fields']
jisho = jisho_fetch(n['Word']['value'].split('(')[0])
req_add = {
"note": {
"deckName": "KKLCNew",
"modelName": "KKLCNewNote",
"fields": {
"word": n['Word']['value'],
"reading": n['Reading']['value'],
"meaning": n['Meaning']['value'],
"kanji_index": n['Kanji index']['value']
"tags": [ ]
if not jisho == None:
req_add['note']['fields']['sentence_jp-1'] = jisho.sentences[0].jp if len(jisho.sentences) > 1 else ""
req_add['note']['fields']['sentence_en-1'] = jisho.sentences[0].en if len(jisho.sentences) > 1 else ""
for i in range(1, 5 + 1):
idx_sentence_jp = 'sentence_jp-{}'.format(i)
idx_sentence_en = 'sentence_en-{}'.format(i)
if jisho == None or len(jisho.sentences) < i:
req_add['note']['fields'][idx_sentence_jp] = ""
req_add['note']['fields'][idx_sentence_en] = ""
req_add['note']['fields'][idx_sentence_jp] = jisho.sentences[i - 1].jp
req_add['note']['fields'][idx_sentence_en] = jisho.sentences[i - 1].en
ac_request('addNote', req_add)
# vim: set ft=python
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