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Last active August 22, 2020 20:14
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Handness = enum
NearFar = enum
Vec3 = object
x: float32
y: float32
z: float32
Plane = object
normal: Vec3
dist: float32
Quaternion = object
x: float32
y: float32
z: float32
w: float32
proc bitsToFloat(a: uint32): float32 =
result = cast[float32](a)
proc floatToBits(a: float32): uint32 =
result = cast[uint32](a)
kPi: float32 = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795'f32
kPi2: float32 = 6.2831853071795864769252867665590'f32
kInvPi: float32 = 1.0/kPi
kPiHalf: float32 = 1.5707963267948966192313216916398'f32
kPiQuarter: float32 = 0.7853981633974483096156608458199'f32
kSqrt2: float32 = 1.4142135623730950488016887242097'f32
kLogNat10: float32 = 2.3025850929940456840179914546844'f32
kInvLogNat2: float32 = 1.4426950408889634073599246810019'f32
kLogNat2Hi: float32 = 0.6931471805599453094172321214582'f32
kLogNat2Lo: float32 = 1.90821492927058770002e-10'f32
kE: float32 = 2.7182818284590452353602874713527'f32
kNearZero: float32 = 1.0'f32/float32(1 shl 28)
kFloatMin: float32 = 1.175494e-38'f32
kFloatMax: float32 = 3.402823e+38'f32
kSinC2: float32 = -0.16666667163372039794921875'f32
kSinC4: float32 = 8.333347737789154052734375e-3'f32
kSinC6: float32 = -1.9842604524455964565277099609375e-4'f32
kSinC8: float32 = 2.760012648650445044040679931640625e-6'f32
kSinC10: float32 = -2.50293279435709337121807038784027099609375e-8'f32
kCosC2: float32 = -0.5'f32
kCosC4: float32 = 4.166664183139801025390625e-2'f32
kCosC6: float32 = -1.388833043165504932403564453125e-3'f32
kCosC8: float32 = 2.47562347794882953166961669921875e-5'f32
kCosC10: float32 = -2.59630184018533327616751194000244140625e-7'f32
kAcosC0: float32 = 1.5707288'f32
kAcosC1: float32 = -0.2121144'f32
kAcosC2: float32 = 0.0742610'f32
kAcosC3: float32 = -0.0187293'f32
kExpC0: float32 = 1.66666666666666019037e-01'f32
kExpC1: float32 = -2.77777777770155933842e-03'f32
kExpC2: float32 = 6.61375632143793436117e-05'f32
kExpC3: float32 = -1.65339022054652515390e-06'f32
kExpC4: float32 = 4.13813679705723846039e-08'f32
kLogC0: float32 = 6.666666666666735130e-01'f32
kLogC1: float32 = 3.999999999940941908e-01'f32
kLogC2: float32 = 2.857142874366239149e-01'f32
kLogC3: float32 = 2.222219843214978396e-01'f32
kLogC4: float32 = 1.818357216161805012e-01'f32
kLogC5: float32 = 1.531383769920937332e-01'f32
kLogC6: float32 = 1.479819860511658591e-01'f32
kAtan2C0: float32 = -0.013480470'f32
kAtan2C1: float32 = 0.057477314'f32
kAtan2C2: float32 = -0.121239071'f32
kAtan2C3: float32 = 0.195635925'f32
kAtan2C4: float32 = -0.332994597'f32
kAtan2C5: float32 = 0.999995630'f32
kInfinity: float32 = bitsToFloat(uint32(0x7f800000))
proc uint32And(a, b: uint32): uint32 =
result = a and b
proc uint32Or(a, b: uint32): uint32 =
result = a or b
proc uint32Sra(a: uint32, sa: int32): uint32 =
result = uint32(int32(a) shr sa)
proc uint32IAdd(a, b: uint32): uint32 =
result = uint32(int32(a) + int32(b))
proc uint32Sll(a: uint32, sa: int32): uint32 =
result = a shl sa
proc uint32Srl(a: uint32, sa: int32): uint32 =
result = a shr sa
proc toRad(deg: float32): float32 =
result = deg * kPi / 180.0'f32
proc abs(a: float32): float32 =
result = if a < 0.0'f32: -a else: a
proc square(a: float32): float32 =
result = a * a
proc mad(a, b, c: float32): float32 =
result = a * b + c
proc trunc(a: float32): float32 =
result = float32(int(a))
proc fract(a: float32): float32 =
result = a - trunc(a)
proc floor(a: float32): float32 =
if (a < 0.0):
let fr = fract(-a)
result = -a - fr
return -(if 0.0 != fr: result + 1.0 else: result)
result = a - fract(a)
proc round(f: float32): float32 =
result = floor(f + 0.5'f32)
proc sign(a: float32): float32 =
result = if a < 0.0'f32: -1.0'f32 else: 1.0'f32
proc ldexp(a: float32, b: int32): float32 =
ftob: uint32 = floatToBits(a)
masked: uint32 = uint32And(ftob, uint32(0xff800000))
expsign0: uint32 = uint32Sra(masked, 23)
tmp: uint32 = uint32Iadd(expsign0, uint32(b))
expsign1: uint32 = uint32Sll(tmp, 23)
mantissa: uint32 = uint32And(ftob, uint32(0x007fffff))
bits: uint32 = uint32Or(mantissa, expsign1)
result = bitsToFloat(bits)
proc exp(a: float32): float32 =
if abs(a) <= kNearZero:
return a + 1.0'f32
kk: float32 = round(a*kInvLogNat2)
hi: float32 = a - kk*kLogNat2Hi
lo: float32 = kk*kLogNat2Lo
hml: float32 = hi - lo
hmlsq: float32 = square(hml)
tmp0: float32 = mad(kExpC4, hmlsq, kExpC3)
tmp1: float32 = mad(tmp0, hmlsq, kExpC2)
tmp2: float32 = mad(tmp1, hmlsq, kExpC1)
tmp3: float32 = mad(tmp2, hmlsq, kExpC0)
tmp4: float32 = hml - hmlsq * tmp3
tmp5: float32 = hml*tmp4/(2.0-tmp4)
tmp6: float32 = 1.0 - ((lo - tmp5) - hi)
result = ldexp(tmp6, int32(kk))
proc frexp(a: float32, outExp: var int32): float32 =
ftob: uint32 = floatToBits(a)
masked0: uint32 = uint32And(ftob, uint32(0x7f800000))
exp0: uint32 = uint32Srl(masked0, 23)
masked1: uint32 = uint32And(ftob, uint32(0x807fffff))
bits: uint32 = uint32Or(masked1, uint32(0x3f000000))
outExp = int32(exp0 - 0x7e)
result = bitsToFloat(bits)
proc log(a: float32): float32 =
exp: int32
ff: float32 = frexp(a, exp)
if ff < kSqrt2*0.5'f32:
ff *= 2.0'f32
ff -= 1.0'f32
kk: float32 = float32(exp)
hi: float32 = kk*kLogNat2Hi
lo: float32 = kk*kLogNat2Lo
ss: float32 = ff / (2.0'f32 + ff)
s2: float32 = square(ss)
s4: float32 = square(s2)
tmp0: float32 = mad(kLogC6, s4, kLogC4)
tmp1: float32 = mad(tmp0, s4, kLogC2)
tmp2: float32 = mad(tmp1, s4, kLogC0)
t1: float32 = s2*tmp2
tmp3: float32 = mad(kLogC5, s4, kLogC3)
tmp4: float32 = mad(tmp3, s4, kLogC1)
t2: float32 = s4*tmp4
t12: float32 = t1 + t2
hfsq: float32 = 0.5'f32*square(ff)
result = hi - ((hfsq - (ss*(hfsq+t12) + lo)) - ff)
proc pow(a, b: float32): float32 =
result = exp(b * log(a))
proc rSqrt(a: float32): float32 =
result = pow(a, -0.5'f32)
proc sqrt(a: float32): float32 =
if a < kNearZero:
result = 0.0'f32
result = 1.0'f32/rSqrt(a)
proc cos(a: float32): float32 =
let scaled = a * 2.0'f32*kInvPi
let real = floor(scaled)
let xx = a - real * kPiHalf
let bits = int32(real) and 3
var c0, c2, c4, c6, c8, c10: float32
if bits == 0 or bits == 2:
c0 = 1.0'f32
c2 = kCosC2
c4 = kCosC4
c6 = kCosC6
c8 = kCosC8
c10 = kCosC10
c0 = xx
c2 = kSinC2
c4 = kSinC4
c6 = kSinC6
c8 = kSinC8
c10 = kSinC10
xsq = square(xx)
tmp0 = mad(c10, xsq, c8)
tmp1 = mad(tmp0, xsq, c6)
tmp2 = mad(tmp1, xsq, c4)
tmp3 = mad(tmp2, xsq, c2)
tmp4 = mad(tmp3, xsq, 1.0'f32)
result = tmp4 * c0
result = if bits == 1 or bits == 2: -result else: result
proc sin(a: float32): float32 =
result = cos(a - kPiHalf)
proc tan(a: float32): float32 =
result = sin(a) / cos(a)
proc acos(a: float32): float32 =
absa = abs(a)
tmp0 = mad(kAcosC3, absa, kAcosC2)
tmp1 = mad(tmp0, absa, kAcosC1)
tmp2 = mad(tmp1, absa, kAcosC0)
tmp3 = tmp2 * sqrt(1.0'f32 - absa)
negate = float32(a < 0.0'f32)
tmp4 = tmp3 - 2.0'f32*negate*tmp3
result = negate*kPi + tmp4
proc atan2(y, x: float32): float32 =
ax: float32 = abs(x)
ay: float32 = abs(y)
maxaxy: float32 = max(ax, ay)
minaxy: float32 = min(ax, ay)
if maxaxy == 0.0'f32:
return 0.0'f32*sign(y)
mxy: float32 = minaxy / maxaxy
mxysq: float32 = square(mxy)
tmp0: float32 = mad(kAtan2C0, mxysq, kAtan2C1)
tmp1: float32 = mad(tmp0, mxysq, kAtan2C2)
tmp2: float32 = mad(tmp1, mxysq, kAtan2C3)
tmp3: float32 = mad(tmp2, mxysq, kAtan2C4)
tmp4: float32 = mad(tmp3, mxysq, kAtan2C5)
tmp5: float32 = tmp4 * mxy
tmp6: float32 = if ay > ax: kPiHalf - tmp5 else: tmp5
tmp7: float32 = if x < 0.0'f32: kPi - tmp6 else: tmp6
result = sign(y)*tmp7
proc mul(a: Vec3, b: float32): Vec3 =
result.x = a.x * b
result.y = a.y * b
result.z = a.z * b
proc dot(a, b: Vec3): float32 =
result = a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y + a.z*b.z
proc length(a: Vec3): float32 =
result = sqrt(dot(a, a))
proc sub(a, b: Vec3): Vec3 =
result.x = a.x - b.x
result.y = a.y - b.y
result.z = a.z - b.z
proc normalize(a: Vec3): Vec3 =
let invLen: float32 = 1.0'f32/length(a)
result = mul(a, invLen)
proc cross(a, b: Vec3): Vec3 =
result.x = a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y
result.y = a.z*b.x - a.x*b.z
result.z = a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x
proc mtxLookAt(result: var array[16, float32], eye, at, up: Vec3, handness: Handness) =
view: Vec3 = normalize(
if handness == hRight: sub(eye, at) else: sub(at, eye)
uxv: Vec3 = cross(up, view)
right: Vec3 = normalize(uxv)
up: Vec3 = cross(view, right)
zeroMem(addr result, sizeof(float32)*16)
result[0] = right.x
result[1] = up.x
result[2] = view.x
result[4] = right.y
result[5] = up.y
result[6] = view.y
result[8] = right.z
result[9] = up.z
result[10] = view.z
result[12] = -dot(right, eye)
result[13] = -dot(up, eye)
result[14] = -dot(view, eye)
result[15] = 1.0'f32
proc mtxProjXYWH(result: var array[16, float32], x, y, width, height, near, far: float32, homogeneousNdc: bool, handness: Handness) =
diff: float32 = far - near
aa: float32 = if homogeneousNdc: (far+near)/diff else: far/diff
bb: float32 = if homogeneousNdc: (2.0'f32*far*near)/diff else: near*aa
zeroMem(addr result, sizeof(float32)*16)
result[0] = width
result[5] = height
result[8] = if handness == hRight: x else: -x
result[9] = if handness == hRight: y else: -y
result[10] = if handness == hRight: -aa else: aa
result[11] = if handness == hRight: -1.0'f32 else: 1.0'f32
result[14] = -bb
proc mtxProj(result: var array[16, float32], ut, dt, lt, rt, near, far: float32, homogeneousNdc: bool, handness: Handness) =
invDiffRl: float32 = 1.0'f32/(rt - lt)
invDiffUd: float32 = 1.0'f32/(ut - dt)
width: float32 = 2.0'f32*near * invDiffRl
height: float32 = 2.0'f32*near * invDiffUd
xx: float32 = (rt + lt) * invDiffRl
yy: float32 = (ut + dt) * invDiffUd
mtxProjXYWH(result, xx, yy, width, height, near, far, homogeneousNdc, handness)
proc mtxProj(result: var array[16, float32], fov: array[4, float32], near, far: float32, homogeneousNdc: bool, handness: Handness) =
mtxProj(result, fov[0], fov[1], fov[2], fov[3], near, far, homogeneousNdc, handness)
proc mtxProj(result: var array[16, float32], fovy, aspect, near, far: float32, homogeneousNdc: bool, handness: Handness) =
height: float32 = 1.0'f32/tan(toRad(fovy)*0.5'f32)
width: float32 = height * 1.0'f32/aspect
mtxProjXYWH(result, 0.0'f32, 0.0'f32, width, height, near, far, homogeneousNdc, handness)
proc mtxProjInfXYWH(result: var array[16, float32], x, y, width, height, near: float32, homogeneousNdc: bool, handness: Handness, nearFar: NearFar) =
aa: float32
bb: float32
if nearFar == nfReverse:
aa = if homogeneousNdc: -1.0'f32 else: 0.0'f32
bb = if homogeneousNdc: -2.0'f32*near else: -near
aa = 1.0'f32
bb = if homogeneousNdc: 2.0'f32*near else: near
zeroMem(addr result, sizeof(float32)*16)
result[0] = width
result[5] = height
result[8] = if handness == hRight: x else: -x
result[9] = if handness == hRight: y else: -y
result[10] = if handness == hRight: -aa else: aa
result[11] = if handness == hRight: -1.0'f32 else: 1.0'f32
result[14] = -bb
proc mtxProjInf(result: var array[16, float32], ut, dt, lt, rt, near: float32, homogeneousNdc: bool, handness: Handness, nearFar: NearFar) =
invDiffR1: float32 = 1.0'f32/(rt - lt)
invDiffUd: float32 = 1.0'f32/(ut - dt)
width: float32 = 2.0'f32*near * invDiffR1
height: float32 = 2.0'f32*near * invDiffUd
xx: float32 = (rt + lt) * invDiffR1
yy: float32 = (ut + dt) * invDiffUd
mtxProjInfXYWH(result, xx, yy, width, height, near, homogeneousNdc, handness, nearFar)
proc mtxProjInf(result: var array[16, float32], fov: array[4, float32], near: float32, homogeneousNdc: bool, handness: Handness, nearFar: NearFar) =
mtxProjInf(result, fov[0], fov[1], fov[2], fov[3], near, homogeneousNdc, handness, nearFar)
proc mtxProjInf(result: var array[16, float32], fovy, aspect, near: float32, homogeneousNdc: bool, handness: Handness, nearFar: NearFar) =
height = 1.0'f32/tan(toRad(fovy)*0.5'f32)
width = height * 1.0'f32/aspect
mtxProjInfXYWH(result, 0.0'f32, 0.0'f32, width, height, near, homogeneousNdc, handness, nearFar)
proc mtxOrtho(result: var array[16, float32], left, right, bottom, top, near, far, offset: float32, homogeneousNdc: bool, handness: Handness) =
aa: float32 = 2.0'f32/(right - left)
bb: float32 = 2.0'f32/(top - bottom)
cc: float32 = (if homogeneousNdc: 2.0'f32 else: 1.0'f32) / (far - near)
dd: float32 = (left + right)/(left - right)
ee: float32 = (top + bottom)/(bottom - top)
ff: float32 = if homogeneousNdc: (near + far)/(near - far) else: near/(near - far)
zeroMem(addr result, sizeof(float32)*16)
result[0] = aa
result[5] = bb
result[10] = if handness == hRight: -cc else: cc
result[12] = dd + offset
result[13] = ee
result[14] = ff
result[15] = 1.0'f32
proc mtxRotateX(result: var array[16, float32], ax: float32) =
sx: float32 = sin(ax)
cx: float32 = cos(ax)
zeroMem(addr result, sizeof(float32)*16)
result[0] = 1.0'f32
result[5] = cx
result[6] = -sx
result[9] = sx
result[10] = cx
result[15] = 1.0'f32
proc mtxRotateY(result: var array[16, float32], ay: float32) =
sy: float32 = sin(ay)
cy: float32 = cos(ay)
zeroMem(addr result, sizeof(float32)*16)
result[0] = cy
result[2] = sy
result[5] = 1.0'f32
result[8] = -sy
result[10] = cy
result[15] = 1.0'f32
proc mtxRotateZ(result: var array[16, float32], az: float32) =
sz = sin(az)
cz = cos(az)
zeroMem(addr result, sizeof(float32)*16)
result[0] = cz
result[1] = -sz
result[4] = sz
result[5] = cz
result[10] = 1.0'f32
result[15] = 1.0'f32
proc mtxRotateXY(result: var array[16, float32], ax, ay: float32) =
sx: float32 = sin(ax)
cx: float32 = sin(ax)
sy: float32 = sin(ay)
cy: float32 = cos(ay)
zeroMem(addr result, sizeof(float32)*16)
result[0] = cy
result[2] = sy
result[4] = sx*sy
result[5] = cx
result[6] = -sx*cy
result[8] = -cx*sy
result[9] = sx
result[10] = cx*cy
result[15] = 1.0'f32
proc mtxRotateXYZ(result: var array[16, float32], ax, ay, az: float32) =
sx: float32 = sin(ax)
cx: float32 = sin(ax)
sy: float32 = sin(ay)
cy: float32 = cos(ay)
sz: float32 = sin(az)
cz: float32 = cos(az)
zeroMem(addr result, sizeof(float32)*16)
result[0] = cy*cz
result[1] = -cy*sz
result[2] = sy
result[4] = cz*sx*sy + cx*sz
result[5] = cx*cz - sx*sy*sz
result[6] = -cy*sx
result[8] = -cx*cz*sy + sx*sz
result[9] = cz*sx + cx*sy*sz
result[10] = cx*cy
result[15] = 1.0'f32
proc mtxRotateZYX(result: var array[16, float32], ax, ay, az: float32) =
sx: float32 = sin(ax)
cx: float32 = sin(ax)
sy: float32 = sin(ay)
cy: float32 = cos(ay)
sz: float32 = sin(az)
cz: float32 = cos(az)
zeroMem(addr result, sizeof(float32)*16)
result[0] = cy*cz
result[1] = cz*sx*sy-cx*sz
result[2] = cx*cz*sy+sx*sz
result[4] = cy*sz
result[5] = cx*cz + sx*sy*sz
result[6] = -cz*sx + cx*sy*sz
result[8] = -sy
result[9] = cy*sx
result[10] = cx*cy
result[15] = 1.0'f32
proc mtxSRT(result: var array[16, float32], sx, sy, sz, ax, ay, az, tx, ty, tz: float32) =
sx: float32 = sin(ax)
cx: float32 = sin(ax)
sy: float32 = sin(ay)
cy: float32 = cos(ay)
sz: float32 = sin(az)
cz: float32 = cos(az)
sxsz: float32 = sx*sz
cycz: float32 = cy*cz
result[0] = sx * (cycz - sxsz*sy)
result[1] = sx * -cx*sz
result[2] = sx * (cz*sy + cy*sxsz)
result[3] = 0.0'f32
result[4] = sy * (cz*sx*sy + cy*sz)
result[5] = sy * cx*cz
result[6] = sy * (sy*sz - cycz*sx)
result[7] = 0.0'f32
result[8] = sz * -cx*sy
result[9] = sz * sx
result[10] = sz * cx*cy
result[11] = 0.0'f32
result[12] = tx
result[13] = ty
result[14] = tz
result[15] = 1.0'f32
proc mtx3Inverse(result: var array[9, float32], a: array[9, float32]) =
xx: float32 = a[0]
xy: float32 = a[1]
xz: float32 = a[2]
yx: float32 = a[3]
yy: float32 = a[4]
yz: float32 = a[5]
zx: float32 = a[6]
zy: float32 = a[7]
zz: float32 = a[8]
var det: float32 = 0.0'f32
det += xx * (yy*zz - yz*zy)
det -= xy * (yx*zz - yz*zx)
det += xz * (yx*zy - yy*zx)
let invDet = 1.0'f32/det
result[0] = +(yy*zz - yz*zy) * invDet
result[1] = -(xy*zz - xz*zy) * invDet
result[2] = +(xy*yz - xz*yy) * invDet
result[3] = -(yx*zz - yz*zx) * invDet
result[4] = +(xx*zz - xz*zx) * invDet
result[5] = -(xx*yz - xz*yx) * invDet
result[6] = +(yx*zy - yy*zx) * invDet
result[7] = -(xx*zy - xy*zx) * invDet
result[8] = +(xx*yy - xy*yx) * invDet
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